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Android needs to market to females

Now I'm curious about these male geek-oriented ads...I never saw any (don't watch much TV). I went with Android after a few months of research on the Web into competing platforms - it was the ease of file transfer (for ebooks) and the openness of the OS that tipped the balance. And yes, I'm female.:)

PS. Nobody I know in real life has an Android phone. There's one man at work with an iPhone though. I work in a technical field (molecular biology), but that doesn't necessarily dispose people to gadget-geekery. Perhaps it takes a special gene, just not on the Y chromosome!
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I've been talking about this for quite some time now and COMPLETELY agree. I don't see many females going "OMG I want an Android!"

I actually did the first time I got a look at one.

it's not a woman's phone because it's not simple like the iPhone .....thankfully

I'm not sure if you were trying to imply that women are simple or that we just like simple things. Either way, you obviously don't know women. We are far more complicated than men, anyone with a wife, girlfriend or even a sister can tell you that.

Oh please stop being such a feminist most women don't give a care for specs they mostly want something small and cute and you know it. This is partial to the reason why companies market to mainly men because we are mainly the ones setting up tents and other crap like that just for a gadget release. Blackberry's are considered "cute" for girls and sidekicks as well because they are small and fit in their purse or whatever the simple fact that they are smart phones may just be a coincidence. Most people like blackberry's for their keyboard not exactly their OS or the hardware(other than the keyboard). Look at these blogs mainly men. Sure you may be one in the million women that actually care about the OS but MOST don't. I am not going to say women are simple minded but most women definitely are not near as up to date with technology than men.

Maybe thats just in the USA but its true.

What is wrong with being a feminist? You might want to understand the word before you attempt to use it as a negative. Your generalizations are pretty narrow minded and sad. I would suggest getting to know more women or maybe just smarter women. I would never consider a Blackberry as cute and I don't know too many women that do...even in pink. As far as being up to date with technology, I think you would be surprised. Most of the women I know are pretty tech savvy.

Well now we know why geeks don't get the girls.....

Some of us get girls. :p

Some good points in here. I think the key, as someone mentioned, is that Google needs to advertise the OS. Let the phones advertise themselves in their own individual ways. The OS ads could just tout the freedom and customization options the OS provides, maybe mention the apps, etc. And the end of the ad could mention something like "available on all these phones" with some panoramic shot. I dunno, just spitballing.

And yeah the ads suck here as they do in Australia. They need to up the ante.

I couldn't agree more. The OS is the amazing part and needs to be shown off as an OS and not just a part of a phone.

once everyone calms down and thinks rationally u will realize that women in general do not like playing with technological gadgets like men do, has nothing to do with being stupid, it's just a difference between men and women. sure, there are exceptions, but how often do you see a woman getting exited over a new 64" LED TV and sitting with the remote trying every setting and adjustment just to see what it can do?

LOL, I do that with everything I buy.

Just wanted to throw this out there, gadgets have always historically been a guy thing... I mean, walk into a best buy and head to the home theatre section. You'll see tons of guys drooling over hdtv's, and very little women unless they are in tow with the men. That's just the way things are...and ways of thinking take a long time to change.

Now please don't jump on me here, this is just an accurate representation of what things historically are.

Tapatalk. Samsung Moment. Yep.

Some "gadgets" are made just for girls. :p;)
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I've been talking about this for quite some time now and COMPLETELY agree. I don't see many females going "OMG I want an Android!"

I disagree... My girlfriend has an iPhone and her contract is up in a couple of months and she said she wants to come over to Android. I think it comes down more to the actual phones than the commercials. She wants the Incredible or the Evo4, for the phones first, and secondly the OS.

Either way, I'll take it. Not the biggest Apple fan.. (as I listen to my iPod Touch at work...)
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Wow....there is so much wrong with this thread in regards to my fellow male geeks, it makes me very very disappointed in them...

First, never....ever...make a generalization about females and technology. Not only is it grossly inaccurate, but it only causes harm by reinforcing a gender stereotype that needed to be removed.

Secondly, I have seen first hand in many workplaces where the females were the 'Go to' people for a variety of things. Strangely, I see more female developers than male. *shrug*


Are you completely insane? There is NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING more sexy and incredibly fun than a female geek. While sometimes a bit competitive (not as much as the female gamers, but..) there is something to be said about a female that not only lets you stay up late to 'do just one more thing' on the computer, but understands it...even shares that passion with you.

I should know...I'm dating one now.... *evin grin*
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Pfff some Girls love blackberries, they can't love android any less. A lot my friends that are girls have android phones, at least the cheap ones. And the iPhone doesn't really market to girls any more than android, just housewives who aren't issued a corporate blackberry. Plus who do think buys all those pink Droid cases?
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Thank you, sir. I would be one of them. There are ALOT of women that do actually. That said, I dont mind the commercials. Who cares how they market it? Chances are if a girl is into tech, she would have already known about android anyways. What they need to do if they want to market to females who like gadgets is make less masculine devices. Eris is pretty feminine, Moto droid is pretty masculine. Just an example. Nexus One is quite feminine aswell.

2FR35H, you cant generalize a whole population. It just doesnt work. So when you try to massively generalize all girls, all youre accomplishing is making yourself seem ignorant.

