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Root Beats Audio on LG Connect WORKING! (Now with Visual Proof!!!)


Android Enthusiast
May 3, 2012
Using the beats audio file from RockoDev @ XDA is a success!!!
The results below were recorded utilizing the Line In port on my PC plugged directly into the headphone Jack of the LG Connect Running Broken Out ROM V1.0 and Power Amp. I modified the bass level of Power Amp to 75% for the EXPLICIT Purpose of having the frequencies drop when the bass hit! I also raised Tone to 25% and Set the Equalizer to Extreme Bass.
The following provides us with physical proof that we can see with our own eyes that Beats Audio DOES make a difference, whether slightly inaudible or not.
Audiophiles rejoice, I proved yo' shit a success!

Credits go to RockoDev for this, I take no credit for anything except trying, and failing, then trying again, and succeeding. (And testing, and providing proof)

Before you read further, if you don't follow instructions, or for some reason your phone just doesn't like this, and it breaks it - It's not my fault, nor RockoDev either. Follow the instructions carefully (not like it's hard) and you shouldn't have any issues, but if you do that's what the restore is for.

Beats can be obtained by using this direct link HERE


You can use the QR Code listed: HERE

The entire thread including other versions can be found here: XDA Forums Thread

Installation Instructions:
1. Root your phone, if it isn't already.
2. Download the zip file, and place it somewhere on your external Microsd card. it HAS to be on the external.
3. Reboot into Custom Recovery Mode
4. Create a Backup of your ENTIRE Rom (This is known as a NANDROID Backup.)
5. After that's finished, Select the menu that says "Install Zip from SDCard."
6. Select the Beats zip file, and install it.
7. Reboot phone when prompted to, and enjoy.
8. Post if you notice an audible difference, and what headphones you're using so we all know what sounds best to our ears, not just what looks best.
9. Ignore the following two posts referring to an Issue. Those are in reference to an issue with a previously aforementioned version.
10. Stop reading...seriously, there's nothing down here xD

Please give thanks to RockoDev @ XDA if you like this. I did nothing more than test, and therefor don't take credit for anything.
To remove this, simply restore the nandroid backup you performed earlier in the steps for installation.

Proof Below:

------Ignore the "Using Go" part in the first chat box. I accidentally hit my paste macro and was pasting that text (and a lot that isn't showing) into another thread regarding how Our connects look.--------------------------

SO....In conclusion, to all you haters and doubters GTFO! You tried to say it was impossible, and now I've proved you wrong with more than just my extreme intellect of electronics. To the people it helped, glad I could do it for you, I love providing my "families (communities I join) with content :D
The "first one" as on in the one that's inside the code boxes?
The one that I had originally linked is buggy, and crashes poweramp and a few other players on this particular phone (as warned it may, but the first time it didn't, so yeh.)
However, I'm tinkering with another version he wrote out, and it seems to be working fine now.
I'll post more in a bit when I finish tinkering with it.

Main post fixed, and containing FULLY compatible version. Now we just need someone with apparently different equipment than myself to verify that it actually makes a difference in quality.
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Which file did yall download?

The one that's linked in the main post.
It sounds different to me, but I wasn't sure if that were just me having wishful thinking.
On that note, you can still use Dolby in the default player, and the beats works with externals. As to whether it pairs with the original is what I'm referring to when I say someone needs to confirm a difference.
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The best way to tell would be to analyze the sound files in programs that allow you to see the spectrum. I'm going to be testing it with my phone today to verify it. Decided to do a stock recovery to the original broken out ROM I had so I could do this.
The test will be executed by means of connecting the phones headphone jack to the line in on my computer to make sure no outside interference is recorded at all.
It may take me a few days to get back with the results, cuz I've got a newborn at home, and my wife's off for six days so i'm sure she's going to want to go shopping.
I will post screenshots of the spectrum for each recording, and they'll be the same part of a song. We will literally be able to visually tell if there is a difference when I do this.
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The best way to tell would be to analyze the sound files in programs that allow you to see the spectrum. I'm going to be testing it with my phone today to verify it. Decided to do a stock recovery to the original broken out ROM I had so I could do this.
The test will be executed by means of connecting the phones headphone jack to the line in on my computer to make sure no outside interference is recorded at all.
It may take me a few days to get back with the results, cuz I've got a newborn at home, and my wife's off for six days so i'm sure she's going to want to go shopping.
I will post screenshots of the spectrum for each recording, and they'll be the same part of a song. We will literally be able to visually tell if there is a difference when I do this.

a little more work but even better.
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The best way to tell would be to analyze the sound files in programs that allow you to see the spectrum. I'm going to be testing it with my phone today to verify it. Decided to do a stock recovery to the original broken out ROM I had so I could do this.
The test will be executed by means of connecting the phones headphone jack to the line in on my computer to make sure no outside interference is recorded at all.
It may take me a few days to get back with the results, cuz I've got a newborn at home, and my wife's off for six days so i'm sure she's going to want to go shopping.
I will post screenshots of the spectrum for each recording, and they'll be the same part of a song. We will literally be able to visually tell if there is a difference when I do this.

you sir, are the best! and congratulation on your newborn.
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Using the beats audio file from RockoDev @ XDA seems to be a success, but I'm not sure about an audible difference.
I've got Turtle Beach, Seinnheiser, Tritton, Sony, Koss, and a few other brands of headsets from earbud to studio, and haven't heard too much of a difference, but it does seem to expand functionality some for PowerAmp.

Credits go to RockoDev for this, I take no credit for anything except trying, and failing, then trying again, and succeeding.

