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Root [Boost Mobile] [ROM] Warp OEM 2.70

Here's the fruit of the last 11 hours I've spent in front of my monitor... a completed, 100% working and functional extended power menu :)

I know I said I was originally going to do away with the bootloader and put in something else... but I'd already made the icon! And that's as good as etched-in-stone to a dev :p

But seriously though, I opted to leave the bootloader in since what I was going to replace it with isn't going to work out at this point, and it turns out the Warp seems to have a 6 item maximum anyway. Plus it could come in handy for the rare instance of someone bricking their Warp. I'd hate to not include that one thing that could possibly fix someone's phone!

I decided to add a rapid reboot option to the list as well since I've come to heavily depend on it lately with all this modding going on. I also had the extreme pleasure of deleting Quick Boot from my system folder. Sorry, Quick Boot... nothing personal.

Next up, I'm focusing on integrating a couple more apps. I'll keep you all posted as always :)



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Early this morning I put together a beta build of WOEM (around 60% completed) to be seeded to my main tester, and everything seems to be running smoothly. So far so good! :)

In the mean time, I'm putting together the next build which will include a couple bugfixes I have on my list, and maybe some early size optimizations. I'd like to keep this version under 100MB, making it the smallest version to date but if that proves to be impossible... I won't lose a whole lot of sleep over it lol

Like I said before, this version is all about optimization, optimization, optimization - I'm trying to apply every little tweak and trick I've learned to make this release an ultra-small, feature-packed ROM that will blow away its predecessor.
Tonight's update: more integration work, cut fluff from the OP, replaced some icons I wasn't happy with (told you I'm OCD lol) and allocated an extra framebuffer as a test to try to cut down on flicker.

Oh, and finally deleted that freakin' USB driver CD image. Crap, was that thing annoying. Not to mention it was about 7 megs... and this ROM's on a diet!
Okay, sooo... init.d is on hold for a bit, cause I can't figure out why it's not kicking in when it should - although I may have a guess. More experimenting is in order. But who wants to wait for that? :D

Instead, I decompiled the MMS app, and am beginning to put the needed changes inside. Actually, this is the second time I've begun to do this - the first time I couldn't get it to recompile, but I finally figured out what was wrong there: Virtuous spit out several errors (shown in attachment) regarding syntax upon my intial attempt to compile - and I hadn't even changed anything yet! So I deleted the folders mentioned (values-nl and values-ru) from the APK structure, and tried again. This time, instant success. So you lose a couple localizations, but it does compile. Weird. But oh, well... so is the wonder of Android lol

From what I read, the MMS APK is one of the trickiest to work with so wish me luck! Please? :o :)


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Okay, so being the detail-oriented guy I am, I really didn't wanna accept the hack-job method of just deleting files because they didn't work. So they're back! But fixed this time, so there's no more lost localizations :)

The first file was pretty straightforward, I just did exactly what the aforementioned error message said: In values-nl:

[COLOR=#8b008b]<item [COLOR=#ff0000]quantity[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]="other"[/COLOR]>[/COLOR]%1$s resultaten voor '%2$s'[COLOR=#8b008b]</item>[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#8b008b]<item [COLOR=#ff0000]quantity[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]="one"[/COLOR]>[/COLOR]%1$s resultaten voor '%2$s'[COLOR=#8b008b]</item>[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#8b008b]<item [COLOR=#ff0000]quantity[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]="other"[/COLOR]>[/COLOR]%1$s resultaten voor \'%2$s\'[COLOR=#8b008b]</item>[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#8b008b]<item [COLOR=#ff0000]quantity[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]="one"[/COLOR]>[/COLOR]%1$s resultaten voor \'%2$s\'[COLOR=#8b008b]</item>[/COLOR]
The second file was a bit tougher; I did some research into XML and substitution passing from Java, and found a solution. In values-ru:

[COLOR=#8b008b]<item [COLOR=#ff0000]quantity[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]="other"[/COLOR]>[/COLOR]&#1056;&#1077;&#1079;&#1091;&#1083;&#1100;&#1090;&#1072;&#1090;&#1086;&#1074; &#1087;&#1086; &#1079;&#1072;&#1087;&#1088;&#1086;&#1089;&#1091; \"%s\": %1$s[COLOR=#8b008b]</item>[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#8b008b]<item [COLOR=#ff0000]quantity[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]="one"[/COLOR]>[/COLOR]&#1056;&#1077;&#1079;&#1091;&#1083;&#1100;&#1090;&#1072;&#1090;&#1086;&#1074; &#1087;&#1086; &#1079;&#1072;&#1087;&#1088;&#1086;&#1089;&#1091; \"%s\": %1$s[COLOR=#8b008b]</item>[/COLOR]
turned into:

[COLOR=#8b008b]<item [COLOR=#ff0000]quantity[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]="other"[/COLOR]>[/COLOR]&#1056;&#1077;&#1079;&#1091;&#1083;&#1100;&#1090;&#1072;&#1090;&#1086;&#1074; &#1087;&#1086; &#1079;&#1072;&#1087;&#1088;&#1086;&#1089;&#1091; \"%1$s\": %2$s[COLOR=#8b008b]</item>[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#8b008b]<item [COLOR=#ff0000]quantity[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]="one"[/COLOR]>[/COLOR]&#1056;&#1077;&#1079;&#1091;&#1083;&#1100;&#1090;&#1072;&#1090;&#1086;&#1074; &#1087;&#1086; &#1079;&#1072;&#1087;&#1088;&#1086;&#1089;&#1091; \"%1$s\": %2$s[COLOR=#8b008b]</item>[/COLOR]
And voila! Compile errors begone :D
I already know what I want to do to the MMS app, but how to tell if what you want to do to it is actually supported by the network?

