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Help Atrix Random Reboot Issue Poll

Describe your Atrix behavior

  • Had no random reboots issue since i bought the phone.

    Votes: 25 25.8%
  • Had random reboots issue, replacing the phone FIXED the issue.

    Votes: 3 3.1%
  • Had random reboots issue, replacing the phone DID NOT FIXED the issue.

    Votes: 9 9.3%
  • Have random reboots issue waiting for solution (software/hardware)

    Votes: 60 61.9%

  • Total voters
I think it has to do with reception. My job takes me all over the city. When im at home... It Never has rebooted on its own. Some areas where i lose signal every so often... itll reboot 2-5 times in a period of 8 hours. Its almost like the cell thinks... Hadnt had any reception in quite awhile... maybe ill reboot see if it fixes it. No clue how to stop that
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My phone also started rebooting, it seems to me like there are two times when it will do it.
1) Random reboots, from software, compatibility or other issues
2) The lock screen. Other people have noted that if the phone freezes and users press the lock button the phone with crash. I have also experienced this first hand. If my phone glitches, or an app hangs and I press the lock screen it reboots. If I wait for the phone it usually hangs for a bit then the program crashes.

It is possible that 2 is just 1 but its worth noting for anyone working on a solution.

Note: Anyone noticing apps starting on their own? More than the regular for android? Music player randomly opens and starts playing music, this could possibly be related.

I have had my Atrix for about a week now and this is exactly what's plaguing mine. I didn't even make it out of my Best Buy Store before it locked up for the first time. The dummy salesperson pulled the battery and the dummy customer walked away satisfied...until I got home. Once home, it locked upon me a couple more times before I left for work.
I'm a police officer (working nights) and I keep the phone in my shirt pocket,under my ballistic vest. During my 25minute roll call, I heard my phone beep several times and finally realized that it was rebooting on it's own. At one point, I watched as it endlessly cycled through the Motorola and AT&T screens. After about 5minutes of this nonsense, I pulled the battery.
Best Buy replaced the phone for me, but it still seems to be happening, only not as frequently. I've also noticed that the phone seemsto get very hot while in stand by mode. I guess this could have something to do with where I keep it, but after some research,I see that overheating is a problem for this phone too.
There has to be some solution for this. My wife got the same phone on the same day and hasn't had any problems with it. To think I dumped my iPhone for this...:mad:
Oh...I do have several apps I've downloaded, but I don't think I had any when I left Best Buy with the first one. It wasn't until later that night that I started downloading...maybe I had Facebook, I don't recall.
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I knew I wasn't the only one, glad to see it's not a problem with the phone but with the GB update that NEEDS to be fixed! Add me to the list, I'm sooo tempted to change phones since my wife's HTC Inspire doesn't have this issue.

It randomly reboots about once or twice a week, doesn't matter if I'm on a phone call, listening to music or watching YouTube clips. It's restarted randomly, worst case was last week when it happened three times in two days.
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I knew I wasn't the only one, glad to see it's not a problem with the phone but with the GB update that NEEDS to be fixed!

This has NOTHING to do with the GB update. Look at the date this poll was placed. It was WAY back in March, when we were still on FroYo.

The GB update actually FIXED the reboots for many people, and reduced it for others.

However, if people will remember, these phones are really small computers and they DO NEED to be rebooted on a regular basis, you can prevent these from happening at all. I've stopped my from having any random reboots by just taking the time to do a "Battery Pull" to fully reboot the phone at least once, sometimes twice a week. Say, before I put the phone in my locker while I go swim laps at the Y.
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This has NOTHING to do with the GB update. Look at the date this poll was placed. It was WAY back in March, when we were still on FroYo.

The GB update actually FIXED the reboots for many people, and reduced it for others.

However, if people will remember, these phones are really small computers and they DO NEED to be rebooted on a regular basis, you can prevent these from happening at all. I've stopped my from having any random reboots by just taking the time to do a "Battery Pull" to fully reboot the phone at least once, sometimes twice a week. Say, before I put the phone in my locker while I go swim laps at the Y.

