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Root CM12.1 Unofficial Beta

Hey guys hopefully someone can help me out. I flashed the cm12 lollipop rom by bad_MOFO. i used twrp all went well with the flash. This rom had some issues, so i reverted to my zv5 deodexed rom and now my LTE on my zv5 stock rooted deodexed isnt working im only gtting 3g never had this issue before as I have flahsed this cm12 rom before. Someone please help me I need LTE. (:
Hey guys hopefully someone can help me out. I flashed the cm12 lollipop rom by bad_MOFO. i used twrp all went well with the flash. This rom had some issues, so i reverted to my zv5 deodexed rom and now my LTE on my zv5 stock rooted deodexed isnt working im only gtting 3g never had this issue before as I have flahsed this cm12 rom before. Someone please help me I need LTE. (:
The only problem is, we don't know what the problem is, we will eventually though. Sorry!
I have LTE. It cuts out sometimes but I do have it. This is going back a while, but I still mess around in the *#*#4636#*#* menu when I have issues. Also in the APN app, I have two options. Switching between them seems to help? And disabling high accuracy location. I don't know...
I have LTE. It cuts out sometimes but I do have it. This is going back a while, but I still mess around in the *#*#4636#*#* menu when I have issues. Also in the APN app, I have two options. Switching between them seems to help? And disabling high accuracy location. I don't know...
Does anybody know how fix lte for zv5 stock rom
:specsdroid:Hey guys, sorry for the wait.

Newly compiled CM12 Unofficial Beta for Lg Volt (LS740)
I take no responsibility for any bricks or anything you do or don't do to your device!

Kernel Source: https://github.com/arj1231/android_kernel_lge_msm8226/tree/cm-12.0
Dev tree: https://github.com/arj1231/Lollipop_device_lge_x5/tree/CM12
Vendor: https://github.com/arj1231/vendor_lge_x5

Most things work but some things don't. You must remember Cyanogenmod12 is still Beta, and updated constantly. Meaning that something that works in a particular build, may not work in the next.

Still some bugs.... major one being LTE/4g

As Always be sure to have a BACKUP!!!

Not sure what fully works and what doesn't. Feedback welcome.
Thanks to all of our devs for our device. And thanks to our community, you guys are awesome.
Anyhow here you go...

Update 3/16/2015 : https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=95916177934542444
Included GPS fix by @jfuginay
LED Center Ring Fix by @whoshotjr2006
OC kernel to 1.6Ghz
Fixed DoubleTap 2 Wake
Based on latest nightlies

GAPPS: http://forum.xda-developers.com/par...apps-official-to-date-pa-google-apps-t2943900
TWRP Recovery: http://androidforums.com/threads/recovery-twrp-2-8-5-0-lollipop.902943/
VirginMobile APN fix: http://androidforums.com/threads/mod-universal-lte-virgin-mobile-apn-fix-wip-cm-aosp-4-4-x.840298/
Boost APN Fix: http://androidforums.com/threads/mod-universal-boost-apn-fix-for-d2lte-builds-mod.840501/
Camera fix for now : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sumoing.camu&hl=en
Deep Sleep fix: http://forum.xda-developers.com/g2-mini/development/deep-sleep-fix-cm12-t3020479
Can you the developer post all the other versions of this rom yesterday all the versions were here(: plz put them back.
This may or may not track the root of the LTE issue, but on February 27th or 28th I flashed the most recent (at the time) build. Wasn't satisfied with the data issues, no vibration, no LED, etc. so I reverted to my ZV5 backup. Running my ZV5 backup was fine, no issues with LTE. Then, when more progress was made I flashed the 3/14 build and the APN fix. Was still not getting LTE and when I opened that ChangeAPN app it said something to the effect of: "User does not have permission to (something)." So I said screw it and reverted back to my ZV5 backup and that's when the trouble started (LTE vanishing).
I lost LTE also, but 3g ehrpd works so its kind of baffling that LTE doesnt since those two go hand in hand.

