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Apple iPad 3 launch => Android win? Apple win?

Best Tablet of 2012?

  • The iPad

    Votes: 9 42.9%
  • The Asus Transformer Infinity

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • The Samsung Galaxy Tab 11.6

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • The Samsung Note 10.1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
I think I'm most surprised they went with LTE. I guess that means it's a shoe in for the next iPhone to have LTE (wonder if both VZW and ATT models will though).
Other than that, meh. iOS is just so damn boring.
No flash. No way I am buying it. Android will get a tablet that can meet the ipad 3 specs now that they know what's in it.
The specs of the new iPad are fantastic, if it ran Android I would buy one.

Respect to Apple for pushing GPU performance, at least they realise that this is the real bottleneck right now. Having an extra two cpu cores will not always mean better performance and in most cases won't help at all but a faster GPU will benefit pretty much all current and future games, also any other applications that benefit from hardware acceleration.

Transformer Prime is a great device but I'm envious of the resolution and power of the MP4 in the new iPad, I'd swap Tegra 3 for A5X anyday,
I don't know what you people expect out of the new iPad. The old mantra should come into play: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" Why should they innovate? People will buy it in droves, regardless. All they need to do is put faster processors and better screens on their devices and they'll sell.

All innovation will do for them now is blow up in their faces if it goes poorly. Besides, no one has a clue if that company has any innovation left after Jobs died. But, it may not matter because Android can't compete as a fashion accessory. At least, not for another couple of years.

As for '4G' being old tech? No. It's current tech. Apple just finally joined the current tech for connectivity.
I don't know what you people expect out of the new iPad. The old mantra should come into play: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" Why should they innovate? People will buy it in droves, regardless. All they need to do is put faster processors and better screens on their devices and they'll sell.

All innovation will do for them now is blow up in their faces if it goes poorly. Besides, no one has a clue if that company has any innovation left after Jobs died. But, it may not matter because Android can't compete as a fashion accessory. At least, not for another couple of years.

As for '4G' being old tech? No. It's current tech. Apple just finally joined the current tech for connectivity.

From what I've seen around the 'net, people are already pre-ordering this thing in record numbers so I think you hit the nail on the head. Apple no longer needs to innovate so it doesn't. They simply refresh their old devices. Add a faster processor, a nicer screen, some more RAM, a better camera and call it the latest greatest thing and people will line up around the block to buy it. Also, put the tech that other companies have been using for a year or so into your device and call it "brand new" or "innovative". People love that. Apple is coasting right now.
I would say that the majority of Android tablet makers have been coasting as well, and unlike Apple, can't afford to.

How some companies can coast at top speed escapes me, but they do.
I would say that the majority of Android tablet makers have been coasting as well, and unlike Apple, can't afford to.

How some companies can coast at top speed escapes me, but they do.

I disagree with you. Samsung is trying all kinds of different form factors from 5" (with and without phone capabilities) to 7" to 9" to 10". HTC is trying different interfaces with Sense. Other companies are trying the docking thing w/a phone and/or a tablet or the one we saw recently where the phone docks into a tablet which docks into a keyboard. To me all of these things are innovative. Will the succeed? Who knows. Chances are the majority of them will probably fail, but the companies are trying to innovate at least instead of just refreshing the same old products. Although, if you can make craploads of money by just refreshing the same old products it's hard to argue that's a bad strategy.
No flash. No way I am buying it. Android will get a tablet that can meet the ipad 3 specs now that they know what's in it.
Google is phasing out Flash for Android. Adobe even stated that they will no longer support Flash for mobile. Flash is slowing going extinct.

From what I've seen around the 'net, people are already pre-ordering this thing in record numbers so I think you hit the nail on the head. Apple no longer needs to innovate so it doesn't. They simply refresh their old devices. Add a faster processor, a nicer screen, some more RAM, a better camera and call it the latest greatest thing and people will line up around the block to buy it. Also, put the tech that other companies have been using for a year or so into your device and call it "brand new" or "innovative". People love that. Apple is coasting right now.
This has been Apple's formula since the first iPod. Add a little bit more to each generation of iPod. They did the same for the iPhones. The iPone 3G and then the iPhone 3GS. Innovated a bit with the iPhone 4 but again just a little bit improvement with the iPhone 4S. They have proven that this formula is a big success.
Apple has been working on one of those flexible displays longer than Samsung lol. Look up the Apple imap...

