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Apple iPad 3 launch => Android win? Apple win?

Best Tablet of 2012?

  • The iPad

    Votes: 9 42.9%
  • The Asus Transformer Infinity

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • The Samsung Galaxy Tab 11.6

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • The Samsung Note 10.1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
I completely disagree with this. Apple, Samsung, Motorola, HTC, etc.... are all in the business to make money. He who sells the most and makes the most profit is always the winner.
So if Britney Spears sells the most albums, that makes her the "best" singer? Or if the Honda Civic is the best selling car, that makes it the best automobile? Best selling doesn't always equal best.
Come on now, they have one device they release yearly and your choice is black or white.

Well I will say in their defense, at least you don't have to buy one every year to get the current OS. I have had to buy THREE Android phones over the past few years just to keep current with the OS because the manufacturer and/or carrier decided to stop supporting my phone I hadn't even had a full year. Oh, I also had to pay FULL price for them since I wasn't due for an upgrade. Sorry, but thats straight up bullshit. These manufacturers have more phones they don't currently support then ones that they do, its quite ridiculous. Google seriously needs to fix the fragmentation and get carriers to agree to update phones for the length of your contract. Even then, they make so many phones that you buy one and its "old tech" in a few months time because the manufacturer is already putting out new, higher spec'd models. That is also ridiculous. Its a good thing the Galaxy S2 is such a great phone or I would have an iPhone right now. Google needs to make some changes and set some guidelines for their software and fast.
That resolution does not come cheap.
You can go into a Staples or Best Buy and buy a 24" LCD that is 1080p (1920x1080) for $100. But to get anything over 2048res, you are looking to spend at minimum $900 for a U2711 Dell, Samsung or Apple Cinema Display.
The resolution on my desktop monitor is 2560x1600 but it also cost $3000.

Great post and I quoted this part for a reason. As you said, big displays with high resolution are very expensive, well into the thousands. That is something people do not take into account when they say Mac's are too expensive, the display. I am sitting here with a 27 inch 2560x1440 display on my iMac that cost me $1700. As you mentioned, you could easily spend a lot more just on a display and then you need the computer on top of that. So when I factored in the amazing display, the OS and all of the bundled things Apple includes with their computers, I thought $1700 to be a damn good deal. This is my 3rd iMac, haven't regretted one of them.

I am really hoping Android gets a solid tablet. I sold my first iPad to get the Tab when it first came out and was highly disappointed, it just sucked. Returned it 2 days later and bought another iPad. Then I get the Xoom when it came out figuring I would sell my iPad if it was good enough, nope. I took it back in 5 days. There were hardly any apps to take advantage of the tablet, most are just blown up phone apps that look awfully on a tablet. The iPad has over 200k apps and counting created just for it, huge difference. Maybe one day someone will get it right.
So if Britney Spears sells the most albums, that makes her the "best" singer? Or if the Honda Civic is the best selling car, that makes it the best automobile? Best selling doesn't always equal best.

That is where I disagree with you. Companies and artist for that matter are all in business to make money. Let's say Honda's cars are the "best" in every way you can imagine. They have better build quality, drive better, get better mileage, never break down, etc.... But no one is interested in buying them. They sell ten cars a year nationwide. Are they really "the best"? No. The marketplace always defines "the best" as the one that sales the best and/or makes the most money. In the tablet market, that is inarguably the iPad. It is killing everyone else in sales at the moment.

Well I will say in their defense, at least you don't have to buy one every year to get the current OS. I have had to buy THREE Android phones over the past few years just to keep current with the OS because the manufacturer and/or carrier decided to stop supporting my phone I hadn't even had a full year. Oh, I also had to pay FULL price for them since I wasn't due for an upgrade. Sorry, but thats straight up bullshit. These manufacturers have more phones they don't currently support then ones that they do, its quite ridiculous. Google seriously needs to fix the fragmentation and get carriers to agree to update phones for the length of your contract. Even then, they make so many phones that you buy one and its "old tech" in a few months time because the manufacturer is already putting out new, higher spec'd models. That is also ridiculous. Its a good thing the Galaxy S2 is such a great phone or I would have an iPhone right now. Google needs to make some changes and set some guidelines for their software and fast.

