Mr. Stinkus you sir are unique. They definitely broke the mold when they made you!
Hahaha buddy that is really swweet.
Yes while that is really sweet / kind .... I am not that great at all really!
I think Tank Boy from the protest in China is some one that broke the mold big time.
I am not really that great at all but I believe we can all break "the mold" if we choose really at the end of the day!
I wonder if there really is such a thing as.. "the mold"... what is ones definition of this so called "mold" anyway?
Is it that mother that defends her terrified and screaming child from his abusive father by taking the beats for him and then calling the police?
Is it that person that helps the disabled out on weekends in his / her own spare time?
Is it that man that invents a superior alternative to the car's airbag?
and... it is also that child that used to curse the world because he /she never had any family what so ever and by some wonderful incredible miracle decides to come off drugs and forgives his / her parents for what happened to him / her.
Those dudes... they break the mold.
Not really me!
But hell yes that is wonderful thing to say!
If there is some one that I really do know that seriously broke the mold then to me it has got to be Nikola Tesla.
omg that guy was smart.
He went a bit mad in the end though.... talking to pigeons... and .. other things.