Overall, the newest sd-ext kernel with Maps fixed is running better than ever.
No big deal and I am not sure where to point fingers, but I do notice that with the sd-ext kernels in general there is always a little lag at first. Then it goes away. This may be the nature of the Beast.
After Boot when the Lock Screen appears, I find that if I wait a little less than a minute to unlock the screen I have no problems at all. This is not at all a problem for me.
I use ADW EX, one Home Screen page with Two Widgets. Fancy Widgets Weather and Calengoo Agenda. Dock scrolls Three Sets of Five apps. Fancy Widgets Weather Hotspots all load apps.
I keep all automatic sync at boot options turned off and most of the time sync apps manually. I use the email app for gmail and Yahoo.
I get notifications from Tapatalk and FriendCaster Pro. Plus numerous SMS alerts from Handcent.
I move as many crucial BIG apps as possible to System, even though I use the sd-ext kernel.
I clear Dalvik Cache periodically using Root Explorer.
I always do a CWM Backup before making any configuration change. I also police my backups and only keep the major ones, deleting the unneeded ones with Root Explorer
16GB Class 10 with 1GB sd-ext. I assume that Beta 5 sets SD cache at 2048
I use Performance Governor with 32MB heap size.
No scripts except whatever comes with Beta 5.
I use Basic White for CM7 from Theme Chooser.
Any recommended Tweaks?