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Root best way to root?

So basically if I root and get a hardware failure at some point in the future I've no warranty with Orange... its only a month old! Would HTC provide the warranty?
date on boot screen is august 2010 so can I assume it is AMOLED?
Whoops, posted a bit late after your replies!
Cheers for all your help.
So the plan is:
1. create a gold card?
2. unrevoked
3. nandroid back up
4 .titanium backup
5. flash a rom of my choice (does, say the aurax rom, come with a radio?)
6. flash a radio if needed
Have I got it all covered?
Some say that but it doesn't really make any difference. I have been through multiple radios on the same Rom
Need bootloader for 0.98 HBoot. The versions on on Droid Den are .83 and below. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
Well outdated guides. Bootloader irrelevant.

1st response in this thread answers your question
got my goldcard...
going to root at the weekend.
now ROM which do I want??? Quite like sense (what I have now) and see no reason to change. Have seen the teppic rom recommended, but this comes with a radio. I'd rather not flash the radio as this is where bricks can be found - correct? so is there a rom like the Orange default (without all the crap)?
I've flashed Teppic's Sense ROM as recommended by Danfance and it's fine. It comes with an optional radio but you don't have to install it. I haven't as the radio is the same as the one I've got, although I think I may look for a more up-to-date version over the weekend. The advantage of Teppic's ROM is that it gives you all the options without forcing them on you. You want A2SD+? Download the extra zip. You want Powersaver settings? Download the extra zip. You want Flash 10.1 removed and the ROM embedded with the latest version? Download the extra zip. Dump all the zip files into teh root of your SD card and install from the Bootloader (start the loader by holding down the volume down button and then pressing the power button - run a Nandriod backup by going to recovery using volume up and volume down and selecting using the power button. Once in the black screen with green text use the trackball, go to Backup/Recover and press Backup - when that's done, select Flash from SD card again using the trackball - choose the zip file, and off you go). I was amazed, it really is easy when you know how!
Actually, you may also pick and choose, and cook your own ROM from this site. It gives you all major ROMs and allows you to delete any system app you dont like.

I'd recommend that you use Neophyte's AuraxTSense as your base. You'd love it if you love Rosie..er..HTC Sense. :D
Actually, you may also pick and choose, and cook your own ROM from this site. It gives you all major ROMs and allows you to delete any system app you dont like.

I'd recommend that you use Neophyte's AuraxTSense as your base. You'd love it if you love Rosie..er..HTC Sense. :D

Cool site, may have a fiddle later.

Regarding AuraxTSense, if it's a ROM that preserves Sense, what does this give you / do that Teppic's rooted 2.2 (with added extras) doesn't?

Sorry, dumb question: I presume because you start with a base ROM and just add or delete what you do and don't want, I guess the "cooked" ROM is inherently stable (or as stable as it's ever likely to be)?
Understood. I'd like to think that only tried-and-tested (i.e. fairly stable) ROMS make it onto the menu, but I also understand that some things will always slip through the net. I guess as long as I use a "known" ROM like Aurax or Defrost - to begin with at least - I should be on fairly safe ground.
Last question - hopefully! When I flash a ROM i'll lose all my apps and data. How can I keep my apps? Esp paid apps like poweramp and rockplayer? The rest I can download via appbrain. Aurax looks
You can save images of them using Titanium Backup. But worst case scanario you can justy reinstall the apps - even the paid ones - from the Market (the Market keeps a record of what you've purchased so you don't pay twice). Incidentally, when I flashed Teppic's ROM last night I didn't wipe anything as I was laying a modded stock ROM on top of a standard stock ROM and thought I'd take the punt. I didn't lose anything, which surprised me. If you wipe you will, but that's the risk I guess. To wife or not to wipe...
Take titanium back up first. Flash Rom with no wipe. If that doesn't work, you can retrospectively wipe from recovery.
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