Most people naturally resist change @nickdalzell so you're not in the minority there. However, some people don't like the sound of thunder. I don't like to hear the "thump thump thump" of those rolling earthquakes in traffic with me: young idiots who think they better society by blasting their choice of "music" to everyone (and then think everyone will pay for their hearing aids in 20 years).
Can I do anything about it? No. I thought about installing a PA system that will blast the "Chicken Dance" back at them, but it's not worth the expense. All I'm suggesting is to make the best of the changes in this site... level notifications and all. The alternative is... what? XDA or DL? No, we're leading the pack in growing beyond the original vision (which, at this point in Android's maturity, is really obsolete). I see the same notifications you do: do I rage about them? No... I just make a little "WHOOT!" and think about all those levels I've achieved. Without the slightest clue what I did to achieve them LOL

BREATHE! As a FEMALE naval officer once taught me, "don't sweat the petty stuff... pet the sweaty stuff."
Can I do anything about it? No. I thought about installing a PA system that will blast the "Chicken Dance" back at them, but it's not worth the expense. All I'm suggesting is to make the best of the changes in this site... level notifications and all. The alternative is... what? XDA or DL? No, we're leading the pack in growing beyond the original vision (which, at this point in Android's maturity, is really obsolete). I see the same notifications you do: do I rage about them? No... I just make a little "WHOOT!" and think about all those levels I've achieved. Without the slightest clue what I did to achieve them LOL

BREATHE! As a FEMALE naval officer once taught me, "don't sweat the petty stuff... pet the sweaty stuff."