Okay, since the last time I checked in here, I've completed several minor - but cool - features.
You know how the 3G icon turns to grayscale when your data isn't being synced with Google's servers? The Android framework system supports the same indicator difference with WiFi, It's just that the icons in WOEM were always set to the same images by default, so you can't tell the difference. I now implemented a set of grayed-out WiFi icons, so now you can tell if you're syncing or not.
I also got rid of the pre-loaded Boost contacts which the system places in your phone by default. That always was a personal annoyance of mine, so now it's finally gone. I also modded the installer-script to wipe
/cache for you, making installation one step easier.
Many, many icons have been themed - some custom and some from ICS - and the Status bar is now slightly updated in appearance, complete with a new font as well. The battery icon (shown in the attached pic) is nearing completion, however I believe I'm going to turn the battery itself so that it faces the other direction. I just think it would look better that way.
Another thing about Gingerbread's look which always perturbed me is the gray spinning "loading" icons shown any time something is taking too long. Now they're sporting a blue gradient instead of being black-and-white. The thing that grinds my gears with this is
even ICS has the old gray icons! Come on, Google! This isn't 1963 anymore... get with the times, already! lol
alert and
information dialog icons are now also colorized in yellow and blue, respectively, and the animated downloading icon has been redesigned. We also have new text selection handles and missing app icons as well, brought over from ICS.
Sorry I haven't shown screenshots of all these goodies, but there's two reasons for that:
1) It's been a
very long day, and I'm one tired boy lol
2) I don't wanna spoil
everything for you guys!
While I've been typing this, I had my latest test image installing on my dev Warp and I just fired it up for a test run. Suffice it to say... wow. Warp OEM is
still smokin' fast.
And that's only at 1.4
Goodnight, folks!