My battery life has ups and downs. After I rooted -- and after I got rid of Last.FM -- my battery life improved leaps and bounds. But nowadays, even after not installing Last.FM again, my battery life is back to poor. I think it's a program constantly activating the network radios (wifi/3g). When my phone is in airplane mode, I only lose about ~1% per 9 hours. Outside of airplane mode, it's 10-15% while idle. If I use the phone to actually do things, it's even worse. I can make it from morning to bed, but only when I put my phone in airplane mode while I"m inside at work (for 9 hours out of the day). Without that, my phone would be dead in less than 7-8 hours idle. Up time 48 hours, awake time 16 hours.
I've done/do the following:
-Wifi On at home, 3G off, no 4g so always disabled
-CPU underclocks to 245 MHz when screen is off, ondemand otherwise
-rooted with Fresh 1.0.1 w/ Toast kernel (same drain noticed on all kernels I've tried and on stock before root)
-wifi set to sleep after 15 minutes when screen off
-Live backgrounds disabled
-screen set to 20% brightness, no autobright
-Only two things sync: Gmail and the default weather widget every hour
-Facebook uninstalled
-gTalk logged out and auto sign-in disabled
-No AIM/MSN or other chat services/programs enabled (ie: eBuddy does not have any sign-ins, it's only installed)
-Streaming apps (ala Pandora) quit/killed after I finish using it
-GPS on/off, no difference
-App list :
kamikazekyle's Apps on the PC36100
NOTE: I don't have Network Speed, Real Signal, or QuickDesk installed anymore
EDIT: Cell signal is max while I'm out and about and inside my house.
About the only thing I could think of that might constantly poll in the background would be Timerriffic, but I never notice that whenever I check for running apps.
Ugh. Just when I thought I had this battery drain thing knicked, here it is again :/
Anyone have any ideas?