I bought this phone in June, no reboot issues (unless it was rebooting while not in use and I didn't notice it) for a few weeks until GB update in July. Now, I have rebooting issues.
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I think it has to do with reception. My job takes me all over the city. When im at home... It Never has rebooted on its own. Some areas where i lose signal every so often... itll reboot 2-5 times in a period of 8 hours. Its almost like the cell thinks... Hadnt had any reception in quite awhile... maybe ill reboot see if it fixes it. No clue how to stop that

I am a pilot and i often listen to music while flying and I noticed my phone reboot while listening at altitude where cell reception goes in and out. But it doesn't seem consistent, i'll fly over the same area and sometimes it reboots, and other times it doesn't. I have noticed though that when it does reboot that it reboots twice... :thinking: I wondered if it was the music player and have tried a different one but that didn't help.
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Has anyone gotten an answer? I used to have the ipone4 and changed to the Atrix, hubby has the same phone (Atrix) his has Never rebooted randomly mine keeps doing it! He at first said I was doing something but then it did it in front of him and his phone was fine! Do I need to get a different Atrix? Getting frustrated!
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Never did get an answer on why the Atrix does it, what I normally do if I remember is to power my Atrix off once per day that seems to help and I can go weeks without it rebooting itself. Skip a day and it'll reboot everyday.

Has anyone gotten an answer? I used to have the ipone4 and changed to the Atrix, hubby has the same phone (Atrix) his has Never rebooted randomly mine keeps doing it! He at first said I was doing something but then it did it in front of him and his phone was fine! Do I need to get a different Atrix? Getting frustrated!
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I've had this problem since this phone first hit the UK back in May we've had 2 upgrades now and they haven't fixed the issue. This a 100% to do with App's if I don't install any it never happens, the worst apps for the random reboots are Google which always mad me laugh as the base software is Google.

Some of them seem fine for a few days then they seem to go loopy I'm not sure if it
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@noirfire if you can show this to the carrier you bought your phone from so they will replace your Atrix under warranty. It's pretty bad if you say it's Google stock app like Map that crashes.

Well my phone always restarts when i use Zedge to download wallpapers. i think the phone does not play nice with image intensive applications. the phone also feels quite hot when it restarts. one more thing that is common among the restart incidents is that at the time my phone was either connected with a charger or a usb cable and was charging at the time of the recharge.

my guess is that its due to over heating, i think the battery and charging IC heats up when u use it while its charging, which causes the phone to restart.
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This has been driving me crazy. When I'm in NYC, the phone reboots 5 times a day, kills the battery, and interrupts tasks.

I went to the AT&T service center last week. After an hour, someone took my phone. She came back and handed me another phone, supposedly refurbished. It had more wear on the case than my phone, all the apps were wiped out, and no digital data. I had to register the new ID number myself. The App Store only restored the apps I had paid for. The other 50 or so were gone. Most importantly, it still randomly reboots. 3 times today and counting.

Needless to say, this is rather abusive.
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I am also getting random reboots after having my phone warranty replaced. The new phone had the latest att update they pushed out (my old one was part of the beta rollout of same).

I had to replace the phone because the fingerprint reader stopped working and there was a dim rectangular 5mm wide halo around the screen edges.

I use my phone to connect to the net for my work. I chat with customers. I can't have a phone that decides to reboot whenever it feels like it. This is worse than windows!

Hope att is working on this BS
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Upgraded to 141 fairly recently and heard alerts once in a while but didn't realize those were the tail-end of a reboots.
In the last day, the crash/reboots have become bad -- near 10 today alone.
Did a complete data reset today -- if anything it is worse now.

Oh dear :( How many times have you gotten your Atrix replaced under warranty? Is it still under warranty?
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this problem has gotten worse recently for my phone so im tying into this thread.

I have OS version 2.3.6
battery does not seem to be an issue since it reboots even when fully charged.
Like others have noted it reboots at no particular time of day or when doing a particular function.
I have noticed this occuring when in transitional coverage zones like when driving an area where tower coverage is sketchy.
i notice the phone getting hot sometimes not sure what that means.
I have uninstalled some apps but next i will uninstall google earth.

