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Apple iPad 3 launch => Android win? Apple win?

Best Tablet of 2012?

  • The iPad

    Votes: 9 42.9%
  • The Asus Transformer Infinity

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • The Samsung Galaxy Tab 11.6

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • The Samsung Note 10.1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters


Thank Me, Im Irish!
This is obviously strictly my opinion ... but i believe we have just witnessed the first failed apple launch! Well, the first failed launch that people will be wise to.

4G - old technology, in most other devices already
Retina - nothing new, its in the year old iphone
voice dictation - nothing new, android has it for years, iphone has SIRI
camera - old tech from the iPhone 4
name - come on, LOL @ "The new ipad"

same form factor, same battery life.

I own a TF201 and was expecting to buy the new ipad. But now seeing its announcement, I believe there is no reason to buy this new ipad over the iPad2? Id rather save $100 - $150

Considering that info ... i think there will be a certain percentage of consumers who will want something more bleeding edge ... they will have no choice but to look at an Android.

now the ipad launch has come and gone ... i believe the rest of the year will prove to be HUGE for Android.

My opinion, for anyone who cares. Id love to see some feedback.
I do agree with what you are saying. However, there are LOTS of people out there that are going to buy it because it says Apple on it.

I was watch CNN and they were talking about the new IPad. They were making a big deal that it has 4G. How's that commercial go..."That was so 2 years ago".
I giggled when i saw the microphone in the keyboard. Come on we have had that for years ahahaha

there was literally ZERO INNOVATION!! And yes, people will still buy it.

I dont have an apple bone in my body, but my wife wanted an ipad. So we were waiting on this one .. cost didnt matter, nothing really mattered. I just wanted to see what new features there were. But to see there were NONE ... id be a fool to waste the extra $100-$150.

this is essentially an overpriced iPad2

next they will say "well this is not the ipad3 ... this is just an interim upgrade like the 4S ..."

It's not a failed launch yet, but it certainly isn't as inspiring as previous releases. But this seems to be the trend with Apple going back to the iPhone 4s. Alot of the technology has surpassed them, but they are an amazing marketing company and have made their devices fashion statements. Anyone that truly looks at the capabilities of the iPhone 4/4s versus any of the top Android devices will see that Android dominates Apple devices. Yet, Apple devices still sell like hot cakes. But, nothing new to me in the "new" iPad, just like nothing new with the 4s.
Anyone that truly looks at the capabilities of the iPhone 4/4s versus any of the top Android devices will see that Android dominates Apple devices. Yet, Apple devices still sell like hot cakes. .

That's exactly it. And this is what I keep saying to all my Apple Fanboy friends. There are few people that take the time to compare Apple to Android. They just buy it because it's something new from Apple not necessarily new to the industry.
Today, this individual, in particular launch .. was very special

the iPhone 4S was launched post-Jobs, many saw it as a disappointment.

This was their chance to step up and knock it out of the park like old times, prove to the world (their investors) they didnt need Jobs.

OR prove to the world that their product map was in place years in advance, and Jobs put this product together.

The iPad changed the market, raised the bar for user experience, and set the ball rolling ... now it has to either step up and continue to "Reign" or it needs to be rolled over, and let someone else wear the crown.

Because of the one launch per year, they just gave up a major advantage to Android .. who will launch bigger, better, faster, shinier, sexier things all year long.

Im proud to already be on the Android Train :) Hopefully some of my friends/family finally get on board with me.
Well, at some point, they will run out of things to put in it. And lets face reality here, eveyone except Amazon is chasing the iPad. Give it up, its not going to happen. Just accept there is more than one of a kind and do your best with what you can develop. There is no second guessing Apple's success and commitment to quality.

I will say this; the iPhone 4s kicks serious tail. Its an awesome camera and its worth the upgrade for that alone. Its as quick and nimble as my DSLR and takes amazing photos. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my android tablet, and I dont think I'd get the iPhone, but I also love my iPad(2). Its an awesomely smooth device.

Android devices suffer the same disease as the PC. Everyone and their cousin makes one, and it dumbs-down competition due to nobody standing out (my opinion). There are good Android devices on the market, and a lot of down right junk. Apple's focus on their market makes them what they are. Dell makes a million different laptops/notebooks, and Apple makes 3 (not counting the Air). I have a MB Air and I can tell you its the future of notebooks. It is hands down the best notebook I have ever owned, even tho I work in a Windows world.

And would you want the iPad 3 to launch with support for 5g? It doesn't exist. And no, not everyone's on 4g, and its going to be a while before the next "G" in my estimation.

