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Coolest feature you've found?

within a second the film was perfectly playing on the TV in full HD glory. Wow, awesome, try doing that with an Iphone.

I have never owned an iPhone, but none the less am totally amazed at not only the features that the GS3 offers, but how seamlessly many of them work. Like this video playing function for example. I have a Samsung TV, so when it seamlessly synced up via the AllShare software, I was like cool. It's doing what it is supposed to. Seeing all of these people that have other brands of televisions have the same experience is awesome. Samsung has really become a major player in the electronics world in the past decade. They are absolutely making a name for themselves now with their smart phones.
i just got a GS3 2 days ago and ver very impressed at how well the
"All Share" feature works with my new Samsung LED Smart tv. i can
transfer all the pictures and videos i take with the phone to the tv
via bluetooth.

Agree. I mentioned it in another post. It's not only all of the features that the phone offers, but how well these features execute.
Just realised that when viewing your text message inbox,if you swipe left on anyones name it calls them,or if you swipe right it prepares a text for you to send to them.
Just got the GS3 yesterday, so nothing new to add from my side but thank you for all the neat features already mentioned.

After playing with the Briefing Alarm, it would be neat if you could integrate traffic information into it.
a doubletap on the stock calendar compresses unused time into blocks so you can see more appointments without scrolling. second doubletap brings you back to regular view.
also - what happened to the two finger drag to show year, week, month, etc tabs?? it no longer works nor is option in setting any longer??
what happened to the two finger drag to show year, week, month, etc tabs?

this works for me... do you have an arrow in the top right corner? when i was dragging my fingers, i noticed it rotated 180 degrees, and when i tapped on it, it performed the same function
this works for me... do you have an arrow in the top right corner? when i was dragging my fingers, i noticed it rotated 180 degrees, and when i tapped on it, it performed the same function

i only have the arrow now- do you have the two finger drag under calendar settings? i don't any longer!
just checked, and i do still have that listed in my settings. which carrier are you on? and did you get an update recently? i cant imagine why they would go through the effort to remove something so small and simple, though.
just checked, and i do still have that listed in my settings. which carrier are you on? and did you get an update recently? i cant imagine why they would go through the effort to remove something so small and simple, though.

i'm on sprint - i did get the samsung update about a week or so ago. yeah, doesn't make sense to me either.
I don't get the whole enter a code every time I wake my phone up mentality.

I leave mine on my desk at work. Sure, nothing malicious will happen but there could be the odd practical joke.

I don't get the whole "I don't get the whole enter a code every time I wake my phone up mentality" mentality. Everyone's situation is different and no one is asking you to get it so don't worry about it.
I leave mine on my desk at work. Sure, nothing malicious will happen but there could be the odd practical joke.

I don't get the whole "I don't get the whole enter a code every time I wake my phone up mentality" mentality. Everyone's situation is different and no one is asking you to get it so don't worry about it.

It's not for me either, but I can understand it.
My daughter's phone was grabbed by her little brother and he went on her Facebook page and wrote something nasty... everyone that read it was thinking... how could you write such a thing?!?
It's common. Not everyone has the luxury of always being able to have it in their pocket or in their hand. At home, its on the table. I trust the missus so I have tasker turn off my pattern lock.

at work if it's not in my pocket, its on my desk. I dont want to be throwing desktop computers around with it in my pocket so I have to put it on my desk temporarily. Sure I could lock it in my drawer, but also I could simply lock the screen. Which makes more sense to me.
Ahhhhhhh Options :). Gotta love the Options! That is truly what all this is about. Options are a good thing.

[HUMOR]There are times that options can be a bad thing:

Hell? You can stand upright in this ball of flames or stand upside down in this room full of crap? This is one of those rare times having options is a bad thing.

In prison maybe? Some people would only have the option to catch?

Presidential races sometimes?[/HUMOR]
So anyone else on Jellybean missing the scrolling updates if you long-press a notification in the status bar?
Absolutely love this thread. I got to page 8 and had thought of a few things so decided I would ask/comment on them before I read further and forget.

A tip I hadn't yet noticed (found it on a youtube video the other day) is the option to set any of your screens as the homescreen. Just pinch with 2 fingers on the home screen so that it shows all of your screens, then press the small 'home' button at the top right corner of whichever screen you want to make your 'home' screen.....et voila :-)

Now, a couple of questions. I have a weather widget on my homescreen and I assume it came as stock when I got the phone as I never enabled it. However, I can't get rid of the damn thing. It's an "Accuweather" widget and i've tried going in to the app manager, etc to delete the widget, but I just can't find any setting that will make the stupid thing disappear.

Also, when I take photos of my partner then view them in the photo gallery, there is always a yellow box around her face which I spose is useful for people who wish to tag the photos on their phones. I don't need to tag the missus's face tho, I wake up to it every morning and know exactly what she looks like! Anyone know how to disable this feature?

Probably my favourite thing in this superfast phone is how quickly I can get my amazing pics posted on to my FB page. I came from the iPhone 3GS and whilst this had the same function, it was quite slow and laborious. On the S3 however, it is immediate. I went in to the kids bedroom last night and had them turn off the TV etc so the room was in total darkness, then took a photo just to show them how great the flash worked on the camera. The missus told me to post the photo on FB and once I found out how to do it, we were both gobsmacked at how quickly it had the photo ready to be posted. It is literally a fraction of a second after I hit the FB option, and my FB is opened and ready for me to post a comment about the photo.

Also, surprisingly for us is that S-Voice works brilliantly even with a thick Glasgow accent! :D

The only downside I have found so far is that some of the menus are weird to navigate. I read about a feature on here and then when I go to find the setting for it later, it is sometimes in the most unexpected of places and I have to end up reading back through this thread to find the relevant post, and explanation of how to activate it.
Now, a couple of questions. I have a weather widget on my homescreen and I assume it came as stock when I got the phone as I never enabled it. However, I can't get rid of the damn thing. It's an "Accuweather" widget and i've tried going in to the app manager, etc to delete the widget, but I just can't find any setting that will make the stupid thing disappear.

You can long press and drag it to the trash. It will still be in your widget locker, but at least you won't see it on your home screen anymore.
Is there way to disable the "press 1 to answer" thing when I receive a call? If I say "answer" or use any of the other options to take the call I'd like to just say hello rather than have to go through another step.
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