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Best Browser

Best Browser

  • Firefox

    Votes: 37 34.3%
  • Chrome/Chromium

    Votes: 58 53.7%
  • Opera

    Votes: 7 6.5%
  • Safari

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 4.6%

  • Total voters
I am wondering which browser people here like best for computers (not phones). I used to be dedicated to Firefox, I used chrome for a while and liked it but then I found Opera and fell in love with its build in Email Client and built in torrent client and really nice mouse gestures. I also use Conqueror occasionally as all my computers run Kubuntu, but it still doesn't compare to Opera in my opinion.
I use chrome, firefox, and IE. From my experience each one has its perks. Chrome is fast and is the browser i use for almost everything. For work, I use firefox because the system was optimized for it. I am forced to use IE for a few remaining sites that don't work in the other browsers. If I had only one choice though, it would be chrome.
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Just curious, what are the problems with Chrome and win7 64? I just got a new laptop 2 weeks ago and I'm looking to get rid of IE. Have used Firefox in past, but I heard good things about Chrome. Thanks in advance

No idea really. I used Google Chrome on my win7 partion all the time and have had 0 issues with it. Now im using XP and still have 0 issues with Google Chrome.
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i am surprised at the Results.

Microsoft has lost.
The ONLY thing surprising to me is that it took this long for micro$oft's pathetic excuse for a browser to lose its market share. I sat by for years wondering how so many people could just blindly use an inferior piece of garbage while there were great alternatives they could've been using.

As a Linux [ONLY] user, I've of course had a plethora of browsers to choose from, all of which put IE to shame. I remember how funny it was when I heard--several years after I'd been using this feature--that IE was getting tabbed browsing. :D What a joke. As I understand it, they couldn't even copy the concept right. Something weird about their version. Oh well, whatever, as long as their crap doesn't infect my computers, I'm happy.
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