Android Expert
It's quite possible that not clearing the cache and the Dalvik cache would affect your phone in unpredictable ways. The caches store information important to the system to know how to run it's apps quickly and efficiently. If it contains information meant for a different rom or version of this rom then it could try to use that for this rom and that spells trouble.
So, here's what I suggest you do. Of course, have a good backup in TB and in CWM. I don't know if what I will suggest overwrites your data, but it may so just be safe. I would download and flash WCS version 1.5 from the OP to make sure I have the most recent copy. Before restarting the phone, clear the cache from the first CWM menu and go to the advance menu to clear the Dalvik cache. While there, run Fix Permissions. Then restart the phone normally. Once in normal operation I'd restart into recovery and flash the file. I'd clear the cache and Dalvik then fix permissions and restart phone normally. I believe you'll have as good an installation as I know how to advise. Please let me know how it goes and ask questions if I didn't explain something well enough.
Grab a cup or coffee or a beer. Take a deep breath and go for it. Good luck.
So don't flash 1.5b?
Silly me, the is 1.5b lol. sorry. I'll try this out after I answer a few text. Do I need to clear the caches again when putting the wifi update?