Android Enthusiast
HOW ..... i have full bars and mine is
DL:433 kbps
UP:60 kbps
Ping:129 ms
megatron 6.0.4
baseband S:M930.02 x.FF27
build BobZhome_kernel_v2.1
not complaining because 400 kb is fast just wanna know how i can get 2000 kb in case i need to tetheralso forgive me if it was shown i have been off the thread for a few days/ weeks <_<
at full bars i only get at most 700ish down. i have used a 3G tweak in the past that pushed me to 1700 on Chev's old rom but at a major toll on my battery. i think the different speeds have something to do with what towers are where. so say not alot of folks where im at have/need 3G so the towers out here are dated even tho my baseband is the latest etc. i dont know if thats correct but its a speculation of mine.