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Android needs to market to females

I think the new trend with smaller smartphones will attract more female customers. Sony Ericsson's X10 Mini seems to get a better female response here than previous Android phones and there are more small ones coming.
So you're making generalizations based on what you see, which is a small number of the women on the planet.

Is it ok for me to say that just about every woman is tech-savvy since that's what I see on a daily basis? As I said earlier, I work in an IT Department and we're primarily female here.

Generalizations are bad. Yes, less women do go into tech-related fields, but I can't say that I blame them! Going into a male-dominated field is hard and women often face a lot of sexism in doing so. Being one of the employees may involve being "just one of the guys" but why should a woman change just to "fit in?" It's the workplaces that have to change and adapt to the fact that hey, guess what, women work now! It's not 1950 and we're not going to be smiling housewives in heels and a skirt unless we want to. There's really a number of things at stake here, but the "male" office environment in many male-dominated fields makes it difficult for women to get into those career paths and climb the ladder to the top.

Of course its not okay but I would understand the claim as to why you would think that and generalizations are generally disagreeable for the fact that they are only true to an extent and other times way off. Surely generalizations do more harm than good. However in regards to the lack of females in tech or IT I do blame on themselves like you said its not the 1950's. the only limitations are the ones you set for yourself. A woman should change to fit the mold that she wants thats is if she is serious about it and same goes for men. You have to change who you are to reach the top. Every field is difficult to get into to reach the top if you think about it. Although I used a generalization myself I disagree with them especially the "its too difficult because its male dominated" generalization. The difficulty lies within your drive to achieve the top.
I do understand the word and of course nothing is wrong with being one but going all women can do this and that is unnecessary, its a given. I already know women are capable of doing the same things as men and I wasn't saying they can't is why I used it in a somewhat negative format. I know a lot of women and smart women at that but most are not in the technical field as a matter of fact only ONE girl out of the many are in a technical field for college(I know you are prolly gonna say oh haha "many" yeah right or some bs along those lines but I do). The only people I have known to have any blackberry were girls and believe it or not they have because they considered it "cute" and one because it was the only good phone tmobile had to offer at the time. Call my generalizations sad or whatever but that is what I have seen personally and most likely that won't change unless they do start getting all up with it but that is HIGHLY unlikely with the girls I know.

I am seriously not trying to take the thread in "that" direction, but I actually don't think that you really understand it. Not trying to put you down, I don't think that many people understand it if they aren't involved with it. It isn't only about equality or saying a woman can do anything that a man can do, which isn't true btw there are physical limitations on both sides. Feminism is more about a woman's ability to have control over self and the ability to choose her own destiny. In many ways it is simply saying that a woman without a man is still a human being, which wasn't always the case and still isn't in many places. If you really want to know more, you should read up on it. It is a fascinating subject and I'm not just saying that because I'm female.
Do you think we'll see the Android marketing mature a bit into a more gender neutral advertising style? Right now it seems like the commercials for Android phones are all robotic-y, digital-y, "cool"... from a techy guy's (myself) perspective.

They should shift into a new advertising style that appeals to the masses a bit better. Ya?
I see the ads as very gender-neutral. I'm not sure why you associate 'robotic' and 'digital' with masculinity, but I know more females with Android phones than males (2:1 ratio, actually).

I think Android is growing into the mainstream nicely, thanks to Verizon's constant advertising. I feel most casual individuals (the group the commercials speak to) couldn't care less about depth, but rather what they find 'neat' enough to warrant a trip to a store to check one out...this goes for both males and females.

Now at first glance of the thread topic, I thought you were referring to apps in the market, in which case I'd say yes, its pretty obvious which gender it leans towards (if one wants to use that as direct indication, anyway).
Wow....there is so much wrong with this thread in regards to my fellow male geeks, it makes me very very disappointed in them...

First, never....ever...make a generalization about females and technology. Not only is it grossly inaccurate, but it only causes harm by reinforcing a gender stereotype that needed to be removed.

Secondly, I have seen first hand in many workplaces where the females were the 'Go to' people for a variety of things. Strangely, I see more female developers than male. *shrug*


Are you completely insane? There is NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING more sexy and incredibly fun than a female geek. While sometimes a bit competitive (not as much as the female gamers, but..) there is something to be said about a female that not only lets you stay up late to 'do just one more thing' on the computer, but understands it...even shares that passion with you.

I should know...I'm dating one now.... *evin grin*

Ok I have to throw this in. Gender stereotypes are reinforced because of things like this...

2 years back, my fiance's friends car wouldn't start. So we truck on over just to find out the battery was dead. No biggie. We pull out the jumper cables and she asks, "what's wrong with my car?" We said the battery is dead...

She then replied, "there's a battery in a car?" ....

No joke, and she was 100% serious. Needless to say me and the guys had a good laugh about this one.

Tapatalk. Samsung Moment. Yep.
Ok I have to throw this in. Gender stereotypes are reinforced because of things like this...

2 years back, my fiance's friends car wouldn't start. So we truck on over just to find out the battery was dead. No biggie. We pull out the jumper cables and she asks, "what's wrong with my car?" We said the battery is dead...

She then replied, "there's a battery in a car?" ....

No joke, and she was 100% serious. Needless to say me and the guys had a good laugh about this one.

