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Best way to eat an Oreo.

Ummmm.....DEEP FRIED!!!!! :D

Need to back to King's Dominion and get some. We always end the day of rides with some oreos and funnel cake.

That's good...had en that way for the first time when we visited a fair earlier this summer.. Mmmmmmmmm
Ummmm.....DEEP FRIED!!!!! :D

Need to back to King's Dominion and get some. We always end the day of rides with some oreos and funnel cake.

And yet, us scottish get a bad rep for deep frying a mars bar! (which ive never actually had, nor seen anyone purchase! lol)
Best ways to eat Oreos (IMHO):

Separate cookie from filling, scrape filling off with teeth, dunk remaining cookie parts in milk till soggy, eat.

Get bowl of ice cream (I really like vanilla or coffee) and let get a little melty. Get at least 5 or 6 cookies (or more). Separate cookies from filling, scrape filling with knife and put on plate. Crumble cookie halves over ice cream and mix until blended. Put in freezer to make hard again. Eat filling while waiting.

I also like them dipped in chocolate or covered in ganache. And deep fried. One of my friends dips them in Cool Whip which is quite tasty too.

Our pastry chef is running a cookies and cream gelato at the restaurant now. It's basically just vanilla base with cookie crumbs running through and whole cookies on top. Super simple, but probably my favorite right now (well, the peanut butter with Reeses on top is probably my second fav.) :D.
Alright, this is a time consuming but awesome way to eat them.

Step one dunk for about three seconds. Remove cookie from milk. Then flip cookie upside-down so milks nearly dripping on your fingers. The cookie will absorb the milk. Do this two more times. Any more and you risk the cookie breaking. Then eat. The cookie is very moist and delicious.

Alternative - consume cookie like it's going out of style and take a swig of milk.


Now thinking we need an emoticon of dunking oreos in milk : oreo:
Unscrew top, scrape off filling with teeth, eat plain cookies when done eating filling.

Unless milk is available, then dunk as-is and enjoy.

Everyone knows this.

Don't really eat Oreos much, but we have a biscuit over here called The Bourbon (not sure if you cats get them over the pond) and your post pretty much describes the best way to eat them.

Dunked in Coffee, they're fantasteesh!
Unscrew top, scrape off filling with teeth, eat plain cookies when done eating filling.

Unless milk is available, then dunk as-is and enjoy.

Everyone knows this.

I agree with the first part, but I don't dunk cookies (can't deal with the texture of soggy cookie).
"Oh, the kid’ll eat the middle of an Oreo first and save the chocolate cookie outsides for last.”
I see alot of good ideas here, but alot of rokkie once too.

The ONLY way to eat an Oreo cookie, is as follows:

Unscrew one side, carfully, so as to keep the "stuff" on the other side. Now.....Let the one cookie with the stuff alone for now, and grab another Oreo. Repete the unscrewing of the cookie part. Now....Put the 2 halves with the stuff togather. DO NOT EAT! You now eat the un fullfilling cookie parts without the stuff. This gives you time to admire the new found "Double stuff" cookie. After the 2 halves are eaten, THEN you eat the newly created double stuff.

this may have already been mentioned, as Im posting without fully reading the thread yet.
^That is the boring way.
Perhaps. being as I have an open mind, I have decided to experiment in finding other ways to eat an Oreo. I did this for you guys.....not myself.

I call this, the "Big Mac Oreo"

You separate one Oreo side from the "Stuff", then attach the regular Oreo to the Oreo missing one cookie side. Once again, you eat the de stuffed cookie part first, THEN eat the Big mac oreo.

This oere didnt require much work, and I prefer the taste of the home made Double Stuff oreo. Im currently working on a quadruple stuff oreo....I shall post my findings.
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