Only cause they tapped into my dreams.

Had one last year where I was showing my Sister my new tablet, its was not only flexable but scale-able.

I could pull it to the left to make the screen wider, but pull it up to make it taller. Part in my right hand was like a section of broom stick 6-7" long, 2"round.

still trying to figure that one out but sure it will happen one day.
[my brain can get the pull out to view, but how do you make something taller]
A Preview of the Krait-Based S4 Vs Tegra 3 and Exynos 4210

" The whole idea of 28nm and big little design of A15 chip is to provide better performance at a much lower battery cost. So the idea that Tegra 3's 40nm (pentacore) chip will be more efficient seems invalid. Real life usage will tell us more.

In short A15 > A9"

*Oops! double post meant to edit, got too exited!*

I accept that A15 > A9.

But the claim that I asked about was A9 > Tegra 3. :)

I've yet to hear that the A5X houses an A15.

Inside Apple's A5X Chipset: Dual-Core CPU, Quad-Core GPU
2048x1536 is pretty insane.

Asus demoed a 1080p 1920x1080 tablet but it wont be out for another 8 months.
The new iPad is shipping in volume next week. That in itself is a pretty phenomenal feat.

That resolution does not come cheap.
You can go into a Staples or Best Buy and buy a 24" LCD that is 1080p (1920x1080) for $100.
But to get anything over 2048res, you are looking to spend at minimum $900 for a U2711 Dell, Samsung or Apple Cinema Display.
The resolution on my desktop monitor is 2560x1600 but it also cost $3000.

Herein lies the importance of Apple. They push the general direction of the technology.

Every manufacture will now come out with a hi-res display.

Also, because of economy of scales (Apple shipped 55 million iPads), those panels will come down in price for everyone.
Because Apple buy so much, LCD plants will ramp up and this benefits every mfg. Only Apple can push that much volume in sales.

See unlike Asus, that tech is not in a lab-room sitting for the next 8 months to get perfected or have the manufacture negotating deals, or tooling ramping up.
That resolution on a tablet is coming out next Friday to the normal consumer.

I bet those panels were $300-400 in bulk of 10,000. Only Apple can come to a LCD manufacture and say, "I'll invest $3 billion to help you tool up to my spec and I want it for $80 a panel.
And, I'll prepay with a check for $5 billion. You have to lock those prices down for me for 2 years."
(They invested $3 billion in Sharp and Toshiba).

Timothy Cook has been proven to be very cost-effective in supply-chain.

Another thing, they were able to get 9 hours off LTE 4G. The battery increased in capacity by 44% yet the weight gain was minimal. That is engineering.
An analogy is a car hybrid gaining 40% extra batteries yet the car only weighs an extra 10-20lb pounds. Yes, I am exagerating a bit on the car analogy but the premise is the same.
One thing I love about Apple is how easy it is to update devices. They announced yesterday that iOS 5.1 was available. Opened up iTunes, hooked up my iPad and then my iPod touch and downloaded the new OS with ease. No sitting around wondering if Samsung or HTC or Motorola was ever going to update my device with the new OS or waiting around for months while other users had it but I didn't.

Come on now, they have one device they release yearly and your choice is black or white.
Agree with mrspeedmaster, but would like to add some other factors.

The iPhone and the Android phone both approached the market with an eye on what was missing and how to build a better mousetrap. Forget who theoretically came first.

How was the first iPhone introduced by Jobs? The best iPod ever and it makes phone calls. They tapped into an existing business model and force multiplied it. They had iTunes and its Music Store in place. They had the muscle to make that work in a competitive field and buyer trust.

They focused on what the iPhone missed and incrementally improved it.

