• After 15+ years, we've made a big change: Android Forums is now Early Bird Club. Learn more here.

Check it out - Chat with our staff :)

Most people naturally resist change @nickdalzell so you're not in the minority there. However, some people don't like the sound of thunder. I don't like to hear the "thump thump thump" of those rolling earthquakes in traffic with me: young idiots who think they better society by blasting their choice of "music" to everyone (and then think everyone will pay for their hearing aids in 20 years).

Can I do anything about it? No. I thought about installing a PA system that will blast the "Chicken Dance" back at them, but it's not worth the expense. All I'm suggesting is to make the best of the changes in this site... level notifications and all. The alternative is... what? XDA or DL? No, we're leading the pack in growing beyond the original vision (which, at this point in Android's maturity, is really obsolete). I see the same notifications you do: do I rage about them? No... I just make a little "WHOOT!" and think about all those levels I've achieved. Without the slightest clue what I did to achieve them LOL


BREATHE! As a FEMALE naval officer once taught me, "don't sweat the petty stuff... pet the sweaty stuff."
'The measure of intelligence is the ability to change' -Albert Einstein

"Slowness to change usually means fear of the new." — Philip Crosby

"The key to change is to let go of fear." — Rosanne Cash

“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”—John F. Kennedy

“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.”—Winston Churchill
That is already disabled. the 'you have reached level xx' is not an achievement notification. And as per usual the futurist rhetoric seems to be if you disagree with a useless feature that serves no purpose whatsoever, you automatically have to go back to the 19th century for some reason. There's nothing wrong with admitting that newer is not always better, you know. I shouldn't have to disregard all the good progress just because I disagree with change for change's sake.

Maybe you should try and be a Moderators and see what our guys have to deal with just to keep it up and running 👍
This really isn't a staff / member issue. Just a difference of opinions on how things evolve over time. No need to defend or pile on one side or another. :) The issue has been debated, it may be debated further and probably will. As with many subjective topics, there isn't a right or wrong answer or side to the debate. Different people weigh things differently and make individual calls on what is important to them, nothing more, nothing less.

-Cheers :)
'The measure of intelligence is the ability to change' -Albert Einstein

"Slowness to change usually means fear of the new." — Philip Crosby

"The key to change is to let go of fear." — Rosanne Cash

“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”—John F. Kennedy

“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.”—Winston Churchill
"Not all change is progress" --Henry Ford

The fact that people naturally resist change is there for a reason. it should not be derided, made fun of, or ignored. There ain't nothing wrong with being happy where you are. Besides, these annoying notifications are a recent thing. They didn't exist from day one. They serve no practical purpose that I know if, and are filling up my notifications where I expect important things to be like on every other forum I am on.

You added them, you can kindly turn them off, as from my end I have no such ability. I just got trolled by five more. They serve zero purpose for me. As usual I expected them to be important, only to have them be junk.

I ask you, admins, do you just ignore the junk mail folder in your email clients or do you do what you have to to ultimately get rid of it? Because that's one thing I have done--I get no such junk mail. If you act like a carpet, you'll just get walked on over and over again. True progress and evolution comes from those who are willing to say 'no' once in awhile. Just like we once said 'no' to the British in 1776.
Looks like the BitDefender antivirus doesn't like the Early Bird Club either...

BitDefender Early Bird.png
That's been my issue at random with MS Edge as well, made me turn off my Norton and AVG plugins. The only way to guarantee connectivity to this site is by using an outdated web browser, like I'm doing right now on Windows 7. Specifically, Firefox 52 ESR with Javascript disabled and with a special custom root CA to bypass SSL restrictions.

I wonder if the URL was once owned by a porn site? that would explain it being flagged as unsafe?
Has anyone tried plugging in 'earlybirdclub.com' or 'earlybird.club' into the Internet Archive to see what it might have been before?
For the past 3 days, all attempts to access earlybird.club met with a "can't access this site" message. I thought the site was down, but it was actually a malware block from Spectrum. I had them whitelist the site and I can now catch up on all the wasted time I've missed! 😊
another reason I use my own router vs. Spectrum's. At work, many sites are blacklisted via AT&T redirects to a 404 page, and if I use my phone as a hotspot via wifi, it works fine. Work has a ATT supplied router/modem and it SUCKS.
another reason I use my own router vs. Spectrum's. At work, many sites are blacklisted via AT&T redirects to a 404 page, and if I use my phone as a hotspot via wifi, it works fine. Work has a ATT supplied router/modem and it SUCKS.
Huh you get to do that at your work? Wooow...We have to sacrifice a goat or two.
Three months on and my antivirus is still blocking this site with dire warnings...

View attachment 172966

Am I the only one that thinks these sort of warnings are putting new users off?
nope you are not the only one. it happened after the url got changed. this is my thread about it:

its why posts and threads for those asking questions here has died down considerably.
And where the f..k is Rob? How do you own a "place of business" ( this website ) and disappear for a month?, and sometimes longer than that. When there is an issue, I have to reach out to him on Instagram to come fix it, I'm done with that bull 💩. Sorry if this post comes across a little harsh, but I'm not one for "beating around the bush".
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