Android Enthusiast
I may have a fix for the bad battery life, but I can't do it myself.
Back on the ZTE Warp, one of our members, Mercury0x000d, made a script called "PowerNap". What it does is that it locks the phone on a low set of frequencies on a certain governor to save power when the screen is off. I took the script and added it to my ROM after modifying it to put the phone to only 122-248 MHz when the screen is off on Conservative. However, the script was for Gingerbread stock ROM, and when I added it to a Jelly Bean ROM it boot looped. I can post my version of the script on here if you like. My Warp went 21 hours on a single charge with light to light-normal use with 30% at the end of the day most of the time, and about 40% after 8 hours of normal use at the end of the day. If someone on here is willing, I'll post the script and we can try making it work on the stock ROMs. Then maybe we could try and get it functioning in the AOSP ROMs too to improve overall battery life.
I looked into that while I was running MOAR to combat the battery drain common to TW roms. The paths are different between GB and JB and KK and different kernels. The kernel apparently didn't support the asynchronous scripting to run it at boot from init.d2 (is my guess LOL) but after moving to AOSP based roms I haven't had a need for it. I'm easily getting 24 hours with normal usage running SlimKat with the included cm kernel. I'm going to play around with Lean kernel when I get time and see how it runs too...