Hi EarlyMon,
I'm not going to get into a slagging match with you because you clearly put a lot of work into this site and have a lot of talent. I don't know you and so it would be rude as well. I'm sure we'd have some great discussions if we ever met.
To answer your accusations, I have absolutely no agenda other than to wish to help someone out before they made a very significant purchase.
What you have done here is prove how conspiracy theorists get carried away and believe they have done some terrific research to disprove something. I absolutely know that the photo is 100% genuine because I took it. All the things you point out are just as is came out - a rather hurried photo taken under a plastic sheet to try and avoid the reflections from the lights above. It was resized in Paint Shop Pro 7 because it was massive and I guess that stripped the ExiF because it is a program written in 2000.
As for us only being in the 'marketing and customer support' fields, may I refer you to our section on Diagnostics?
If you like, you are more than welcome to come to my office and I will show you anything you want to see. I have nothing to hide.
But first of all I would like an apology for the public accusation of faking results when all I was trying to do was help one of your members.
In future, it may be wiser to get in touch first before posting items like this which, if I was such a person, could end up with a lawsuit. For the record, I'm not, and it won't because people like that are _jerks_, but I must admit that I was a little upset because I look fat in that video...).
Show us pictures, even better a video, of both phones, side by side with pictures of software version screens and actual signal levels and my apologies will be both profuse and sincere.
Our members are also complaining that your post and matching picture claim a final version for the One software but your app drawer icon doesn’t match what's being shipped and used with the stock One.
One of our members wanted to know why it appeared that the One was running the Android Task Killer, I opined that maybe your group believes in that.
Not a few people didn't believe your post, I have been the voice and one of them.
Please substantiate your claim as requested and as I said, your apology will be forthcoming.
As for being flattered that I spent so much time on your post, you're entirely welcome. I'd have probably not had it not been for the complaints and an hour or two between answering those and looking over your stuff was no big deal, but rather my pleasure to help.
As for not contacting you first, I have good reasons for that. I have spoken highly of LucidCX in my post and not knowing if you really were who you indirectly claimed to be, I simply answered your public charge in kind.
As for trapezoids, no thanks. I asked one of my friends, a digital forensics expert to take your side and prove me wrong last night. I especially asked him to take into account that a small wide-angle lens common to a cell phone may have been used. He declined to continue after verifying my initial results due to the fact that there were too many unknowns in your setup.
As for jailbreaking, we don't care and I don't blame you.
You've made the claim that the One has reception issues.
Professional reviewers and our members claim otherwise.
The burden of proof is yours and if I'm wrong about the issue, humble crow pie is a taste that I know and have become accustomed to.
PS - would love to meet up but I have no immediate plans to visit the UK. If that changes, I'll gladly visit your office.