I don't think today was a failure at all. Not everything needs to be a circus.

PS, i just refreshed the stock ... its down! on the same day as announcement?

That has to be a first.

Not saying it will TANK, but it was expected to go up. I think the stock price had way more "priced in" and now has to be deflated a bit. Not enough innovation in this product.

AAPL: Summary for Apple Inc.- Yahoo! Finance
And would you want the iPad 3 to launch with support for 5g? It doesn't exist. And no, not everyone's on 4g, and its going to be a while before the next "G" in my estimation.

I don't think today was a failure at all. Not everything needs to be a circus.


Do you really think their stock is priced over $500 because the investors believe there is nothing new to be launched right now?

There were(are) expectations. I dont know what they are, thats part of the expectation ... that Apple would blow us away with something we never knew we needed. Like a touch screen phone, or a tablet, etc.

they didnt invent any of this, but they reinvented the wheel, did it better than the people before them, and set the expectation that they will continue this process. Thats why the stock is climbing.

I dont disagree with anything you said really, but wanted to just kick back a bit on that point.

But at the end of the day you are right and this will sell 11tybillion units overnight. People are pathetic lol
I don't know the exact statistics, but I've heard that Apple stock price has historically hit its highs for any respective year around the same day as major product announcements. So I'm not surprised to see the price is down. But, it is a +$500 stock, so a couple bucks up or down doesn't mean much...
@Chaz, I understand what you are saying. What irritates me is how the Media and Apple are making it sound like the new IPad having 4G is such a great innovation when 4G has been on Android tablets for a while now. Where was the media when Motorola put 4G on the Zoom?

Sure, Apple's build quality is good, I will give them that. But Apple is not a innovative as they or the Media make them appear to be.
I wouldn't call it a failed launch, just lackluster. Although it still made the top of the CNN Breaking News section, which seems a little rediculous. And the Retina display on there will probably look really nice, but seems like crazy overkill resolution for a 10" screen. Does it really need higher resolution than my 42" tv?
This is obviously strictly my opinion ... but i believe we have just witnessed the first failed apple launch!

The iPhone 4 launch was a far more significant fail:

a) Product was accidentally left in a pub, fully shown by Gizmodo in advance
b) Wifi network crashed during presentation; Steve Jobs had to ask bloggers several times to close their laptops and put them on the floor
c) 'Antennagate'. Consumer Reports does not recommend iPhone 4 due to lost signals. Major negative publicity.

Despite all the problems, the iPhone 4 and 4s continue to sell like hotcakes.

The iPad 3 will likewise sell very well until Android/MS/Blackberry get their act together, putting out & successfully marketing a truly competitive product.
This makes the new iPad look even less impressive.

I agree the ASUS tab already has it beat, and the new iPad has a year (probably) before its updated.
PS, i just refreshed the stock ... its down! on the same day as announcement?

That has to be a first.

Not saying it will TANK, but it was expected to go up. I think the stock price had way more "priced in" and now has to be deflated a bit. Not enough innovation in this product.

AAPL: Summary for Apple Inc.- Yahoo! Finance

I could be wrong but I seem to recall stock fluctuating during the iPhone 4s release... yep, here it is -


Then again, HTC stock went down when they had sales issues in November. Doesn't shake my faith in my HTC or keep me from wanting to check out the new ones when they hit shelves.

I don't much think about market analysis when choosing the device that's right for me. I don't think the market has a clue about product quality, and that's not its primary function anyway.

Forbes has an excellent article about Apple stock -

Apple Shares Uninspired By 'The New iPad,' But We've Seen This Before - Forbes

Again, the market says nothing about product quality or even product appeal, beyond a certain point. The dip could have been caused by people driving sell orders hoping to hit a peak or something.

I don't see how this is an Android win, but that's just me.

People like what they like and the iPhone and iPad have made lots of people happy with their purchases. Hate on Apple all you want, and call people who buy them names but in the end, there are no perfect mobile products.

Android is the choice for me, but it's not perfect - there is only just the best device for any user's individual needs and tastes at any given point in time.
@Chaz, I understand what you are saying. What irritates me is how the Media and Apple are making it sound like the new IPad having 4G is such a great innovation when 4G has been on Android tablets for a while now. Where was the media when Motorola put 4G on the Zoom?

Sure, Apple's build quality is good, I will give them that. But Apple is not a innovative as they or the Media make them appear to be.

A - Because Apple got there first. NOBODY was talking tablets until the iPad.