I'm sorry, but this post made me lol. To this day I do not understand why people must always be on the bleeding edge of technology or they're pissed. They buy the biggest, best and baddest phone today. Fine. Go for it. Three months from now, something comes out that is better. It's inevitably going to happen. Suddenly the phone that they loved more than life is a POS that he wouldn't recommend to their most despised enemy and no one in their right mind should buy it. To me that's the most ludicrous reasoning I've ever heard.
I'm sorry, but this post made me lol. To this day I do not understand why people must always be on the bleeding edge of technology or they're pissed. They buy the biggest, best and baddest phone today. Fine. Go for it. Three months from now, something comes out that is better. It's inevitably going to happen. Suddenly the phone that they loved more than life is a POS that he wouldn't recommend to their most despised enemy and no one in their right mind should buy it. To me that's the most ludicrous reasoning I've ever heard.

I agree, but when I just bought yet another brand new phone for $700 and its OS is already outdated with Samsung not saying a word about updating it, I am a bit pissed off. This has happened with my previous Android phones too. Its the bullshit that these manufacturers pull to make you keep buying new phones at retail price if you want the latest OS and its bullshit, a scam really. All I am saying is at least with Apple devices, everyone gets the OS update and on the same day. Thats how it should be.
I agree, but when I just bought yet another brand new phone for $700 and its OS is already outdated with Samsung not saying a word about updating it, I am a bit pissed off. This has happened with my previous Android phones too. Its the bullshit that these manufacturers pull to make you keep buying new phones at retail price if you want the latest OS and its bullshit, a scam really. All I am saying is at least with Apple devices, everyone gets the OS update and on the same day. Thats how it should be.

If you want the latest Android OS software, you'd be smart to get a Nexus phone. You're guarantee for at least two updates from Google.
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I agree, but when I just bought yet another brand new phone for $700 and its OS is already outdated with Samsung not saying a word about updating it, I am a bit pissed off. This has happened with my previous Android phones too. Its the bullshit that these manufacturers pull to make you keep buying new phones at retail price if you want the latest OS and its bullshit, a scam really. All I am saying is at least with Apple devices, everyone gets the OS update and on the same day. Thats how it should be.

So if this keeps happening and you keep buying new phones why are you so pissed off? I would have thought you learn by now. Should have spent that $700 on a Nexus.
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Because I am on Sprint, not Verizon. Now I have to break a contract and switch carriers costing even MORE money to get the latest OS? See how ridiculous this is? Before you say get a Nexus S on Sprint, don't bother. Already had one and its a total POS. Radios are so weak, I would go into roaming driving around SoCal with towers everywhere. Not to mention all the other problems with it.
Because I am on Sprint, not Verizon. Now I have to break a contract and switch carriers costing even MORE money to get the latest OS? See how ridiculous this is? Before you say get a Nexus S on Sprint, don't bother. Already had one and its a total POS. Radios are so weak, I would go into roaming driving around SoCal with towers everywhere. Not to mention all the other problems with it.

Do you not sell your old phone to finance your new phone purchase?

I supposed you never have gone down the rooting path?

This is just my Analysis of OEM updating their OS

OEM | US Carriers | International
HTC | Good | Good
Samsung | Bad | Great
Motorola |Great | Bad
some people just want the latest and greatest. but clearly there's a price to pay for that.

My current phone is probably considered by some to be sorely outdated, but it works as well as the day I got it, so no complaints here.
some people just want the latest and greatest. but clearly there's a price to pay for that.

If it were just a few minor tweaks, I really wouldn't care too much. When its a complete overhaul to the OS of the phone that I have with many great new features, you bet I want it! What if you bought a Dell laptop and couldn't get Windows 7 because Dell doesn't feel like rendering a version for your computer and you were stuck with Vista. Meanwhile the new Toshiba machines are already updated and running 7. How long would consumers put up with that? Not long, I can assure you. So why do we put up with it on Android? If Samsung doesn't update the Galaxy S2 with ICS in a timely manner, like within the next month or so, I will probably sell it and leave Android. Not doing this a 4th time in a few years, its ridiculous.
I agree, but when I just bought yet another brand new phone for $700 and its OS is already outdated with Samsung not saying a word about updating it, I am a bit pissed off. This has happened with my previous Android phones too. Its the bullshit that these manufacturers pull to make you keep buying new phones at retail price if you want the latest OS and its bullshit, a scam really. All I am saying is at least with Apple devices, everyone gets the OS update and on the same day. Thats how it should be.

