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Any Gun owners out there?

Got a new holster for my G26:


I have been using pretty much the same holster for the past year, but wanted to get one with fuller coverage on the backside to keep the gun's slide off my belly, and figured I might as well try out a (removable) mag caddy while I was at it.

I love this holster. It's a comfortable IWB with excellent retention and concealment wherever you want to stick it. Works great for appendix carry!

Nice looking holster. I'm not familiar with their products. Thanks for the link and recommendation. I'll add them to my list. I ordered a holster from Crossbreed Tuesday for my newly purchased P320 mentioned a few posts back. I've never used any of their holsters before either. I've used Galco in the past. They don't make a holster for my new Sig so I had to shop elsewhere. I might be wishing your post was last week lol.
Nice looking holster. I'm not familiar with their products. Thanks for the link and recommendation. I'll add them to my list. I ordered a holster from Crossbreed Tuesday for my newly purchased P320 mentioned a few posts back. I've never used any of their holsters before either. I've used Galco in the past. They don't make a holster for my new Sig so I had to shop elsewhere. I might be wishing your post was last week lol.

I don't think you'll be disappointed with the Crossbreed. I've got two of their Supertuck IWBs for my full-size handguns. They're ugly, but very comfortable and effective. I probably would have gotten one of them for the Glock as well but I wanted to try out the appendix carry and I got hooked!
I don't think you'll be disappointed with the Crossbreed. I've got two of their Supertuck IWBs for my full-size handguns. They're ugly, but very comfortable and effective. I probably would have gotten one of them for the Glock as well but I wanted to try out the appendix carry and I got hooked!

The Crossbreed I ordered looks just like the King Tuk that I like from Galco. It's very comfortable.. kidney carry. I've never tried the appendix carry. I'd like to try that sometime. I was going to ask you if that's a mag in your jeans lol. That's something else I've not carried.. an extra mag on my belt. When/if I feel the possible need, I have an extra in my pocket. That is rarely handy.
XDM or XDS techie? My son has a XDS 9 and loves it. I have the same gun in 45 and it's not my favorite. A lot of caliber in s small gun. Shoots well and easily carried, it's just not fun to spend an hour at the range with. I've never shot the XDM but it's a great looking gun and I hear that it's a good shooter.
I think those are the newer models. Mine is simply the XD9, http://www.springfield-armory.com/xd-series/ . At the time,I believe it was 2010, the Glocks were on a huge backorder so I got this instead. I like it. I have very small hands and have no trouble spending an hour with her on the range, though I do switch to other guns some too in that time.

Don't laugh! My deep concealment gun, if I ever feel that I'll need it. https://northamericanarms.com/product-category/firearms/22-long-rifle. A cop I know carries this in a cigarette pack in his shirt pocket as his back up. Mine is the NAA-22LLR.

It may be of interest that I also have a Mauser Karbiner '98 that was picked up by a relative in WWI, he was a tank commander. It still has the secret codes and Nazi symbols on it. I don't shoot it, though it can,I just find it historically significant.
I was going to ask you if that's a mag in your jeans lol. That's something else I've not carried.. an extra mag on my belt. When/if I feel the possible need, I have an extra in my pocket. That is rarely handy.

Yeah, it's not at all something that I need; I just wanted to try it out. If there's a problem that can't be solved in 10+1 9mm rounds, well, it's not likely to be solved with another 10.

That said, I've actually found it to be slightly more comfortable for appendix carry with the added mag caddy - and perhaps more concealable as well. It distributes the imprint more across my front rather than just being on the right side.
Yeah, it's not at all something that I need; I just wanted to try it out. If there's a problem that can't be solved in 10+1 9mm rounds, well, it's not likely to be solved with another 10.

That said, I've actually found it to be slightly more comfortable for appendix carry with the added mag caddy - and perhaps more concealable as well. It distributes the imprint more across my front rather than just being on the right side.

I agree about the fire power... it is food for thought about the footprint distribution of the larger holster and mag holder.. something I've never considered.

I think those are the newer models. Mine is simply the XD9, http://www.springfield-armory.com/xd-series/ . At the time,I believe it was 2010, the Glocks were on a huge backorder so I got this instead. I like it. I have very small hands and have no trouble spending an hour with her on the range, though I do switch to other guns some too in that time.

Don't laugh! My deep concealment gun, if I ever feel that I'll need it. https://northamericanarms.com/product-category/firearms/22-long-rifle. A cop I know carries this in a cigarette pack in his shirt pocket as his back up. Mine is the NAA-22LLR.