Before you read further, if you don't follow instructions, or for some reason your phone just doesn't like this, and it breaks it - It's not my fault, nor RockoDev either. Follow the instructions carefully (not like it's hard) and you shouldn't have any issues, but if you do that's what the restore is for.

Beats can be obtained by using this direct link HERE


You can use the QR Code listed: HERE

The entire thread including other versions can be found here: XDA Forums Thread

Installation Instructions:
1. root your phone, if it isn't already.
2. Download the zip file, and place it somewhere on your external Microsd card. it HAS to be on the external.
3. Reboot into Custom Recovery Mode
4. Create a Backup of your ENTIRE Rom (This is known as a NANDROID Backup.)
5. After that's finished, Select the menu that says "Install Zip from SDCard."
6. Select the Beats zip file, and install it.
7. Reboot phone when prompted to, and enjoy.
8. Post if you notice an audible difference, because I don't to be honest...and I'm a BIG Audiophile.
9. Ignore the Two posts referring to an Issue. Those are in reference to an issue with a previously aforementioned version.
10. Stop reading...seriously, there's nothing down here xD

Please give thanks to RockoDev @ XDA if you like this. I did nothing more than test, and therefor don't take credit for anything.
To remove this, simply restore the nandroid backup you performed earlier in the steps for installation.

a) if you're an audiophile don't use this crap, it's an eq setting basically for specific headphones. Your best bet is turning on high quality audio in pandora's settings, or uploading your music using google music, and setting that to high quality as well.

b) the best quality is obtainable by a bluetooth A2DP adapter, particularly if it has a headphone jack you can run to your line in of a stereo or car. (if the deck/stereo itself doesn't have A2DP). This avoids one digital to analog conversions preserving quality. Just like using DTS/Spidif does on a stereo.

c) this driver needs an app to activate it, that you don't have. It's not automatic, so in other words it doesn't work.

d) you have dolby mobile built into the default music player, if you actually want to use something like that, and yes it's only that app that can use it, it's unfortunately not system wide.

e) If you actually want to use a DSP to modify your sound, then the only real solution i've seen an app called: Equalizer, in the effects tab enable the virtualizer option. This is just a nickname for stereo expansion. That's a nice useful trick that changes your perception of the 'size of the room'. This is handy for small rooms and particularly in your car as it will make everything surround you nicely. Don't eq anything, presets have values >0db which causes distortion, only go lower than 0db if anything.

f) if you have cash to blow, and there exists such a thing and you hate car breakins... then find a 4 channel car amplifier for your speakers (with bluetooth support), run the sub line out to another amp of your choice that handles the subwoofers separately. Replace your deck with a solid panel or some other things beside a radio (like an android phone/tablet holder) so there's no temptation for anyone to break in. This is what I do, i mean really who listens to radio anyways?

Something like this is handy for sending sound to an older amp or stereo
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a) if you're an audiophile don't use this crap, it's an eq setting basically for specific headphones. Your best bet is turning on high quality audio in pandora's settings, or uploading your music using google music, and setting that to high quality as well.

b) the best quality is obtainable by a bluetooth A2DP adapter, particularly if it has a headphone jack you can run to your line in of a stereo or car. (if the deck/stereo itself doesn't have A2DP). This avoids one digital to analog conversions preserving quality. Just like using DTS/Spidif does on a stereo.

c) this driver needs an app to activate it, that you don't have. It's not automatic, so in other words it doesn't work.

d) you have dolby mobile built into the default music player, if you actually want to use something like that, and yes it's only that app that can use it, it's unfortunately not system wide.

e) If you actually want to use a DSP to modify your sound, then the only real solution i've seen an app called: Equalizer, in the effects tab enable the virtualizer option. This is just a nickname for stereo expansion. That's a nice useful trick that changes your perception of the 'size of the room'. This is handy for small rooms and particularly in your car as it will make everything surround you nicely. Don't eq anything, presets have values >0db which causes distortion, only go lower than 0db if anything.

f) if you have cash to blow, and there exists such a thing and you hate car breakins... then find a 4 channel car amplifier for your speakers (with bluetooth support), run the sub line out to another amp of your choice that handles the subwoofers separately. Replace your deck with a solid panel or some other things beside a radio (like an android phone/tablet holder) so there's no temptation for anyone to break in. This is what I do, i mean really who listens to radio anyways?

Something like this is handy for sending sound to an older amp or stereo

You got 'c' wrong. Although it does need an app to activate it, poweramp natively does and from what I've seen of it's code it does not look at what phone it's running on to test for support of beats it simply activates it.

As for the digital to analog conversion there's NO such thing as lossless audio on a mobile phone. They simply aren't built for that, and if they were then they would support FLAC now wouldn't they.

As for this being made specifically for beats headphones while that may be tentatively true it in no one way could ever be completely true just because of the process of making headphones. While it's true that the beats headphones (in certain series) are software dependent on the processing that's built into them the earlier versions were not. They were just as "standard" as any other studio quality headset, and those that have them COULD potentially benefit from it IF it works.

There's not a definitive on whether this does, the purpose of this thread is to open the availability of it to people that DO have beats, and poweramp, or other programs that activate the beats DSP, and allow them to have access to something that's built with an open SDK.
The thread mainly exists to inform, and regard, while introducing the availability of testing. nothing more, and if you're not interested in it, then you could have just as easily disregarded it, and left us to talk amongst ourselves concerning the issue. Your essay was unnecessary.
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Got proof and results for you all to see. Hopefully this will help people realize there's no sense in trying to stir a debate over something that they have no knowledge in.
All settings remained the same, and untouched, and while the audio is SLIGHTLY off sync, anyone with common sense can tell where they're suppose to match up, and see the difference in audio response.
Glad to have been of assistance :D
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