I have a Google Voice account, attached to a current land-line.
I'm a cheapskate. So I'm trying to figure out if I can use Groove IP to drop using the land-line, without using another phone (such as a cell phone) once the set up is complete.
Could I run Groove IP on a Wifi Android tablet (not an Android phone) without using that number once the set-up is complete, or would Google Voice sometimes still call me?
And could I stop using that or any phone? I want to make sure that google voice won't call it once everything is set up, even if my tablet is not in a WiFi zone, or is turned off. (We would still have the land-line in our home, but it would be used by someone else.)
Is that possible? Or is MagicJack really the cheapest way to replace a phone with an Internet service, if I want to be able to make and receive phone calls (to and from land lines), and get voice mail when I am not home and not in a Wifi zone?
I'm looking for answer for both Groove IP (about $5) and Groove IP Lite ($0).