It says no service for me as well, but somehow I get texts. I sent myself a text from my friends phone and I got it almost instantaneously. I cannot send them however.
Your right i just recieved a text with the triumph ril line removed.
getting this error with the radio over and over
D/CDMA ( 812): [CdmaDCT] notifyOffApnsOfAvailability - reason= roamingOff
D/CDMA ( 812): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
D/CDMA ( 812): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
D/CDMA ( 812): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - radioState= RADIO_UNAVAILABLE - RUIM not loaded - needs Provisioning
this must be when i got the text
/CDMA ( 812): [CdmaDCT] CdmaDCT handleMessage msg={ what=270348 when=-500ms obj=android.os.AsyncResult@2be5afe8 }
with the
line added im getting this....
LABLE - RUIM not loaded - needs Provisioning
D/CDMA ( 309): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
D/CDMA ( 309): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
D/CDMA ( 309): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - radioState= RADIO_UNAVAILABLE - RUIM not loaded - needs Provisioning
I/RILJ ( 309): Couldn't find 'rild' socket; retrying after timeout
I/RILJ ( 309): Couldn't find 'rild' socket; retrying after timeout