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Root AT&T "Bloatware" getting in your way? Delete some of it!

Or simply (after rooting) download the free Titanium Backup app from the Market, find the app(s) you don't want in the Titanium Backup list and touch "delete." Why go through all that ADB crap?
When I try this, I get a warning that I'm going to uninstall a system package.
Have you seen this and uninstalled anyway?
i deleted everything to do with att with titinuam backup and it all went great this is an awesome program

I don't care about them being in my app list, I just hate that they're always running.
Can anyone tell me that its okay to uninstall these with Titanium Backup after getting the warning that they're system files?

I wrote a script (see below) to move the unneeded app files into a separate directory named /system/apps/attapps. Then I used adb to pull that entire directory down in case I ever want to restore any of those apps.
adb -d pull /system/app/attapps attapps
I can now delete that attapps folder on my phone and if needed use adb push to push the attapps directory (or any individual apps) back to the phone. Note that adb push will not let you push to root owned directories so you will have to push somewhere writeable like /sdcard/ and use adb or a local terminal on the phone to move them manually
adb -d push attapps /sdcard/
and then from adb shell (or terminal app)
mv /sdcard/attapps/* /system/apps/
I created the uninstall script by first creating a list of all the apps in /system/apps.
ls /system/apps > /sdcard/applist
I then downloaded that list to my pc, parsed it for all the apps I wanted to remove and created a script from the parsed apps to automate the backup. I used adb to push the script to my phone, changed its permissions (chmod 0700) and then executed it.

I haven't had any trouble (so far) with these apps missing. Note that I uninstalled the default google maps so I could install the latest and greatest right from the market. I started with the list of apps listed in "unleash the beast" found at Peter Alfonso website : Heres the script I used (or you can download the script right to your phone from here: RAW OUTPUT mGNjWff8

mkdir /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/androidlauncher2.1-61x612010_06_11t15_49.apk /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/attmaps20-1094.apk /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/ATTNav-Samsung-Vega-1488.apk /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/ATT-P11_PROD.apk /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/ATT_Radio_2.1.07.apk /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/Days.apk /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/Days.odex /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/Dlna.apk /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/Dlna.odex /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/DrmProvider.apk /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/DrmProvider.odex /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/DrmUA.apk /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/DrmUA.odex /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/IM-Signed.apk /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/InfoAlarm.apk /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/InfoAlarm.odex /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/Maps.apk /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/MediaHub.apk /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/Memo.apk /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/Memo.odex /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/MiniDiary.apk /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/MiniDiary.odex /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/MobileBanking.apk /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/MobileVideo.apk /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/MobileVideo.odex /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/MobiTV_800x480_320_20100610_1.0.0.15-118829.apk /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/MyFiles.apk /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/MyFiles.odex /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/SisoDrmProvider.apk /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/SisoDrmProvider.odex /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/SnsAccount.apk /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/SnsAccount.odex /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/SnsProvider.apk /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/SnsProvider.odex /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/WHERE_Samsung_GT-I900_Vegas_EN_1.9.3_GM_06112010.apk /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/WISPr_v41.apk /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/WriteandGo.apk /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/WriteandGo.odex /system/apps/attapps
mv /system/apps/YPMobile-release_875.apk /system/apps/attapps
I'm new to the forum, so I wanted to say hi.

I recently posted a similar question in xda-developers but I guess not necessarily the same people will read both fora:

Is it possible to remove the at&t online locker upload option? I removed everything else with the titanium backup method (I know I will never restore them), but I could not find how to remove the online locker.

Thanks to all,

I removed /system/app/YPMobile-release_875.apk, but I still can see and launch YPMobile? Is there another file for this app?

I even restarted the phone but still see it.
You might try using the find command from either the adb shell or the android terminal emulator
find / -iname "*YPMobile*"
I found some left over cruft at
but that was it. Only the one instance of YPMobile-release_875.apk that has been moved to my attapps folder.
Or simply (after rooting) download the free Titanium Backup app from the Market, find the app(s) you don't want in the Titanium Backup list and touch "delete." Why go through all that ADB crap?

I do not see a list of apps in titanium backup. Where do I find them? I go to backup/restore tab and only have 5 things listed and none of them are apps? There are only settings listed. The phone is rooted and is in debugging mode.

