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Root CM12.1 Unofficial Beta

So for some reason I can't play any music off my SD card in Google music. And it's not my SD card cause I used my mom's too and it didn't work. Only if I played it via file manager then selecting GMusic.

Yes I have cleared cache and data and uninstalled and and reinstated multiple times with no help. Anyone know how to fix this?
Not exactly sure cause everything you see here is on my SD card. I installed Google music just to see. I use Poweramp
I'm on boost mobile this ROM is excellent. Battery life is Good but (I used it a lot today for games and etc) I went some hours with it. I can't test data, calling, or SMS till the summer. Its lags but not as much as stock lag. I also have problems install Xposed Framework (if anyone knows how to please reply). The are things to miss if come straight from stock is
1. Snapchat (in general) in the decaf cm 11 ROM the video playback was fixed just not recorded so you have to use another device
2. Twitter, tumblr, vines, and etc videos are broken and just play sound or not at all. (Instagtam will play videos but it can lag sometimes)
3. Amazon app. Idk why but if I install any Rom but stock I can't get the Amazon my android verison can't not suppose its totally random ik lol.
4. YouTube I watch YouTube a lot but with this ROM you can only watch up to 360p which it already sucked with 480p.
In summary this is one of the soild ROMs out for the volt. Consisting we done more than actual programmars. I give props to Bad. But if your a social Media person like me stick to stock til a ROM can support video and etc.


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I Have a sprint lg volt i downloaded the latest release and flashed it but i cant get past inital boot my phone literally was still stuck at the alien boot screen ober night so.i.gave up any suggestions the download is about 280 mb i.would think it would be a bigger file maybe im doing.something.wrong
An update on my LTE issues. Tl;dr version: after a fresh wipe going from zv3 to the latest build and using the latest APN fix, LTE seems to be mostly fine, except that after receiving a call, I have no data and have to toggle apn settings to get it back.

Longer version. I started with the latest build dirty flashed over 4/09, originally coming from rooted stock zv3. For me, this build was mostly okay, I had LTE, but signal often went in and out and so did my data connection. To try to fix it I flashed the zv5 radio. It seemed to help at first, then I started getting the issue where every time I disconnected from wifi, I lost data. Additionally, signal loss issues got a bit worse.

I tried factory resetting and clean flashing, it only made things worse. I could hardly keep a signal for more than a few seconds at a time, even with the APN fix. I went further by wiping the system partition in addition to factory resetting and then flashing, still not working. Finally, I restored my stock rooted zv3 backup. Signal was working, but I only had 3g. From there I factory reset, flashed the latest build, and then flashed the APN fix. Signal seems to be fine so far, and I do have LTE. The main issue I have is not having any data connection at all after a phone call. To fix it, I have to go into APN settings and toggle which APN I'm using. So far I don't seem to be running into the issue where I lose data after disconnecting from wifi.

Camera still running as fine as it ever was, with the exception of recording video.
I tried factory resetting and clean flashing, it only made things worse. I could hardly keep a signal for more than a few seconds at a time, even with the APN fix. I went further by wiping the system partition in addition to factory resetting and then flashing, still not working. Finally, I restored my stock rooted zv3 backup. Signal was working, but I only had 3g. From there I factory reset, flashed the latest build, and then flashed the APN fix. Signal seems to be fine so far, and I do have LTE. The main issue I have is not having any data connection at all after a phone call. To fix it, I have to go into APN settings and toggle which APN I'm using. So far I don't seem to be running into the issue where I lose data after disconnecting from wifi.

Camera still running as fine as it ever was, with the exception of recording video.

I had mostly the same experience with it, I can confirm that toggling the apn instantaneously fixes the connection though.

Ended up switching back to ZV5, the video playback and Spotify stuttering (an issue with CM12 in general, I guess it can be fixed by changing cpu stepping) was kind of limiting.

I also kept experiencing a bug where the phone would be extremely slow to load the lockscreen/unlock, sometimes to the point where it would require a reboot. It took the better part of a second for the lockscreen to come up even when it was working as well.

Great work overall though, I look forward to the updates!
Has anyone had issue with snapchat after installing this? I can't record or even view videos my friends send to me on snapchat. If I try to record a video in snapchat, it turns it into a picture. If I receive a video from a friend, its a black screen with no video showing but the audio playing. And it removes the shortcut from my home screen after every reboot when I place snapchat on my home screen.
When Powered Off and charging, the phone continues to state it is charging even after the charger has been removed
I noticed this as well. I also noticed that LTE will sometimes come on if I turn off wifi, but it never comes on if wifi disconnects because the signal is out of range.
No Xposed modules here. It's not too big of an issue here since we can pull the battery to fix the LED issue, but it would be nice to see that bug fixed later on. As far as fixing the LTE issue, would posting a logcat help? I could post the parts where I turn off wifi and toggle the APNs to get data working. I want to say that the issue is the phone is having trouble finding the correct, default APN after a specified period of time, and we're having to manually select it each time.
I can't get Viper4Android to work. And whenever I try to install something as a system app it just disappears and gets uninstalled. Can someone help?
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