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Baseball 2023

My Royals are off to a typical start. O-fers for the first two games of regular season tells the tale of what I expect to be another dismal season. If they could just finish with a winning record I'll be happy. Give me a 50-50 chance of winning when I watch a game would make watching a lot more fun.
But hey, they say with the time clock in place, the average game so far is being played in twenty two minutes less time. That is twenty two minutes less misery for watching the Royals per game. That equates to over 50 hours less bitching and whining a season for a Royals fan. :)
my boys in blue are up and down thru 4 games. we are 2-2. and we still need to establish an identity. we lost a lot of key guys thru free agency. we have quite a few young guys on the team. we added some vets, but i would not count them as keys to success. they are great for culture in the clubhouse. right now thru the first week of baseball they are up and down. case in point....last night Trace Thompson hit 3 homers with 8 rbi.....that's tied for 8th in Dodgers history for rbi's in one game. today he went 0-4 at the plate.

i know it is early. i hope we can develop some consistency.
same here @ocnbrze , we lost our first 2 then won our last 2........ them claiming we may win the World Series is kind of ridiculous to bring up this early in the season and it may hurt us.
yeah, but i think that the Padres is like 3rd in team spending this year. the dodgers have always been top 3, until this year. and you guys are stacked with talent. the dodgers have some unproven players that are going to be a full season of mlb baseball. who knows how they will play later in the dog days of the season.
yeah, but i think that the Padres is like 3rd in team spending this year. the dodgers have always been top 3, until this year. and you guys are stacked with talent. the dodgers have some unproven players that are going to be a full season of mlb baseball. who knows how they will play later in the dog days of the season.

I'm surprised that we are actually spending the money, in past years they were such a cheap skate.
My Tigers won yesterday!!!
I'd like to go to Dodger stadium

I've been to these stadiums White Sox (100 time) Cubs, Old Twins Dome, Royals, Orioles and Rangers

My wife worked with a woman who's husband had Cub tickers. Last time I went to a Cubs game was when Sammy Sosa and Mark McGuire were having their home run race. We sat behind the Cardinals dugout. I saw Mark McGuire close up. His arms were the size of my legs, It showed me what steroids do.
To bad they used iminent domain and kicked all those people out their homes just so they could build Dodgers Stadium 😢
yeah the history of how Dodger Stadium came to be is sad. one of my friend's dad's family was one of the many that had to move. from what i know that area was where many Mexican immigrants came to call home. the LAPD kicked them out forcibly in the late 1950's. i think that today its great to see that many of fellow Mexican Angelinos have embraced the Dodgers as if to take what happened and not play the victim. and there have been many Latino greats that has put on a Dodger uniform. and there has been much joy and history that the Dodgers and Dodger Stadium have given to the citizens of LA that most have either forgiven or forgot what happened.

for me Dodger stadium will always be etched into my mind when i saw them play at Dodger Stadium for the first time. i got to see Steve Sax, Mike Scioscia, and Pedro Guerrero up close on the field.....so yeah Dodger Stadium will always be in my heart despite its ugly past.
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