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I really wanted to post this:


but I didn't ;) :p :) :D.

(wait, this isn't the Funny Pictures thread, is it? :thinking: :p)

He said it! He said it!
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Stress bores me.

Give me some old fashioned peace and quiet for excitement!

Oh wanna be Wise ass crazy sage Stinky says:

The inner old borderline senile grumpy man spirit... it must kept in it's ugly cage and then buried in your trash... for if you do not leave the angry old man spirit... it will feed off of your happy life force from the great tree of life... and lastly pleb child... do not make the great tree of life angry... for it will fall on you when you do your gardening...


Whahahahahaa! :D:D:D:D:D

hmmmm to silence the angry grumpy old man spirit you must climb a mountain and talk to the grass and hobos that want to rob in your sleep... then and only then will you find... your inner peace...


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