Looks like things are getting heated.
Remember guys, debate the topic (not one another)!
basically my argument boils down to this:
I feel marijuana should be legalized on a federal
and state level. These are my reasonings:
- I beleive we could see a sizeable amount of money from taxing marijuana, not to mention providing possible jobs from entrepreneurs of shops. This revenue, coupled with the massive amount of money
saved by not prosecuting and incarcerating marijuana offenses could generate billions of dollars for the US.
- I beleive when marijuana is used responsibly it is a victimless crime, and the safest drug known to man. Of it's thousands of years of casual use, it's only been illegal for around 73 years. (less than 1%) The reason prohibition was started in 1937 is preposterous. I think everyone should read up on it.
Why is Marijuana Illegal? - Drug WarRant
- Prohibition has effectively made it much easier for minors to get their hands on. It has essentially created a "marijuana dealer" job. And I've never had one ask for my ID! Have you ever heard of a "beer dealer"? I also feel like kids are pressured into trying harder drugs when they buy from these "dealers".
- Marijuana is a non-violent drug.
- Marijuana can be used to treat common ailments such as headache, stomach ache, muscle and bone pain, etc. without filling your body with as many harmful man-made chemicals as over-the-counter and prescription medication.
I beleive these pros far outweigh the costs/cons of marijuana prohibition.
And to reiterate, alcohol IS
much worse for you and people around you than marijuana. If you are drunk you are much more likely to commit a violent crime, and YES you ARE more impaired, especially visually. So yes, I feel like if someone can drink without fear of persecution, I should be able to smoke a joint.
Now I must add, I do feel there should be stipulations as mentioned earlier in this thread. We would need to have a field sobriety test designed
specifically for marijuana. If someone fails this, they would take a hair follicle test which should be able to tell how long ago they last smoked. Smoking wouldn't be allowed in public places unless they were designated for this purpose - i.e. the coffee shops in amsterdam.
If you disagree with these, I would like to hear a list of logical and reasonable arguments as to why it should
remain illegal. The fact that it is currently legal doesn't mean there shouldn't be a reason. Personal health risks would not apply, as these don't affect other people. Drugged driving would not apply because there would be the same and probably
better laws restricting it. Not to mention we have the same problem with alcohol, and it's obviously not a good enough reason to ban it, or it would be banned.