ok, I am pulling the test builds for now
I noticed that when we install CM12.1 the sensors are wacked out, and now I find out if I restore to stock rom the sensors are still wacked out and do not work right
after some research, I found out it was settings in the persist partition causing the problem
after copy the persist partition from another phone (same exact model and software build) that never had cm12.1 installed
the rotation stated to work normal again (while booted in stock rom)
my guess about this is
in Cm12.1 I am using the 4.4.4 Kernel
my phone is the 4.4.2 model
during an update from 4.4.2 to 4.4.4 a lot of partitons are updated including the boot loaders, and the modem and such
so one of these other partitions probably has firmware or something for the sensors
so while I am using this sensor firmware for 4.4.2 and installing a 4.4.4 kernel that has different sensor drivers, something is getting corrupted
I am curios to know if the Butternoob ROM has this issues as well
I am also curios if the people that already had 4.4.4 and loaded cm12.1 have this sensor issue
so if some people can report back, I would appreciate it
also if you have installed cm12.1 and then restored back to stock and now have the rotation sensor issue, I can try to help you fix the issue