Hopefully somebody at Google or Motorola understands this is a reliability problem and it needs to be solved.
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03-16 01:42:35.604  1485  1586 E RDS     : RdsReadSvrMsg: READ HEADER FAIL 0
03-16 01:42:35.607  1485  1586 E mdm_panicd: connection broken - recreate socket
03-16 01:42:35.607  1485  1586 I mdm_panicd: Subscribed to RDS_MSG_ID_UNSOL_IPC_FAILURE
03-16 01:42:35.607  1485  1586 I mdm_panicd: RDS Socket resd something on gUnsolicitedFd = 4 
03-16 01:42:35.607  1485  1586 E mdm_panicd: Unsolicited message too short: expected at least 32 bytes, got 0
03-16 01:42:35.607  1485  1586 D mdm_panicd: Unsolicited thread finished
03-16 01:42:35.607  1485  1485 E mdm_panicd: /data/panicreports/mdm_panicd.log created successfully!
03-16 01:42:35.607  1485  1485 E mdm_panicd: Modem reset detected (BP_STATUS 0). Reboot system!

03-14 10:51:56.041  1545  1560 E RDS     : RdsReadSvrMsg: READ HEADER FAIL 0
03-14 10:51:56.041  1545  1560 E mdm_panicd: connection broken - recreate socket
03-14 10:51:56.041  1545  1560 I mdm_panicd: Subscribed to RDS_MSG_ID_UNSOL_IPC_FAILURE
03-14 10:51:56.041  1545  1560 I mdm_panicd: RDS Socket resd something on gUnsolicitedFd = 4
03-14 10:51:56.041  1545  1560 E mdm_panicd: Unsolicited message too short: expected at least 32 bytes, g
ot 0
03-14 10:51:56.041  1545  1560 D mdm_panicd: Unsolicited thread finished
03-14 10:51:56.047  1545  1545 E mdm_panicd: /data/panicreports/mdm_panicd.log created successfully!
03-14 10:51:56.047  1545  1545 E mdm_panicd: Modem power down detected (BP_RESOUT). Reboot system!

I figured out how to record the event, radio, and main system logs to the SD card while I'm out and about. I have recorded 5 reboots so far. They are all identicla. There is a problem with the radio which causes a kernel panic and therefore the reboot.

I first thought the rebooting was because I imported apps from my exchanged phone. But after several days of messing around with this stupid phone, I factory reset it and did NOTHING ELSE but turn on SD notification sounds (so I can hear it reboot). Lowe and behold the phone is still rebooting!

I am now replacing my replacement Atrix, hopefully the next one will not have the rebooting problem. If it does, I will exchange again, and again, and again, until it works. I already have Motorola and AT&T notified about my problems but of course they dont seem to care.

Rebooting problems? Speak up. here is how to get at your logs:

usb debugging on. Have the motorola drivers installed. load adb shell.

..create files on your sd card:

adb shell
busybox mkdir /mnt/sdcard-ext/logs/
busybox touch /mnt/sdcard-ext/logs/log-radio
busybox touch /mnt/sdcard-ext/logs/log-system
busybox touch /mnt/sdcard-ext/logs/log-events
busybox touch /mnt/sdcard-ext/logs/log-main

..then cause logcat to log to these files:

adb shell busybox nohup logcat -b events -f /mnt/sdcard-ext/logs/log-events -n 60 -r 3600
adb shell busybox nohup logcat -b system -f /mnt/sdcard-ext/logs/log-system -n 60 -r 3600
adb shell busybox nohup logcat -b radio -f /mnt/sdcard-ext/logs/log-radio -n 60 -r 3600
adb shell busybox nohup logcat -b main -f /mnt/sdcard-ext/logs/log-main -n 60 -r 3600

Then you can disconnect your USB connection and use the phone. Logs are still going to your sdcard. When it reboots (YOU LIKELY WONT HAVE TO WAIT LONG), reconnect the phone with USB mass storage and copy the /logs/ folder to your PC. I bet you will find the same "RdsReadSvrMsg: READ HEADER FAIL 0" I am seeing.

I think the reboots happen more often when the cellular signal is spotty/weaker.. as they seem to happen when I go into the basement of my house

Very aggravating.

I was not yet able to capture that /data/panicreports/mdm_panicd.log file. I dont know if it is actually being created, upon reboot nothing is in that folder. I dont think it would be erased on reboot so I'm thinking its just not being created. I dont know how to redirect it elsewhere...

here are some other logs you can peak at (I did not find them to be as helpful as the above)


adb shell dmesg > dmesg.txt
adb shell dumpstate > dumpstate.txt
adb shell dumpsys > dumpsys.txt

take a peak in those huge files for anything suspicious..
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