If somebody who has a cm7 build environment up, could upload this folder to the internet it would save me alot of time.....
android / frameworks / base / telephony / java / com / android / internal / telephony
The telephony folder is what i need. thnxs
If you just need a single file or a few files from a certain folder, you can easily just copy the file from the repo and paste it into a text editor.
Do the following:
1. Go into the repo and browse to the file that you want.
2. Select the file that you want and it should open in your browser.
3. On the top right corner of the viewer window, you should see "raw", click on that to view the file in raw view.
4. Click in the window and hit CTRL + A to select all.
5. Hit CTRL+C to copy.
6. Open your text editor and create a new file.
7. Hit CTRL + V to paste it in there and then save the file.
And if the Repo is not set to the branch that you want, just change it using the dropdown in the top right corner. In your case, change it to gingerbread to get the gingerbread versions of the files.
Edit: I figured I would just list the steps so anyone who doesn't know they can do this, will now know. I do it all of the time to get a certain file from somebody's repo so I can do a compare with my own file.