Slavery goes back to bible times, I don't see people complaining about the bible being racist

@ frisco.
That is a horrible depiction of racism.
It implies EVERYONE white step on EVERYONE black.
It also implies there are no white people in the same position as black people.
The truth is there *IS* racism in the world.
I have known people who have never *ever* mentioned the word racism, unless they seriously felt there is an issue.
Then I have known people, who as I said before.. are taught form a young age what they are "owed"
My personal belief is you are born in no one's debt, and no one is born in your debt. The exception being parents. I firmly believe your parents are born into your debt. They owe it to you to care for you, which in this day in age goes all the way up till college.. The only person you will be indebt to naturally is your children.
I owe no one anything black white or other just because they are poor and I am not.
With that said, I do still believe people who are really trying to raise them self up in life should have opportunity.
Those who want to abuse good will towards those in need, deserve absolutely nothing.