When the first iPad hit, they had a ready target - iPhone owners. And since then, they seem to tie development of the products together. People know what they will get. It's not confusing. That leads to more sales, more profit, and more muscle to apply to the next update.

Show of hands, who remembers our first tablet forums here? A few cut rate models with resistive screens. The next wave brought decent tablets, but at higher prices and no unity to the phones or to a stable ecology.

Maybe it's just me, but I kept wondering why they entered the tablet market not ready. HTC sailed against the wind with a tablet the Android blogs hated because it didn't launch with Honeycomb. Then they made its best stylus feature an add-on. Nobody buys add-ons to complete a product as demonstrated at trade shows (in general market terms, of course people here own one with the stylus) as just one example.

From statements by Samsung last week that they have been learning market lessons with tablets, and Asus bringing in new stuff, I think that tablets will look up for Android.

I think if you want an iOS tablet, you want an iPad. I think if you want an Android tablet, you have many good choices depending on your budget and some real stinkers.

But if you just want a tablet and could not care less about iOS vs Android or buzzwords, then it's a wide open deal and the iPad can be hard beat, depending on your application needs or use preferences.

So I personally think that fair is fair, and the iPad is owed the respect due as a worthy product.

The most innovative tablet that I have seen yet is the Notion Ink Adam with a Pixel Qi display. But they had no muscle to set the market on fire (sales or manufacturing).

So my whole point is maybe this - innovation in a tablet, or the tablet market, may not be the point of the iPad, even if this one does have innovative features, like higher resolution and quad core GPU.

For Android, innovation in tablets will count.

Just like in the early iPhone vs Android phone days, it's not about what Apple is doing, it's about what is missing in the market and what the better mousetrap will be.

Games and high performance apps and graphics sells, the iPad proves it. But are those the the only things or even the main things to sell?

Where are the energy-saving trans-reflective displays? Where's the boatload of ram so Android can scream a little bit? Where are the business and enterprise models?

I don't even know the right questions to ask, but I bet if we are talking innovation, it'll be questions like that.

I think that the iPad 3 is innovative because it brings new features to their target market. I think if you gave me an iPad 3 exact copy with Android, it wouldn't be innovative, even if you gave it to me last month.

I think that this shows innovative thinking -

HTC Joins IBM To Bolster Sales With An Enterprise Mobility Initiative | TechWeekEurope UK

As well as this -

Toys R Us Now Offering Kid-Friendly Nabi Tablet For Pre-Order – Specs And Price Are Better Than You Think

But I sometimes have an odd way of looking at things, so I could be wrong - I often am.

Strictly personal opinions, worth every penny you paid. :) ;)
I think ICS will really help android tablets. Very efficient, and took the best of what the previous OS's had to offer (and not just android, the webOS style swipe to close is very nice). Just like the phone market, Android will keep pushing the envelope, until it is Apple again trying to keep up with most of what Android is doing. Apple got a headstart, but their business plan of yearly upgrades is not adequate to continue to compete. They take longer to develop the technology, so when they do release it, it is already a few months behind Android, and then it sits out there for a year. Yes their profit numbers are insane, but Android tablets will surpass the iPad just like they did for phones.
I completely disagree with this. Apple, Samsung, Motorola, HTC, etc.... are all in the business to make money. He who sells the most and makes the most profit is always the winner.

At least for me, the winner is the one that I'm willing to shell out the money for. Right now, it's the Asus Eee Pad Transformer as it suits my needs more so than any other tablet.

As for the new iPad, I'm not going to get one because I'm happy with my existing tablet and do not feel the need for a new one. Also, a good keyboard trumps a good display for my needs. Still, I am interested to see how good the screen on the iPad is. I'll be heading down to the store to check one out when they become available.

I do feel Apple has something with their retina display. Once you reach the limits of people's eyesight for the normal viewing distance of a device, there really is no need to go to any higher resolution. Apple has reached this target first, so even if someone else comes up with a tablet that has twice the pixel density as the iPad, no one will be able to tell the difference, so you can't say that it has a better display.
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