Please No hot-linking the downloads or crossposting to these files. I have gotten less than $50 for making recoveries for the entire optimus lineup. That includes Vortex, Opt S, Opt M, Opt P500, Opt P509, Opt V. Please instead link to this thread for your users. Many people had indicated a wish to donate but didn't know how due to the hotlinking of uploads and no credit given.
Lets start the custom roms!!
To use download & unzip & copy flash_image and recovery-thunderc-m-v1.2.0-GNM.img to the root of your sdcard.
To flash: via adb shell or terminal type this from root # su shell (Do not type the # its for reference)
# mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock5 /system
# cat /sdcard/flash_image > /system/bin/flash_image
# chmod 755 /system/bin/flash_image
# mv /system/etc/ /system/etc/
# mount -o remount,ro -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock5 /system
# flash_image [B][COLOR=black]recovery[/COLOR][/B] /sdcard/recovery-thunderc-m-v1.2.0-GNM.img
Trouble shooting
1. If you get an out of memory error reboot device and do it on a fresh reboot.
2. If you get a file not found on the "mv /system/etc/ /system/etc/" skip it and move to the next step as this file will not be in your rom unless it has recieved an ota-update and if so needs to be disabled.
Key combo to boot custom recovery from powered off is Vol down+ Home +Power and release at LG Logo or use adb reboot recovery from adb shell.
Recovery Features:
ADB as root user
USB-MS Toggle :mounts sdcard as mass storage
Nand Backup : runs a nandroid backup of data, cache, boot, system
Nand Backup + .android secure : backs up above plus .android_secure on sdcard (froyo native apps on sd)
Nand + ext backup : data, cache, system, boot, plus apps2sd on ext partition (old style apps2sd)
Nand Restore : browse to and select nandroid backup to restore
Flash Zip From Sdcard: must be in root of sdcard or you can directory browse.
Toggle Signature Verify : Turn of signature checking on flashing zips
Wipe Menu:
Wipe data/factory reset: wipes data & cache
Wipe cache
Wipe Dalvik cache : Wipes Dalvik cache in all possible locations if moved by apps2sd
Wipe SD:ext : Wipes Apps2sd ext partition
Wipe Battery Stats
Wipe rotate settings
Wipe .android secure : Wipes froyo native .android_secure on sdcard
Partition Sdcard:
Partition SD: Partition's sdcard for apps2sd (this formats card so all non backed-up data is lost)
Repair Sd:ext
SD:ext2 to ext3 : coverts apps2sd ext2 partition to ext3 (requires kernel support for ext3)
SD:ext3 to ext4 : same as above but ext3 to ext4 (requires kernel support for ext4)
Gui mounts to avoid typing in terminal to mount and cd into a dir to mount system, data, cache, sd-ext (if exists), sdcard
Fix apk uid mismatches
Move recovery log to SD
Key Test : Output keycodes for debugging recovery
Note this recovery and the one for Optimus One P500 have a service that instantly reboots out of recovery once you load it & I disabled it and thats why you get a E: "Bad Boot Message" on inital startup. Its completely fine.
Recovery Key mapping:
Up & down : vol-up and vol-down
Select : Menu
Backup : Back
Thanks to :
Amon_Ra for his awesome source and a few pointers. His original
Source Link Buy him a
Koush for a few items we kanged like directory browsing from clockwork mod.
Worstenbrood's desire recovery
Andyo70 for testing
Donators Thank You List:
Andyo70 $15
Donation link to Buy me an Energy Drink is below:
1.2.0: Added ext4 support via custom kernel and packaged for release.
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