It may be of interest that I also have a Mauser Karbiner '98 that was picked up by a relative in WWI, he was a tank commander. It still has the secret codes and Nazi symbols on it. I don't shoot it, though it can,I just find it historically significant.

No doubt, Springfield makes some nice guns. I like mine really well. It's just a little brutal to the hand shooting a lot of rounds in a short amount of time.

I'd like to see your Mauser Karbiner 98 if you have the chance to post a pic. I once owned a 1887 Argentine Mauser in 7.65 x 53.
Was a good shooter and the action was as smooth as glass.
I'll try to take some good pics in the next few days. Sorry I work two jobs so I can't promise tonight.

The XD's ok on my hand. Maybe it's because my hand really doesn't cover much? Lol! I'll take a pic
I'll try to take some good pics in the next few days. Sorry I work two jobs so I can't promise tonight.

The XD's ok on my hand. Maybe it's because my hand really doesn't cover much? Lol! I'll take a pic
Super if you get the chance. Love seeing vintage firearms.
I have weird thumbs lol. My thumb knuckles are huge. To hold the xds the way that feels completely acquired, the slide rubs my knuckle when it cycles. A couple of boxes of ammo down the line and my thumb is bleeding where it's been rubbed raw. It's not the gun's fault.
Every hand is different. It's nice that the xds comes with different back strap options. They don't fix my problem with the gun but I do have it feeling good to grip.

My latest purchase was a Sig Sauer P320 RX. It's striker fired system is the gun and carries the serial number. You can order a different size lower, slide, etc to build a different gun. The lower polymer can be had in small, medium, and large. Mine was shipped with a medium grip lower but it's nice it can be changed out for different sized hand.

Here is a pic of the xds... you can see it's a much smaller single stacked gun.

I like Federal ammo a lot.
I think HK came out with the first striker fired system. The Glocks brought them into popularity. There are many Johnny come lately on the market today. I still am fond of the hammer fired systems. Nothing wrong with either IMO. My sig is a modular system. Without a tool it can be removed from the rest of the weapon and placed into another. I guess the military required a modular system when they opened up competition for their new purchase contract.
The P320 won out but there were other makers with great entries.
It's an interesting idea.

If 17 rounds falls short of doing the job.. you be in big trouble lol.
The Sig I bought is full size as well and holds 17 +1. My EDC is a Sig C3 45. It's an officer size pistol and only holds 7 +1. The eight it holds are a bit heftier than the 9mm though.
I'm afraid to try a 45. My son says the 357 with the Hydra Shok comes up to my glasses when I fire it. So I've drawn a line there, lol. At training I'm not sure if I tried the 45. I was pushing the target out to see how far I could go and be accurate. We didn't have much time on the range.
There is a bit more to a 45 but you wouldn't find it offensive. Semi autos are designed to absorb a lot of the recoil. Range time is what it's all about. The more one becomes familiar with shooting their weapon the better. I had a 44 magnum years ago. It was a thrill to shoot and you definitely knew you had a lot of fire power in your hand.
Maybe I'll give it a go one day, thanks:) I really got into it all for self defense so I just practice with what I have, not looking to expand. (My family was all military but everyone was gone but my mom, me and my kids. So I know some things but got into this...well because it was just us and someone needed to be able to defend us in the event.) But maybe one day when I go with my kids we'll rent one for the hour. My oldest would like to try a 45 out I'm sure! :)
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They are all fun to shoot. You would enjoy the experience of shooting one. However, I believe being proficient with what you are comfortable with is the most important thing.

I put many rounds through a 1911A1 back in the day. I liked the round and loved the 1911 design. It's not for everyone but it's my choice of gun.
I only shot the Smith & Wesson Combat Masterpiece and as I said before it spit in my face.

Any back splatter in Semi-Auto pistols?
I'm achingly curious but doubtful I'll ever own one.

Not because of current laws but because my sweetie simply hates guns of any kind.:(
I've never experienced any blow back in a semi auto. I had a Ruger Super Blackhawk once that would dust your hand a bit but definitely not the face. I've never experienced the problem at all with the S&Ws. Not knowing the status of your gun, perhaps a trip to a gunsmith for an expert inspection is in order. A couple of things could be wrong.... the cylinder stop might not be properly aligned to the barrel or it might have too much gap. Either way.. what you experienced is not ordinary.. at least in my shooting history.

As for the sweetie not being comfortable with a firearm.... I get it.
My wife was much the same when we first married. I talked her into going to the range with me and shooting a target .22 pistol. I told her it was just wrong to dislike something you know nothing about. She fell in love with the sport and became a fair marksman through the years. Not that your sweetie would change her mind as mine did but it might be worth a try.
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