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Help Charges to 90% and stops sometimes

haha, I'm getting mine in an hour when the post office opens, I'll bring it home, put it to charge and turn it on while charging. Simply can't wait!
ok, i am now having this issue. My phone for the first several days charged to 100% no problems. It now only charges to 95% after i let the phone get to zero yesterday. Within 20 mins of standby its now down to 92%.
I am also with T-Mobile so possibly it is their rom, not sure how this would affect battery erformance tho, im bit of a android noob. Will keep monitoring the battery life, but i wont be able to have a phone that drops 1% every 10 mins :(
Otherwise i absolutely love this phone long time :)
Has anyone had a new battery yet and can update on any changes?
I am on Tmob too and having this issue more frequently.
I had it once a week ago so ran battery to nothing and recharged.

Sunday I charged phone as normal when I went to bed, woke up and phone was showing 100%. Withing 2 mins it was down to 88%.
I was still on night profile so bluetooth, wifi anything using much power was off so couldn't have been any apps draining the power.

So last yesterday evening I ran the battery down to zero and fully charged it in the night.
Woke up today and again it down from 100% to 92% when I unplugged it.
What is going on?

There are too many reports of this for it to be a one off.
I am on Tmob too and having this issue more frequently.
I had it once a week ago so ran battery to nothing and recharged.

Sunday I charged phone as normal when I went to bed, woke up and phone was showing 100%. Withing 2 mins it was down to 88%.
I was still on night profile so bluetooth, wifi anything using much power was off so couldn't have been any apps draining the power.

So last yesterday evening I ran the battery down to zero and fully charged it in the night.
Woke up today and again it down from 100% to 92% when I unplugged it.
What is going on?

There are too many reports of this for it to be a one off.

Hello, seems like more and more people are experiencing this so it may be that a batch of batteries are faulty?

Also, the night before yesterday i did a full drain, and did an ordinary charge today and it held at 100%. Fingers crossed it was a calibration issue. I had to calibrate a good 5 times though. We'll see if it holds its charge tomorrow though.

Does anyone think it could be due to the charger?
Are you using the USB or AC charger?

you only get the usb charger with it (usb cable into ac adaptor). think i'm having the same issues with my battery, however if it can be sorted by calibration then i'll keep trying that until its fine!
Issue is back today, calibration has not worked (tried several times now).

I think its a bad batch of batteries, if it was android, everyone would have this issue. It could also possibly be the phone. Time will tell, my battery should be here soon.
I emailed HTC:

I sent a previous email but it did not address my issue.

My HTC desire does not seem to hold its charge above 90%. Once plugged in over night, the battery will charge to 100%, once taken off charge, within 5mins of no use, it will be down to 90%.

Sometimes the light goes green at 90% and does not appear to charge any further.

If I charge the phone switched off, it seems to hold at 100% fine for the rest of the day (as it should when its switched on and charged).

Also, if I charge the phone once it drops to 90% (when I wake up), it will charge properly to 100% and last well for the rest of the day.

It is not an issue that my battery life is bad, its that I have to recharge it from 90% to 100% every time I wake up which is very inconvenient!

I also have done a factory reset to no avail as the problem is still there!

I hope this issue can be resolved.

Thank you

(Running UK t-mobile firmware)

I got this response:

Thank you for contacting us. This appears to be an issue with the software that controls reporting of the battery level, and as you have pointed out, is not an issue with the battery itself. We will investigate this issue, and if possible, will correct this in a future software update, which we expect to begin making available in the near future. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused by this, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for choosing our product. If you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards,

HTC Europe
I was going to email HTC myself today but I see you got an answer from them already.
At least they recognise the problem and are working it....just annoying that it happens somewhat randomly.

I tend to unplug phone when I wake up and check it 10 mins later to see if level has changed and if so plug in for a little while before leaving for work.
I've not used the HTC charger, and instead am using the Mrs' Samsung Spica charger.

As some chargers enter trickle charge and actually wait for the phone to drop a certain amount before turning back on, could it be the charger?

Have your tried another mirco USB charger, or charging via the PC/Sky+box/PS3/Wii/Xbox? (warning USB socket charging is very slow!)
HTC seem to claim it is a software issue. If it was a software issue, wouldn't everyone be having this issue?
Anyway I'll wait til the next update before I decide. I highly doubt its the charger as the phone decides when to enter trickle charge.
Quazar, that's some good info and seems to be true in the way my battery is working.

I seem to get more out of it when the phone is switched off when charging than i do when it's on.
Quazar, that's some good info and seems to be true in the way my battery is working.

I seem to get more out of it when the phone is switched off when charging than i do when it's on.

same here, charged up overnight and now its down to 84% after 30 mins of music, syncing a few emails, couple of texts and a 1 min call to voicemail, has been fine up until now. might try and turn it off for a bit later and charge it
Having charged my Desire overnight every coupla days for the last month with no probs,the last three times i have woken to find it charged to 93%,by the time i get to work ,about half an hour later it is at 89%,
I am on TMob,and charge with it in standby all Wifi etc off.
So it seems mine has joined a long list of Desires with charging issues.
Going to email HTC,i know its been done ,but i find you get a different answer from different contacts.
Yes i have now ,but where does that leave us ?,never had such a basic prob on any phone i have had and i have had tons.
Also having this issue. Phone charges up to 100% overnight, then according to JuicePlotter the battery consistently drops to 90% at some point in the early morning (while all the time plugged in) before then charging back up to 100%. This is very frustrating as the phone never seems to hold the top 10% of charge the first time round.
The desire doesn't trickle charge if left plugged in. It only starts again when the phone drops to 90%. So you're seeing natural discharge
This is getting weird ,after have the 90% prob ,i charged it up the rest of the way ,on the odd occasion that i have not used my phone the battery still discharges while idle.This time however,i did not use my phone at all for a day and a night ,got home checked on it 88%,whats that all about ?.
Perhaps the battery is getting into its stride.
Just got email from HTC , here it is

New Response Hello Thank you for contacting us. In regards to HTC Handset I can help you with that. We recommend try hard reset your handset please make sure back up your data before performing hard reset if you still having same problems your device will need a repair due to it does not charge fully. Please call us on +44 8458900079 I trust that this resolves your query, please do not hesitate to contact us again if required. Thank you for contacting HTC. Kind Regards Harika K. HTC
I know someone else in this thread emailed them but they didn`t say this, confused.
This is getting weird ,after have the 90% prob ,i charged it up the rest of the way ,on the odd occasion that i have not used my phone the battery still discharges while idle.This time however,i did not use my phone at all for a day and a night ,got home checked on it 88%,whats that all about ?.
Perhaps the battery is getting into its stride.
Left on or off charge?

1-1.5% drop per hour idling is normal for my phone. So if yours wasnt charging, just sitting there, then 12% drop is fine.
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