I didn't generalize ALL girls I simply stated what I see and I basically said MOST girls aren't into to being tech savvy. Nothing ignorant about stating what is seen to be true.

Hah! Silly mistake of me. Pink android, "We" in the post. It was slapping me in the face and I still ignored it :p

My apologies. Good to see more girls around the forums!

One more thing; alot of my girlfriends have android phones and alot of my male friends have dumb phones. Funny, huh? Not really. Interest depends on individual not gender.

Droids or Mytouch? Regardless you all seem to think I am saying that girls don't like android? correct? A lot of miscommunication is apparent if so.

I never said anything was dependent on gender I was just stating what I have come to find true. You can not tell me that most girls in the USA care for specs sure they may have android phones but that just proves that they were interested in an android phone not necessarily for specs. Most people don't even buy for specs most buys because of popularity I also have found this to be true when my friends would gloat about owning an iPhone and boasting about the apps and whatever else.

Try and debunk any of this. I'm telling no lies. Its all true.

lmao, you are either very young and immature, or very old and out of date.

Most women want something small and cute? I'm trying to hold back from just calling your post stupid. I will not do that, but man are you so wrong.

I respect your choice to not call my post stupid but as well you haven't proved me wrong.
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To all and everyone before I continue to reply I mean not to offend so take no offense but i understand if you do and sincerely apologize for being offensive however like I previously said I am just speaking on what I have come to find true over the days, years, and months. It may not match all of the statistics or it may regardless it is what I PERSONALLY come to find true through living out my life.
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What is wrong with being a feminist? You might want to understand the word before you attempt to use it as a negative. Your generalizations are pretty narrow minded and sad. I would suggest getting to know more women or maybe just smarter women. I would never consider a Blackberry as cute and I don't know too many women that do...even in pink. As far as being up to date with technology, I think you would be surprised. Most of the women I know are pretty tech savvy.

I was going to point that out in my post, but decided it wasnt worth my time.

2FR35H, stop while you can. Youre not making yourself seem anymore credible, and technically this discussion is offtopic. I only argue with people who are at least remotely intelligent in the topic they are discussing. You have proved quite the opposite of this, not just because of the content of your posts, but also just the fact that you dont seem to even know what a generalization is (or what feminism is lol). If you wait a little bit, I am sure someone else in the thread will gladly point out the contradictions in your posts.
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I am not saying nor did I say or imply women are incapable of being technological geniuses.


I personally don't care if you choose to argue or not if you do cool if not cool. I am just speaking from what I have seen and if you want to debate and possibly change my mind i am all ears if not then you are just wasting mine and your time.
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What is wrong with being a feminist? You might want to understand the word before you attempt to use it as a negative. Your generalizations are pretty narrow minded and sad. I would suggest getting to know more women or maybe just smarter women. I would never consider a Blackberry as cute and I don't know too many women that do...even in pink. As far as being up to date with technology, I think you would be surprised. Most of the women I know are pretty tech savvy.

I do understand the word and of course nothing is wrong with being one but going all women can do this and that is unnecessary, its a given. I already know women are capable of doing the same things as men and I wasn't saying they can't is why I used it in a somewhat negative format. I know a lot of women and smart women at that but most are not in the technical field as a matter of fact only ONE girl out of the many are in a technical field for college(I know you are prolly gonna say oh haha "many" yeah right or some bs along those lines but I do). The only people I have known to have any blackberry were girls and believe it or not they have because they considered it "cute" and one because it was the only good phone tmobile had to offer at the time. Call my generalizations sad or whatever but that is what I have seen personally and most likely that won't change unless they do start getting all up with it but that is HIGHLY unlikely with the girls I know.
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I do understand the word and of course nothing is wrong with being one but going all women can do this and that is unnecessary, its a given. I already know women are capable of doing the same things as men and I wasn't saying they can't is why I used it in a somewhat negative format. I know a lot of women and smart women at that but most are not in the technical field as a matter of fact only ONE girl out of the many are in a technical field for college(I know you are prolly gonna say oh haha "many" yeah right or some bs along those lines but I do). The only people I have known to have any blackberry were girls and believe it or not they have because they considered it "cute" and one because it was the only good phone tmobile had to offer at the time. Call my generalizations sad or whatever but that is what I have seen personally and most likely that won't change unless they do start getting all up with it but that is HIGHLY unlikely with the girls I know.

So you're making generalizations based on what you see, which is a small number of the women on the planet.

Is it ok for me to say that just about every woman is tech-savvy since that's what I see on a daily basis? As I said earlier, I work in an IT Department and we're primarily female here.

Generalizations are bad. Yes, less women do go into tech-related fields, but I can't say that I blame them! Going into a male-dominated field is hard and women often face a lot of sexism in doing so. Being one of the employees may involve being "just one of the guys" but why should a woman change just to "fit in?" It's the workplaces that have to change and adapt to the fact that hey, guess what, women work now! It's not 1950 and we're not going to be smiling housewives in heels and a skirt unless we want to. There's really a number of things at stake here, but the "male" office environment in many male-dominated fields makes it difficult for women to get into those career paths and climb the ladder to the top.
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