Luckily I don't have a data plan and only use data for sending and receiving MMS, so setting down to 3g evdo works fine for me.
So I just want to doublecheck. My phone will become unresponsive with a black screen and the home button notification/back and menu button backlights turned off. The phone is not off, just unresponsive. I have to pull the battery or hold the power button for 10+ seconds to fix it. That is the deep sleep issue, correct? My googling seems to indicate that deep sleep issues tend to be more that the phone isn't going into deep sleep.
So I just want to doublecheck. My phone will become unresponsive with a black screen and the home button notification/back and menu button backlights turned off. The phone is not off, just unresponsive. I have to pull the battery or hold the power button for 10+ seconds to fix it. That is the deep sleep issue, correct? My googling seems to indicate that deep sleep issues tend to be more that the phone isn't going into deep sleep.
deep sleep. deep sleep fix cpuset .apk thread link pg. 1. system app mover root .apk from play store to make cpuset a system app after installing. fixed it mostly for me. it works by setting governor to powersave (min CPU freq) when screen off. probably increases boot time and definitely slows first boot after cache/dalvik cache wipe, but worth it to be able to wake-up. :)


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Just tried this, no dice.
totalrecarl, your issue could possibly be solved by wiping everything but external before restoring ZV5 from your old TWRP external backup with KitKat TWRP (tan not blue). it likely stinks if you don't wipe well! ;-) bad_MOFO_33 had no LTE issues 'cause he wiped all but external before restore.
only if it still fusses-up and if I were you, I'd probably backup all my apps to external (I use mybackup root from Playstore; only backup apk's not app data--data screws up stuff), install CWM recovery with flashify, wipe everything but external in CWM recovery and install rooted stock ZV5 ROM. I think this CWM recovery didn't have radio issues with rooted stock ZV5 rom flash: http://androidforums.com/threads/working-cwm-recovery.880181/ TWRP KitKat may be fine to flash ZV5 rooted ROM for LTE purpose. I prefer TWRP as it's far superior, but I only ever used CWM to flash ZV5 stock rooted ROM. :)
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deep sleep. deep sleep fix cpuset .apk thread link pg. 1. system app mover root .apk from play store to make cpuset a system app after installing. fixed it mostly for me. it works by setting governor to powersave (min CPU freq) when screen off. probably increases boot time and definitely slows first boot after cache/dalvik cache wipe, but worth it to be able to wake-up. :)
I have my kernel as performance and 1.6ghz and deep sleep is berly being present
I have my kernel as performance and 1.6ghz and deep sleep is berly being present
I never tried performance--only interactive and ondemand; I keep it at 1600 with interactive w/deadline and solved deep-sleep issue as above. Performance governor is supposed to be bad for battery-time 'cause it keeps it at max. How's your battery-time? Interactive seems OK to me with the above steps. :)
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I never tried performance--only interactive and ondemand; I keep it at 1600 with interactive w/deadline and solved deep-sleep issue as above. Performance governor is supposed to be bad for battery-time 'cause it keeps it at max. How's your battery-time? Interactive seems OK to me with the above steps. :)
uhh your right battery,Isnt that, Great anymore i should use interactive, but deep sleep problem is fix on my device regarless
I tried using System App Installer and it popped up with an error, saying that it couldn't mount the system partition as read/write. I installed ES File Explorer and changed the file permissions myself but still no go. So I manually created a new Cpuset folder and placed the apk in there and installed it from there. Think that'll work?
I'd like to note that Netflix nor Hulu does not work on this ROM for me, Not a big issue as I use my tablet for that 90% of the time but just letting it be known. I also still keep getting deep sleep problems but they are less common. You all have done a great job on this ROM so far.
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I tried using System App Installer and it popped up with an error, saying that it couldn't mount the system partition as read/write. I installed ES File Explorer and changed the file permissions myself but still no go. So I manually created a new Cpuset folder and placed the apk in there and installed it from there. Think that'll work?
There's an app call system app mover , just use that , but to verify go to app and check if it's under download or system
I tried using System App Installer and it popped up with an error, saying that it couldn't mount the system partition as read/write. I installed ES File Explorer and changed the file permissions myself but still no go. So I manually created a new Cpuset folder and placed the apk in there and installed it from there. Think that'll work?
not sure if you used a different app to move cpuset. these two attached worked for me. good luck! :-)


I tried using System App Installer and it popped up with an error, saying that it couldn't mount the system partition as read/write. I installed ES File Explorer and changed the file permissions myself but still no go. So I manually created a new Cpuset folder and placed the apk in there and installed it from there. Think that'll work?
Make sure you enabled root in the dev options and you are giving the app root permissions
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