The Chief Medical Officer of the LA County Public Health Department, Dr Jeff Gunzenhauser, was on the morning news, dispelling myths about the vaccine. I'm glad, since there's so much confusion what with some 'healthcare workers' refusing to take it.
IF I had had any apprehensions about taking it, after watching his very clear, very accurate, very science-based explanations, they'd be gone.
Among other things, he explained that
no one has died from the vaccines; compare that to the
many who've died from the disease. Also, the side effects we're hearing about: some of them happened even in the test groups receiving

He also cleared up the misunderstanding about vaccines causing the illness; they can't. What you may feel after receiving it is simply your body's reaction to the
naturally occurring ingredients in it, like mRNA, as they enter your system and it figures out what to do with them. You
cannot get COVID-19 from its vaccine, just like you can't get polio from its vaccine or tetanus from its, and so on...
Finally, he said that the next group of people to receive vaccines are aged 75 and up, and that people should talk to their doctors about when they'll be able to get it.
Here's a very helpful site:
LA County PH coronavirus info