It isn't an argument to keep something illegal? Because other things will kill just as many people?
That's your best defense?
No, as I stated above it's one of many different things. And no I don't think a smaller portion of irresponsible users should make it illegal. Just like everyone who drinks alcohol doesn't drink and drive, neither do people who smoke.
1.) We are spending BILLIONS of dollars every year
trying to control something that doesn't hurt anyone.
2.) We could be
making billions if it was made legal and taxed.
3.) Upstanding citizens who would otherwise have no criminal record are charged with a
crime.Imagine if you lost a job because your boss found out you had a beer after work?
4.) Marijuana is very effective at treating anxiety, nausea, depression, headaches, arthritis, etc. It should be available to anyone.
5.) It's impossible to overdose on marijuana, which can't be said for alcohol or ANY prescription drug.
6.) Marijuana induces peaceful, caring behavior. (And don't try to throw in the classic "it makes you lazy" argument, because it's a stereotype. I know many every day smokers who have done very well for themselves. One started a very successful grocery store business. Another is a chemist who experiments with flu viruses)
7.) By not providing consumers with a legal source to buy marijuana, we are setting up jobs for criminals. We are worsening the situation with young people as well. You don't see too many "beer dealers" on the streets. Not to mention how many harder drugs people (kids) are introduced to because of this problem. A kid goes to buy a bag of pot from someone and he says "hey man, you should try some of this"
those are a few reasons I don't think it should be legal. I would also like to add that the reasons for making it
illegalin the first place are BULLSHIT.
I can see this thread is going in loops now. I still have yet to see a legitimate reason why it should be illegal. A minority of people using it irresponsibly isn't a reason to make something illegal. Otherwise guns, alcohol, pills, cars, and "the works"/aluminum foil would be illegal. It is simply a case of "I don't do it, and have no desire to. Which means I don't understand it. Which means it is bad. It should be illegal."