To begin my MMS modding, I look in res/xml/mms_config.xml. Inside, I find an identifier URL:


Entering this in a browser shows a big block of text that - if copied into a decent Unix-compatible text editor like Notepad++ - shows the hardware attributes of the device this copy of MMS expects to run on, and the limits of what it can support - which are not necessarily the limits imposed by your carrier. This helped me verify which of my plans would work and which would not :)
Okay, the fourth update for the night! That's right, count 'em - four! lol

Tonight's major update: MMS.APK IS COMPLETE!

The total confirmed, working (at least on my phone - still have to get input from the testers) features list is as follows:

changed &#8220;attached&#8221; to &#8220;attachment&#8221; in attachment actions menu

increased maximum message-per-thread limit to 65,536

increased number of slides allowed in slideshow to 1024

changed supported image size from 640x480 to native 2560x1920 (near QSXGA-level HD support)

made SMS automatically convert to MMS if greater than 160 chars to stop SMS split-up

increased default Text message limit and Multimedia message (limit before cleanup) settings to 8192 messages each

enabled sending to up to 64 recipients at a time

changed maximum number of lines to which text input window will scale to 8 - thanks to Difusal at XDA!

and... last, but certainly not least:

increased max attachment size to 8MB – that's right.... 8MEGS :D

In one of the initial builds I had the limit cranked to 9MB, so I sent myself an image to test out the new settings... the servers dutifully echoed my image back to me, and the data for the resulting image I received back is shown in the attached pic :)

Yes, that does say 79 megapixels. Welcome to text messaging on Warp OEM!

Now, to get a build out to the testers...


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And speaking of annoyances and kinks, that last build seems to have had a bug with the launcher. But that's probably just as well since there was also a bug in the text messaging, too. Sorry testers :o
The cause of the "no homescreen" issue was a set of Adreno libraries backported from Jellybean which I was going to give a trial run and forgot I had them included in the build.


They have been reverted to their Gingerbread counterparts and the build I make tonight should be totally functional :)
I've been watching your updates since you started the B10G based build and am anxiously awaiting the release... happy to help test if you need someone to abuse the ROM LOL The amount of detail and persistence going into this is sure to make it huge. Can't wait to try it out! Thanks! :D
I've been watching your updates since you started the B10G based build and am anxiously awaiting the release... happy to help test if you need someone to abuse the ROM LOL The amount of detail and persistence going into this is sure to make it huge. Can't wait to try it out! Thanks! :D

Nice to hear! And sure, I can use another tester. Welcome to the beta team :D
Well, it's just after 2AM and I'm at of my dev console yet again... must be time for another update! :D

Lately I've been having issues with the Play Store force closing and just acting very weird in general - spontaneous exits, FC's galore and tons of lag. But no more! I checked inside its dependee, Google Play Services, and found a lib that wasn't installed. Also (somehow:confused: ) Google Framework Services got deleted. I took care of these two things, and everything works better now - at least on my device!

I also got the ramdisk problems fixed, and init.d scripting finally works, so the current beta build has the default scripts from the Alien kernel in it for now until they're swapped out for others later on. That means swap is finally active - not just available-but-dormant, as in the WOEM 1.xx series! Having twice the normal amount of RAM available is always a good thing :)

After the super long initial boot, I clock Warp OEM at about 21 seconds from push-of-the-button to homescreen-shown-and-ready-to-run.

The build is assembled and uploading as we speak - er, uh - type. Links will be sent to the beta team shortly.

Okay, guys, you know what to do :cool:


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So after some rigorous testing, the beta team has identified several bugs which I want to fix before proceeding. I've made a summary list here, and as bugs get fixed I'll update this list. After they're all gone, development shall continue :)

bugs reported:
-charging icon not displayed correctly (minor - known fix)
-browser icon in dock doesnt work unless used via app drawer first (minor - fix planned)
-ringtone selection screen is choppy, animation not smooth (minor - side effect of removing FPS cap)

issues completed:
-when installing different launcher (Next Launcher was used), it installs but when chosen as default it reboots phone and shows no home screen (fixed? needs tested)
-Play Store fc's (fixed - removed build.prop tweaks)
-changing wallpaper with QuickPic reboots phone
-ROM loads in TWRP but not CWM - fails device verification (fixed - major rewrite to updater-script to handle different recovery types)
-unable to register Google account (fixed - preinstalled Google services)
-ICS camera fc's in panorama (fixed - lib issue)
-no homescreen in beta_02-23-13 (fixed - Adreno lib issue)
-complete version not shown in settings about menu (fixed - data added)

At this point, I'd say development can continue after these fixes all get verified by the testers.
How are you gentlemen!!! All your update is belong to me. Make your time.

...yes, I'm pretty tired... lol

I've gotten the worst of the bugs fixed; testers will be notified shortly.

I found the installation issue (wouldn't install on CWM) to be caused by differences in what the different recoveries return for getprop. What was needed was some way to have the script check for the appropriate responses based on which recovery it's running under. So I wrote a little Edify and, bang! Issue solved :)

The camera panorama FC issue was due to something in build.prop. I've temporarily reverted to a stock version for now. I've also temporarily taken out init.d, although it should be back soon.

Play Store problems all seemed to be stemming from the Dalvik configuration I was using. That's been removed for now, too.

All in all, progress was made :)
I am beginning to feel like something smooth is in the works. I have been a follower from the beginning along with the rest and I feel the same excitement. When we read how detailed the efforts are, you cannot help but to be in awe......as it has been from the beginning. Big thanks to you and your team.
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