Tapatalk. Samsung Moment. Yep.

Wow... that is kind of sad lol. not the whats wrong with my car part but the not knowing that there is a battery in the car part. How does anyone not know that?
I am seriously not trying to take the thread in "that" direction, but I actually don't think that you really understand it. Not trying to put you down, I don't think that many people understand it if they aren't involved with it. It isn't only about equality or saying a woman can do anything that a man can do, which isn't true btw there are physical limitations on both sides. Feminism is more about a woman's ability to have control over self and the ability to choose her own destiny. In many ways it is simply saying that a woman without a man is still a human being, which wasn't always the case and still isn't in many places. If you really want to know more, you should read up on it. It is a fascinating subject and I'm not just saying that because I'm female.

I do understand that but as well does that not fall within the lines that I said previously? as in equality? That stating women are equal to men and such?
2FR35H, this is a battle you're not going to win buddy.

10 years of marriage has schooled me well .... just let it go. :D
once everyone calms down and thinks rationally u will realize that women in general do not like playing with technological gadgets like men do, has nothing to do with being stupid, it's just a difference between men and women. sure, there are exceptions, but how often do you see a woman getting exited over a new 64" LED TV and sitting with the remote trying every setting and adjustment just to see what it can do?

You mean like my high school friend who is now a VP at a company and is the only person I know who has a 55" 3d TV?

You are CLUELESS, quit while you are behind.
I feel like everyone is making generalizations of the other sex based on select individuals. I guarantee every girl I know is aware that there is a battery in a car. If women used the same basis to generalize men, they could say the same thing. We all know men who don't know the least bit about technology. These people are present in both sexes.

I will say that compared to the number of tech savvy women, there are more men. It may not be by a significant amount, but there are more. This because because the women are less intellectual, though. There are gender stereotypes placed on both sexes which have a huge influence on what people choose to educate themselves about. It's like, many think every guy should be able to change their tire. I mean, come on, we're men, right? Some women have just been told that their husband will change it for them.

As the times change, so do these stereotypes. They are becoming less and less prevalent and hopefully will soon become extinct. I'd love to have my wife fix the surround sound while I sit back watching the game.
I do understand that but as well does that not fall within the lines that I said previously? as in equality? That stating women are equal to men and such?

It goes a little beyond that, but I will concede that you get the general idea. ;) I also don't want this to turn into a full on lecture about feminism and such. :D
OK let's change the subject around. Android should appeal to those who are more visually-oriented and not interested in specs and its hi-tech aspect.
Samsung is doing that by showing how Android can benefit you in your daily life with concrete examples without reference to robots (Droid) or some abstract concept of being 'first' and the 'latest' (EVO).
common, everyone knows a woman's place


Kidding!!!! ....don't shoot me! ...help!! :D
OK let's change the subject around. Android should appeal to those who are more visually-oriented and not interested in specs and its hi-tech aspect.
Samsung is doing that by showing how Android can benefit you in your daily life with concrete examples without reference to robots (Droid) or some abstract concept of being 'first' and the 'latest' (EVO).

MyTouch Commercial and Recently the Garminfone already do this. Robots are Verizon's thing. T-mobile is more of what you want if you ask for how it affects your life type of commercials.
Seeing straight white boys prattle on about how they "understand" feminism is hilarious. It's also nice to see how many of you people still think sexist jokes are so witty and clever.

It's okay, children. I'm sure one day you'll grow up. That or die, in which case nothing of value will have been lost.
I am so sorry to have to agree with some of these posts. Not a single one of my friends who are female, know

1) Anything about computers or technology or how they work etc
2) Have heard of Android
3) Look at tech specs when buying a device

I am NOT trying to say woman are not capable, I have just never met one who cared.

To me this is very saddening. This shows the tech side demographics, out of all the computing classes in our college, we have one girl.
BTW Caustic, good for your grandma, I know mine can't even work out what a charger is used for, or why she must keep the answering phone plugged in :P
Seeing straight white boys prattle on about how they "understand" feminism is hilarious. It's also nice to see how many of you people still think sexist jokes are so witty and clever.

It's okay, children. I'm sure one day you'll grow up. That or die, in which case nothing of value will have been lost.

Lol what are you racist? and no I am not white not that it would matter in any case. Grow up. Either way subject changed so drop it.
Seeing straight white boys prattle on about how they "understand" feminism is hilarious. It's also nice to see how many of you people still think sexist jokes are so witty and clever.

It's okay, children. I'm sure one day you'll grow up. That or die, in which case nothing of value will have been lost.

So my race and sexuality affect my views of feminism? If anything, white people are ahead of the times compared to many other countries where women are still bound to the kitchen. That was a pretty pointless judgement on your part. How do you know our sexuality and race anyways?

As for the sexist jokes, I find them amusing. Do I believe they have any merit? No, they're not the least bit truthful. That doesn't mean I can't get a chuckle from them.
If anything, white people are ahead of the times compared to many other countries where women are still bound to the kitchen.


As for the sexist jokes, I find them amusing. Do I believe they have any merit? No, they're not the least bit truthful. That doesn't mean I can't get a chuckle from them.

Yes, finding sexist jokes amusing is a great mark of maturity.
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