Hi everyone,
I got my Evo a little over 2 weeks ago (coming from the Hero) and loving it. Like everyone else who has addressed battery issues/concerns, I wanted to bring mine to make sure I’m not putting too many expectations regarding battery power. I’ve installed a few games/apps (didn’t put last.fm/Pandora on yet; haven’t used the live wallpaper and don’t use 4G).
After 90 minutes on (off the charger) and ‘little’ use (that is, checking email notification in the morning once or twice (about 2 minutes), no web browsing and no calls, Bluetooth not turned on), I checked my battery status and it showed 81%. 19% drop after 90 minutes (mostly being idle)? After 5 hours (my lunch break where I do about 20 minutes of web browsing and about 10 minutes of youtube videos), it reads around 55%. So a 45% drop after 6 hours? When I get home from work (after 9 hours), it still hovers around 50%. Because I use ‘wifi’ at home, power stays in the 45-50% range (then I recharge). This is the routine Monday through Friday.
Obviously, I’m wondering if that’s normal? I know that having a faster processor, a larger screen and all the bells and whistles (apps) will require more power usage/utility. But I’m uncertain if this is abnormal. I did notice that the ‘3G notice’ at work ‘fluctuates,’ so I’m hoping that a cause is that the 3G is so bad at work (building & signal) that the phone uses power to search for a 3G connection.
Also, I did download an ATK like I had for the Hero (I know…after reading the posts here that it’s unnecessary and will remove). But I noticed that there were background programs/apps showing as on. Even when I had them shut down, a few minutes later, they still showed back up. Do ATK give false readings? And what comes up often is ‘maps’ ‘music,’ ‘sprint zone’ & ‘Amazon MP3.’ Are there programs that always update (or stay on)…regardless (I can understand v/m showing as on/active). Is there a way to shut those other programs down?
P.S. I have read many of the tips/suggestions from everyone here (thanks all). Turning off the ‘enabled always on mobile data’ & ‘background data’ has helped. But I’m wondering has anyone done everything (including battery calibration) and yet had a large drainage? 1-5% drop per hour being idle is ok with me, but 10% per hour and being almost idle?? I read a few post from those that did a hard reset and was wondering if I should do so as a last resort (after a few more weeks of ‘trials’
. I may be paranoid, but I just want to maximize battery power and utilize its features and not think that I have a problem with the phone when it’s operating efficiently under the circumstances/fluctuations.
[FONT="]Anyway, I do have spare batteries (from the Hero) as a backup so I’m not without power (as well as leftover chargers/USB).[/FONT]