B - Build quality - Its a solid piece of technology

C - Recognition - Nobody in the Android world has yet to prove themselves invincible or cutting edge.

D - Not innovative? Apple changed the world with iPad 1. Microsoft's been threatening to do a tablet for a century, and they cant cough one up. Android's following, but unless you are the lead dog, your view never changes.

And while I am at it, Steve Balmer is an idiot.
I wouldn't call it a failed launch until it actually starts selling. I predict it'll be the same as the 4S. The 4S was panned by tech writers everywhere. When it came out, it was the best selling iPhone to date. I think the iPad will be the same way. People will hate on it, then go out and buy it in droves.
And you think it would come with stereo speakers... I haven't even heard of the "new iPad" (Which is just a basic hardware upgrade) with Siri functionality. Yet another reason why Jailbreaking is the best. :) Other than Apple finally giving users true HD, I don't see what the big deal is. xD I have an iPad 2 with a cracked digitizer, still within Warranty. Unless I can trick an Apple "Genius" to give me the brand new iPad at the warranty prize, I ain't getting it. <_<
Android devices suffer the same disease as the PC. Everyone and their cousin makes one, and it dumbs-down competition due to nobody standing out (my opinion). There are good Android devices on the market, and a lot of down right junk. Apple's focus on their market makes them what they are. Dell makes a million different laptops/notebooks, and Apple makes 3 (not counting the Air). I have a MB Air and I can tell you its the future of notebooks. It is hands down the best notebook I have ever owned, even tho I work in a Windows world.


This really hits the nail on the head for me.

Whether you choose Android or Apple is a personal choice. I happened to buy an LG Shine Plus because I wanted a physical keyboard and I wanted a cheaper smartphone without a data plan. I could possibly (but unlikely) buy an ASUS Transformer for the same personal reason.

However, if I were to make a mass buying decision for a business or institution (eg. staff in sales, transport or customer service or students which would benefit from using a tablet), I would choose an Apple Ipad or Iphone without a doubt. Why?

1. Proven market leader. Apple started or at least defined the competition for these products. They are still leading at this time. Competing products may surge ahead every once in a while. However, I expect Apple will still be very competitive if not at the very top in the future.

2. Proven long term build quality. You can count and compare pixels, megapixels, GHz, screen sizes all you want. The fact is Apple has been building damn good stuff for a long time. Period. My kid is still using a first generation ipod touch. The new ipods may have new features, but my kid's four year old device still works. If he breaks it or loses it or absolutely needs a new feature, I have no doubt he will want another Apple product. He is not going to care that the camera is 1-2 MP less than something offered by a competitor.

3. Ease of Use. My Android phone has always felt like a work in progress from the start. Android puts out the basic OS and phone manufacturers will tweak the skin or OS which may or may not improve the user interface. With so many models, it is hit or miss as to whether you bought a a good one. It is hard to compare them all (unless you are like some who just buy, test for a week and return). With my failing eyesight, I cannot read my contact info on my Android phone without granny glasses. I have lost hope that LG or Android will ever give me the ability to increase the font size on my phone. Even my Palm from 10 years ago had the ability to change font sizes! Don't ask me to root because that takes away from ease of use. Also, see 4. below.

4. Support. This is probably my biggest knock against the Android ecosystem. Android does not support my phone; I need to rely on my particular manufacturer (or unknown volunteer geeks on the internet). LG makes about 60 models of Android phones. Apple makes 2 or 3 iphones, both the hardware and the OS. Apple devotes all of its resources in supporting their limited but premier products. LG cannot and does not support all of its phones all of the time. Go to the LG Shine Plus forum and you can see for yourself the problem. The LG Shine Plus shipped last year with 2.1. LG promised an upgrade and after about a year, it provided a 2.3 update. After about 3 months, LG pulled the update after many phones were bricked or compromised by the update. It has been 2 months and there has been no fix. It is unlikely that there will be one because that model of phone is discontinued. Others have rooted this phone with various success and failure.

5. Long term continuity. All that Android diversity also means that there is a risk of lack of continuity with so many products. If a company were to invest in tablets for its staff, say, the ASUS transformer six months ago, it would be disappointed to learn that that model has been discontinued and that the accessories (eg keyboard) for the new model are not backwards compatible.

I do not own any Apple products, except its shares.
I'll make this short and sweet...

Dual Core Cortex A9 (twice as fast as the Tegra 3)
PowerVR SGX543MP4
2048x1536 Screen Resolution

That easily beats any other tablet on the market....
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