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Any Time is Grillin Time

Been real fortunate here as far as the flying pests go... just too dry for them to be out in force. I know that's going to change now that I've gotten over eight inches of rain this month :eek: I just can't wait.

I think I'll grill up some pork blade steaks. I haven't grilled pork in a while. Maybe grill some corn on the cob and some potato chunks to go with it. Everything sounds good right now :)
We haven't had any rain but we are thick with mosquitoes anyway. We are surrounded by weekenders and there is little room to walk the dogs. Leftovers tonight and leftovers tomorrow night. Then we are headed to Milw to visit our daughter and take in a Brewer game.
That sounds like a plan. I'm sorry that the campers and pests, or should I just say pests, have you surrounded.

We may go ahead and head to the cabin this afternoon. We received over two and a half inches of rain yesterday and more is predicted for today. Almost seven inches in the past two weeks... I've all but forgotten what sunshine is like. It will be a bog at the cabin.... I would like to see the river.. I'm sure it's huge.

Be safe in your travels and enjoy seeing family.... and ballgame.
We actually got 2" of much needed rain. It kept the weekenders from shooting off fireworks Sunday night. Someone was shooting a rifle Saturday night. I don't call them campers, because most campers have more respect for the area. Not as many showed up as we were expecting, so it wasn't too bad. Did you go to the cabin?

The way the Brewers have been playing, the game might not be that great. :) It should be fun, though!
We got another three inches of not needed rain lol. I am glad you got some though. We have had too much too fast. It rained another three quarters of an inch tonight on my way home from work. Walking on my lawn feels like you are walking on a wet sponge.

I did make it down to the cabin. My wife tried to do some fishing and I go the grass mowed. Grilled out some pork chops and grilled some potato chunks as predicted. My wife made a cucumber salad to round things out.
Everything always tastes so good down there.

The river is huge!!! It was easily twenty five feet above it's normal flow. My land is on a steep bank to the water. Normally it's twenty feet down.. just about straight down actually to the water. Makes fishing a bit difficult. I like to go down river where there is a gentle bank to fish. It's all natural and difficult to travel with a fishing pole but it's a lot easier to fish. This weekend the water is out of the first bank where we normally fish. It's about two feet above. Below is a pic of a lean to. It provides shade and a wind break while fishing. It's on the high bank and has about six foot between the shed and the bank. As you can see from the pic... it's in the river now lol.
If you squint, you can see that lean to, background towards the right. This pic is looking down toward the river from the cabin. Not Eastern Kansas. It's South of Wichita. The Ninnescah runs into the Arkansas river about five miles down from my place. That's the real beauty of the place... it's like miles from nowhere and only a half hour drive from my home.

My son just called and needs my pickup Sat. to pick up a GreenMountain pellet grill. I'm anxious to see what it amounts to. All I know about it is that it's on some sort of Father's day sale. I'll give a full report on the thing once he has it home and put together.
I just heard rumer of a pellet smoker grill with remote control from a smart phone. I was driving so I couldn't jot it down, but it was from one of the big names. ~off to google~
Kinda takes the fun out of grilling, doesn't it? You still have to go out and flip the burgers or tend to whatever you are grilling.
It would take the fun out of grilling... Yep. But smokin is another deal entirely. It would be nice, at least for me, to adjust the temp of my smoker when I was out working. It's not something I'd demand as an option but it certainly would be nice. I'd love to be that guy that's sitting on his patio, reading a good magazine or paper, drinking something tasty, and enjoying my day of smoking. However, in reality, I'm the guy that's trying to smoke something and work at the same time. I don't have the option to not work.. So..... I work around my smoking times. To access the smoker from across town... would simply be outstanding!
Oh... I grilled out some burgers tonight. Nothing special but man they were good. There is something about grilling burgers in a smoker that's simply yummy. I guess I'm all about that hickory, mesquite, or apple smoke flavor on my burger. :)

I'm heading down to the river this weekend. I don't know just yet how many guests I'll be feeding. I'm seriously considering grilling some chicken pieces with a slice of pineapple wrapped with bacon for dinner.
Will likely do some corn on the cob too. And, a fresh garden salad should make everyone happy.
Breakfast burritos will likely be the choice Sunday morning. It's easy to feed the masses with burritos. :)
I hope it goes without saying... but I'll say it anyway. You are always welcome my good man. We can burn some meat, lift some brews, and tell lies until the sun comes up.
Sounds like a perfect time! Unfortunately, there is zero chance we would ever get over in that direction. You have to be really popular with all that smoking and grilling you do, though. :)
Cool smoker. I like his filing scheme. :)

I helped my son set up his new Green Mt pellet grill. He bought the Jim Bowie model. He tried to rush job some ribs yesterday and they turned out bad. Smokin is something that just takes time. I understand he was excited to smoke something and all of that. Today he has a pork butt on. It should turn out good. I don't know how you can screw up pulled pork.

The Green Mt smoker seems to be well built. I'm not exactly sold on their heat up and cool down steps and the gauge of metal seems a bit flimsy but hey, it's built a lot better than a dang file cabinet lol. The Jim Bowie model has a lot larger cooking surface than my Traeger. He has a family of five and they are young and love to entertain. He needs that space. I hope it will serve him well. I know he'll love cooking with pellets.
You would think that, learning from the master, he would be an expert. :) It will probably take some time to get used to a pellet grill. Even an ordinary gas grill takes some getting used to because none of them heat exactly the same.
I'm no master. I'm only good enough to get by. There are those that really are experts. I'm not in that group.
My son will figure out that you don't hurry smoke. It takes time and usually the more time you throw at it the better.

My boneless skinless chicken thighs soaked in pineapple juice and wrapped in bacon was a hit this weekend. Easy enough to do and tasted great. I cooked the thighs on a foil boat to keep the majority of the bacon grease out of the cooker. Bacon grease is volatile lol.
I've been so busy this past week that I didn't have time to grill anything. Today was the day. I got off work around two, did some running around, and then grilled out some burgers. If all you are having is grilled burgers.. make them special. I diced up some purple onion and bagged it up with butter in a foil tent. Nothing like grilled onions. Then I buttered and toasted my buns.. mmmmm. The patties I put on some McCormick Montreal Steak seasoning, seasoned salt, and coarse black pepper and grilled them up. Melting some Velveeta cheese on top before pulling them from the grill didn't hurt them any. :) A few crisp dill chips pulled it all together for a great burger.
Tonight I grilled out on my daughter's Turbo natural gas grill. A five burner built in job. The thing gets amazingly hot. I cooked using three of the five burners and they were mostly turned down. Grilled out burgers and brats four thirty our so. The grill is an amazing tool.
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