Why should it be that way? It used to be that you bought a phone and it never got updated. Ever. You had what you bought and you were happy with it. Now, if it's not bleeding edge people are pissed. The poster I quoted earlier said he had bought two phones in order to get the latest updates and he's running Galaxy S II right now. So right now he's running GB. That means he started with Eclair and bought a new phone because he HAD to have Froyo. Now, honestly, what major changes came about in Froyo that everyone HAD to have? Virtually nothing. Then GB comes out and he goes out to buy a new phone AGAIN. I'd lay odds that the average person has absolutely no clue what changed from Froyo to GB without looking it up. And now it's ICS which is a major overhaul except that carriers will skin it and it will look IDENTICAL to GB except for some under the hood stuff. Yet it is something that MUST be rolled out immediately despite all the hardware differences between all of the phones or it's a great travesty.

some people just want the latest and greatest. but clearly there's a price to pay for that.

My current phone is probably considered by some to be sorely outdated, but it works as well as the day I got it, so no complaints here.

There's always a price for being on the bleeding edge. I just don't understand why people complain that it costs them tons of money to live on the bleeding edge any more than I understand people who live in Michigan and complain that it's freezing in the winter.
If it were just a few minor tweaks, I really wouldn't care too much. When its a complete overhaul to the OS of the phone that I have with many great new features, you bet I want it! What if you bought a Dell laptop and couldn't get Windows 7 because Dell doesn't feel like rendering a version for your computer and you were stuck with Vista. Meanwhile the new Toshiba machines are already updated and running 7. How long would consumers put up with that? Not long, I can assure you. So why do we put up with it on Android? If Samsung doesn't update the Galaxy S2 with ICS in a timely manner, like within the next month or so, I will probably sell it and leave Android. Not doing this a 4th time in a few years, its ridiculous.

Under the Windows scenario, you pay for a license to get from Vista to Windows 7.

People without issues don't care, and just replacing the whole shebang to get a fully working lap or desktop is a very popular move. Consumers are standing for it quite nicely.

My first Android got updated from 1.6 to 2.1; my second from 2.1 to 2.3; my third from 2.2 to 2.3; my fourth started with 2.3 and will get 4.x soon - and the last three, covering about two years, have had steady incremental updates.

Unlike the Windows scenario, I still have the last 3 models, they work great, and I didn't spend a dime on license upgrades.

iOS updates may be free, but OS X updates are not.

How many iPhone models are currently supported? Three, and last year when it was two, one of the updates put a lot of iP3gs owners at a crawl with unusable phones until that was fixed.

How many Android makers? How many models to update? It takes time. Even if you have the non-GSM non-developer Nexus or an older Nexus.

If you prefer how Apple manages things, fine, but it's not all sunshine and roses for either side. A number of iOS 5 new features are really great, I had them in Android 1.6.

So, there are updates and then again, there are upgrades.

Personally, I am glad that iPhone owners are finally enjoying features I've really liked for two years now.

PS - the iPhone has some features we don't yet. Alert the media, no phone is perfect. Seriously, alert the media, they don't get it and help set false expectations.
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Why should it be that way? It used to be that you bought a phone and it never got updated. Ever. You had what you bought and you were happy with it. Now, if it's not bleeding edge people are pissed. The poster I quoted earlier said he had bought two phones in order to get the latest updates and he's running Galaxy S II right now. So right now he's running GB. That means he started with Eclair and bought a new phone because he HAD to have Froyo. Now, honestly, what major changes came about in Froyo that everyone HAD to have? Virtually nothing. Then GB comes out and he goes out to buy a new phone AGAIN. I'd lay odds that the average person has absolutely no clue what changed from Froyo to GB without looking it up. And now it's ICS which is a major overhaul except that carriers will skin it and it will look IDENTICAL to GB except for some under the hood stuff. Yet it is something that MUST be rolled out immediately despite all the hardware differences between all of the phones or it's a great travesty.

There's always a price for being on the bleeding edge. I just don't understand why people complain that it costs them tons of money to live on the bleeding edge any more than I understand people who live in Michigan and complain that it's freezing in the winter.

