Android Enthusiast
I've found a possible GPS temp fix. Normally, if location is set to high accuracy or GPS only, nav apps reboot the phone. I changed the mode to battery saver, which isn't supposed to use GPS. I started up Maps and it pin pointed my current location exactly, like GPS is on when it isn't supposed to be.
I then switched back to the other modes and the phone started rebooting again. Any other time any phone that I've had that tried to find my home location just using tower triangulation (battery saver mode) has obviously been miles off, so the GPS has to be on in this case even when it shouldn't be, only the phone is only stable in that mode.
Use gpstest to confirm it is actually using device gps. Make sure wifi is off and you are not connected to any routers.
Google uses wifi APs to determine location, thats why it will scan for APs when wifi is off.