If anyone could provide me with a dummy guide I would appreciate it.
Yeah, can I get a for dummies guide on this? This seems like a LOT of work just to hack some apps. I had enough trouble with the one click lag fix haha.
If anyone is interested. EStrong's File Explorer from the Market is a pretty nice file manager and it has an included app manager that will allow you to backup/restore your apk files, including your pre-installed system ones, to your sdcard. You'll have to do them one-by-one, but in doing that, you also will be given the apk names so that you can go back and rename or delete them from the system folder.

As an added bonus, it also includes an SD Card Analyzer which does a great job of showing you the disk utilization breakdown by folder and file.
I'm new to the forum, so I wanted to say hi.

I recently posted a similar question in xda-developers but I guess not necessarily the same people will read both fora:

Is it possible to remove the at&t online locker upload option? I removed everything else with the titanium backup method (I know I will never restore them), but I could not find how to remove the online locker.

Thanks to all,


I'm longing for exact the same! Need to remove the "online locker" option. I really hate it when my finger slips to that "online locker" and it just upload and cost money so smoothly! ...
I have installed Titanium Backup and ran a backup of everything with the System+Data+market and when I look at the list of apps, I have the choice to delete or uninstall. I did an uninstall of AT&T Music and there is no option to restore. What is the difference between delete and uninstall?

Delete deletes the backup you have made. Uninstall uninstalls the application.

(I was confused about this at first too. Then I saw that the Delete option was not available on the apps that I hadn't make a backup of.)
Just a thought guys... remember its best to tell Titanium to store its backups on your external SD card. Go to preferences, Backup folder name, and put an sd/ before TitaniumBackup so it'd be , sd/Titanium Backup. This ensures weird stuff like factory resets won't delete your backups!!

One more thing, the premium version of Titanium also allows something interesting called "App Freezing" where the app is like quarantined [can't function, can't run, doesn't appear in App area] but not deleted or uninstalled. It takes 5 seconds to "defrost" and get the app back. I'm using that method to quarantine all my AT&T bloat instead of actually uninstalling.. just in case I have to go to the store or something... not sure. Maybe someone with more knowledge can weigh up pros and cons of my approach.
I'm still trying to get a technical explanation of exactly what "freezing" in Titanium Backup is actually doing to the files/apps.
Do you have to have the paid version of titanium backup for this to work? I tried free and it says I have unistalled the app but they come right back after reboot. Or say I uninsatll the att maps is there more then one thing I need to uninsatll to get rid of it?
Do you have to have the paid version of titanium backup for this to work? I tried free and it says I have unistalled the app but they come right back after reboot. Or say I uninsatll the att maps is there more then one thing I need to uninsatll to get rid of it?

Yes. "Freezing" is a feature of the paid version. As well as numerous other extremely-useful features.

Just donate and get the full version. Considering how much the app can save your butt, there's no excuse to cheap out over $4. That's like two sodas/coffees.
Hey guys I used titanium backup to delete all the att apps but my captivate stop reading my sim so I have exchange it. Is there anyway I get the att apps back?
Hey guys I used titanium backup to delete all the att apps but my captivate stop reading my sim so I have exchange it. Is there anyway I get the att apps back?

This is why people are repeatedly told to not delete the stock apps, but to instead just hide or deactivate them. This is mentioned throughout these forums as well as on the Captivate FAQ:

Uninstalling stock apps - CapFAQ

That link also contains a link to a file that supposedly has the original APKs if you want to try getting them back on.

You can also try doing a factory reset or flashing the stock firmware, but these will erase your phone. Also outlined on the Captivate FAQ:

Resetting/Restoring - CapFAQ

Always check the FAQ first.

PS: "Freezing" is now a feature enabled for the free version of Titanium Backup as well.
Have you tested this? I was unaware Titanium Backup could delete the apps even with root.

Also, my way allows for a back-out procedure if for any reason you want those AT&T apps back on the phone.

Nope. Although after z4mod and BusyBox, Titanium Backup (free) tells me my Samsung Intercept is unlocked and it has superuser access, deletion is unsuccessful. When I delete a piece of crapware like Virgin Mobile Live, the Intercept reboots once and stalls on a screen with a warning triangle. After 5 minutes with no activity, I tap on the screen and see multiple choices in Courier typeface. Tap on reset, it resets, but does not do another reset. Finally gave up and bought the $1 SystemApp Remover from the Market to delete the crapware; it required BusyBox and z4mod, but it works!
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