Well... it's Friday night.. getting close to Saturday morning. I have my baked beans cooking on the smoker. Love that smoke in my beans.... along with some roasted jalapenos, onion, bell pepper, brown sugar, honey, and a bit or garlic. My baked beans should be done in an hour or so. I have my pork butts all spiced up and will put them on the smoker around two AM. I'll let them smoke up for three hours as I spray them with apple juice. Five AM I'll pan them up, turn up the heat to around 250 f and let them slow cook for six or seven hours. Pasta salad is made and ready to roll. Slaw is prepared. Cooked my chicken early this evening and pulled it. Everything is on schedule to start partying down around 2 PM tomorrow. Ten pounds of hot links to grill at the party.... everyone loves to smell something cooking.

I hope everyone shows up hungry!