one of the basic differences between christianity and islam is how the bible and qu'ran tell believers how to treat non-believers. In christianity, god says to make all of the world believers, and if they do not convert don't worry about it because god will judge them when they die someday. In islam, god says to make all of the world believers, and if they do not convert kill them.
In christianity, god says that man does not have the wisdom to judge or be executioner. Those jobs are left to god, and god alone. In islam, god says that man has the ability to do both......which is why extreme punishments are so common in the muslim world.
In regards to the end of the world, in christianity god says to live each day as though it were your last so that when that day comes god will save you. The anti-christ will come regardless of what man does, so be prepared for those hard times. In islam, it is a muslim's responsibility to usher in the islam version of the anti-christ. It is the muslim's job to bring about the end of the world, so that a world under alla can be born. Basically, clean out the trash. With the invention of nuclear weapons and other mass scale weapon technology, they just might try to take it that far.
Another glaring difference is that islam isn't just a religion but a form of government/society as well. This basic fundamental makes it incompatible with our country/government. Christianity (along with most other forms of religion) is a religion and not a form of government which is what makes it (as well as most other religions) compatible with this country which is founded on it's government (read: People) and not a single religion. I'm tolerant of any religion as long as one of it's fundamental properties isn't the death of this country at any cost. It also teaches that there is only one way and those who don't believe are to be given an chance to convert or face death. This also applies to these supposed muslims who "don't practice that way" or whatever they want to say. It teaches lying in the face of your enemy when asked of your faith if it furthers islam. Other religions state that you maintain your faith even in the face of death. The qu'ran teaches that there is no surrender unless it's your own. So surrender works if your loss is eminent. Yet if your enemy surrenders they are to be given no quarter, only the option to convert or die. This is the real qu'ran and those who say they don't do these 'extremist' things are actually kafir (loosely translated to infidel) and in the eyes of islam are to be treated the same as christians and other non-believers. People say it is a religion of peace which is true... So long as the entire world is under the nation of islam. Until then there can be no peace and it's very explicit about this.
Islam and the united states are like oil and water and those trying to stir the pot to mix them up don't understand either one.
I don't even know why i'm wasting my time when it's pretty clear that this thread is filled with people who don't have the first clue what it is their talking about or disgusted with. Just a bunch of people who parrot something they heard as if it were fact w/o researching any of it themselves. No wonder this country is so damn doomed. Get a clue idiots and try to do some thinking for yourself. It's amazing what you learn when you're not just mindlessly repeating what some stupid hollywood actor said.