That last part is true on many levels, including why I left Michigan. :D

And people's mileage varies on our updates from Eclair through Gingerbread. Plenty of non-techies reported better performance, features and battery life. But it varied by user and phone model. Getting Flash in 2010 was a big deal for a lot of us. To this day, I can surf many sites with Flash content just fine, while iOS users need an app for that, and in many cases, an app for each major site.

Actually, I have been with Apple all along on that last bit. I hate Flash and want it die. Maybe the pullback of mobile Flash support will help that along. Meanwhile, I am practical and as they say, when in Rome... provided you got a Froyo update.

Everyone's mileage varies a bit on updates, and Roze pointed out that some carrier / manufacturer combos are better than others.
That is where I disagree with you. Companies and artist for that matter are all in business to make money. Let's say Honda's cars are the "best" in every way you can imagine. They have better build quality, drive better, get better mileage, never break down, etc.... But no one is interested in buying them. They sell ten cars a year nationwide. Are they really "the best"? No. The marketplace always defines "the best" as the one that sales the best and/or makes the most money. In the tablet market, that is inarguably the iPad. It is killing everyone else in sales at the moment.

I'm sorry, but this post made me lol. To this day I do not understand why people must always be on the bleeding edge of technology or they're pissed. They buy the biggest, best and baddest phone today. Fine. Go for it. Three months from now, something comes out that is better. It's inevitably going to happen. Suddenly the phone that they loved more than life is a POS that he wouldn't recommend to their most despised enemy and no one in their right mind should buy it. To me that's the most ludicrous reasoning I've ever heard.

I'm sorry but you're wrong here buddy. If your logic held true, that means McDonalds has the best Cheeseburger in the world. This is definitely NOT the case.
Why should it be that way? It used to be that you bought a phone and it never got updated. Ever. You had what you bought and you were happy with it. Now, if it's not bleeding edge people are pissed. The poster I quoted earlier said he had bought two phones in order to get the latest updates and he's running Galaxy S II right now. So right now he's running GB. That means he started with Eclair and bought a new phone because he HAD to have Froyo. Now, honestly, what major changes came about in Froyo that everyone HAD to have? Virtually nothing. Then GB comes out and he goes out to buy a new phone AGAIN. I'd lay odds that the average person has absolutely no clue what changed from Froyo to GB without looking it up. And now it's ICS which is a major overhaul except that carriers will skin it and it will look IDENTICAL to GB except for some under the hood stuff. Yet it is something that MUST be rolled out immediately despite all the hardware differences between all of the phones or it's a great travesty.

Sorry, but the OS and its updates are the ONLY reason I even own an Android. If you don't care about updates and the improvements to the OS and new tech, you might as well just have an old school flip phone.
Sorry, but the OS and its updates are the ONLY reason I even own an Android. If you don't care about updates and the improvements to the OS and new tech, you might as well just have an old school flip phone.

To be fair, both iOS and Android users have been left out in the cold re: updates at various times. Both have room for improvement.

There have been plenty of grumblings over the years on Apple forums, when an iOS update is not fully supported on previous generation iPhones. As there are grumblings for some Android users as well....
I'm sorry but you're wrong here buddy. If your logic held true, that means McDonalds has the best Cheeseburger in the world. This is definitely NOT the case.

I understand that among people preferring the McDonalds cheeseburger, that the Big Mac is the best.

Not sure if you should quote me on that though. :) ;)
What I don't understand is why or how people got into the concept of free OS upgrades. AFAIK Mobile is the only space where ANY free upgrades are offered, period. /shrug
I think we are confusing the term "best" with "best marketing" (ie best brand marketing). Apple is the best marketer, bar none. They have figured out what sells tablets, and are exploiting that to have the best selling tablet. Does that mean they have the best tablet? Not automatically.
Isn't this just a big ado about nothing? Surely the GS2 will be updated sooner rather than later. True, the GS1 wasn't the poster child for timely upgrades , but hopefully Samsung has learned their lesson.
What I don't understand is why or how people got into the concept of free OS upgrades. AFAIK Mobile is the only space where ANY free upgrades are offered, period. /shrug

Open source. Linux is supposed to be that way and most distros are. I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 and can either upgrade to 11.10 or change to a different distro like Mint.

If you use it, change code, you are supposed to put it back where all can benefit so it continuously evolves.
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