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Any Time is Grillin Time

I was feeding ten lol. I cooked steak and chicken and everyone had some of each. I fried some potatoes with onions and squash and baked some beans. All in all it was pretty good eating. Everything is great when you are camping.

It was windy and the new grill suffered some because of it. I couldn't get it to get over 450 degrees to sear the steaks. It's not the greatest of grills.. but worth 179 bucks I guess.
450 degrees might be tops for that grill. You are camping, shouldn't you be cooking over a camp fire?? :)
I like to cheat lol. I have cooked some meals over coals from the fire. Dutch ovens and coals from the fire... you can make about anything. I have baked beans, sausage/eggs/onions/peppers/potatoes for breakfast burritos, and some wonderful cobblers.

I have some long handled three pronged forks for cooking hot dogs that I have cooked over the open fire. I have a couple of long handled baskets that I have used to cook burgers over the open fire. Marshmallows are a given :)
I don't mind cooking over a fire but I do enjoy the controlled fire that I get with a grill.

Looks done.

Copps was offering steaks at 25% off. Would have been a good deal if they hadn't raised the prices first. Those cows must be living high off the hog to be worth $17 a pound.
Thankfully I have a butcher in the family. While still not cheap, I do get a discount and have it cut the way I want it.
I usually manage a discount as well from my butcher. Wife works at the store.. he holds stuff for favorite customers and marks them down. You have to be there at the right time. That plays well into working there.

I don't mind paying full price for a great steak. I'm all into bargains but a great steak is worth it's price.. whatever that is. I just hate paying any price, cheap of expensive, for a sub par piece of meat.
I'm grilling out some country style spare ribs right now. They will be lousy with bbq sauce before they are served. I also have some asparagus in butter and Parmesan cheese cooking in a foil tent. Wife is baking some sweet potatoes. Banana pudding for desert. Mmmm
My wife is just getting over being sick, so we wouldn't have grilled anyway. There is bound to be all sorts of specials now that it is warming up. Have you seen that dual grill? Half of it is charcoal and the other half propane.
I have seen that grill. As a matter of fact, I gave it some consideration for the cabin. A very interesting idea a would be very versatile. I decided to go with a cheap propane for now... but I'm still working towards a built in propane grill. They make some nice ones made to set into brick or stone.... I'm leaning towards going that way.
It could be much cheaper to build a cooker from scratch. All of the parts can be easily had. One still has the problem of constructing a burn box and good long lasting grates. It's in the future so I have time to R&D and dream. :)
After suffering monsoon type weather for the past two weeks, today was beautiful with lots of sunshine. It just cried out for some patio time. Son was over so I grilled out some ribeyes. I think a pellet grill is working it's way to the top of his want list. :)
We could really use some rain. The last storm that moved through here missed us almost entirely.

Just been grilling pork chops and steaks. My wife bought a couple of comfortable deck chairs, though. The cost of the pellet grill kept us from getting one.
Saturday, we officially had three and a half inches or rain.. sheesh.

The pellet grills aren't cheap.. I'll give you that. However, when you factor in that it's a grill and a smoker....
It's not the "does everything perfect" tool. I sure like it though. Mine will only get to 500 degrees F. It takes a calm day for that to happen. I wouldn't mind a hotter grill for searing my steaks. There is no rotisserie on my unit. I always enjoyed spinning a couple of chickens.. so I miss that some. But.. like I said, I do like it and if I had to, I'd replace it with another in a heart beat.
Yes it would! Well our woods are going to be crawling with people this weekend. I don't know if any will be grilling, but there is bound to be fireworks.
I will be smoking up some ribs this weekend... maybe a shoulder too. I'm hungry for something smoked. I hope you have a great holiday. Stay safe.
Since we live in an area that people pay to come visit, we aren't going anywhere. Just hunker down in the woods and hope they all go home early because it is supposed to rain, finally.

Have a great BBQ and weekend!
After talking to the wife, we may go to the cabin Sunday night and come back Monday. Do some fishing annd relaxing.. just the two of us. No smoker at the cabin... best be thinking of something to grill.
One advantage to being so close. Tell your butcher you want 2# of meat to grill and to surprise you. Check out today's Arlo&Janis if you get a chance.
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