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Do you still use Facebook? Why?!

I dispise Facebook, Google, and the like.
But almost all the people I grew up with are on Facebook.
And Google makes android.

I have tried to get my friends to move on to Telegram, to no avail.

So I do what I can.
I refuse to use Google, Chrome, or Facebook apps.
There are other options that are more secure, and ad-free.
The problem is "network effects". Anyone trying to create a more ethical social network comes up against the fact that these things are useless unless the people you want to communicate with are on them. That gives a lot of power to an established incumbent, even if said incumbent doesn't follow the Microsoft playbook (copy the newcomer's features and leverage your incumbency to drive them out of business, or else buy them), which of course they do.

Let's face it, Google and Facebook are no different from the other big monopolies that the US government used to break up.
I know my business may suffer because I'm not on Facebook, and I do miss communicating with my friends but I'm not going back on.

Any company that reads your posts, tags your likes/dislikes, and uses that information to rig a US "Democratic" Election by deciding what FRAUD (not fake) news to send you is criminal. If I stayed on, I would be an accessory to the crime. I don't care if the rigging was for the candidate I voted for or not, these are not my personal values, and by agreeing to stay on FB I would be telling the world that I approve of criminal action designed to corrupt the US Election system.

Anyone who stays on is an accessory to fraud and tells the world they are OK with election manipulation and fraud.
I deactivated my account for good.
I don't know if this is just a matter of semantics, but I want to be sure you're aware that deactivating is not the same as deleting your account.

Even when deleting, as I found out the hard way, that may not be enough. I had heard, but didn't believe, that your 'deleted' account could be reactivated simply by clicking any fb 'like' button. It was true--the account I had well and truly deleted years earlier was sitting there just like I left it. :o

So please be sure you've jumped through all the appropriate hoops to actually delete your account. :rolleyes:
I don't know if this is just a matter of semantics, but I want to be sure you're aware that deactivating is not the same as deleting your account.

Even when deleting, as I found out the hard way, that may not be enough. I had heard, but didn't believe, that your 'deleted' account could be reactivated simply by clicking any fb 'like' button. It was true--the account I had well and truly deleted years earlier was sitting there just like I left it. :eek:

So please be sure you've jumped through all the appropriate hoops to actually delete your account. :rolleyes:

THIS! They have better controls now, thanks to things like GDPR and CDPR, but you still have to REALLY want to delete it and be persistent, otherwise, like Moody said, your account is still all just there.
I agree. I won't even go to FB. The ONLY reason I haven't deleted my account is because I haven't found a suitable replacement for Messenger. I use it a lot - and getting everyone to drop it and jump over to something like Telegram is a pipe dream. Therefore, a deactivated account is the best I can do until a solution can be identified to dump the FB ecosystem for good.

However, I did go to Settings - Apps - Show system apps and disabled/uninstalled everything related to "Facebook" (lots of them). While it's on a short leash, I'd rather not even deal with the leash.
There was an article on PC Mag that I found using StartPage (not google) that told me how to delete my data. Even then FB gave me some time (I think 30 days) grace period to get back on. Of course, I never reactivated.

I would like to see a mass exodus from FB, but I know that isn't going to happen. Instead I thank each and every one of you who are not an accessory to fraud by not being on FB.

I honestly cannot believe my wife to be said to me "I do not use facebook, I have a boyfriend who keeps me busy.." A few moments later on, found out she was talking to me, and not some other man whale.
I honestly cannot believe my wife to be said to me "I do not use facebook, I have a boyfriend who keeps me busy.." A few moments later on, found out she was talking to me, and not some other man whale.

HOO BOY the reply I was writing before the former Mod in me yelled "OFF TOPIC" and I deleted it! But I read a report last year saying internal memos were suggesting that at least HALF of all Facebook accounts were fake and created BY Facebook, solely for the purpose of increasing ad revenue. By promising advertisers that their ad would be placed in the timelines of xx million active users, they could charge more... but were they secretly creating and maintaining x million users themselves? If that ever comes to light, FB would go bankrupt trying to settle all the lawsuits. And that's not even touching the data DIARRHEA problem they have... which could potentially WIPE them out... yep, I'm on a ROLL here... and yes, at this point you're FLUSH with excitement...
HOO BOY the reply I was writing before the former Mod in me yelled "OFF TOPIC" and I deleted it! But I read a report last year saying internal memos were suggesting that at least HALF of all Facebook accounts were fake and created BY Facebook, solely for the purpose of increasing ad revenue. By promising advertisers that their ad would be placed in the timelines of xx million active users, they could charge more... but were they secretly creating and maintaining x million users themselves? If that ever comes to light, FB would go bankrupt trying to settle all the lawsuits. And that's not even touching the data DIARRHEA problem they have... which could potentially WIPE them out... yep, I'm on a ROLL here... and yes, at this point you're FLUSH with excitement...
Quick lets call in the infamous hackers in the world, to whipe out facebook in it's entirity!!!
And lets jump on the bandwagon inside chat like discord, and not have to worry much about so much collectiveness throughout ads at all, and enjoy our time with one another. And then jump into different fourms.
There's also Dissenter, that allows users to chat & comment on ANY website, whether or not comments are disabled for it! I kinda like that LOL
If only we where not too busy or lazy all the time to create such a nirvanna, or hell :) Who knows man, what will we might as well think like that :) Been sort of gnawing the idea forever.
Interestingly enough, I don't get any personalized ads from Facebook.

I have removed the app, as well as Messenger from my devices.

I access it via Frost or WebApps.
Frost is an ad free wrapper that allows me to adjust the theme and access Messenger.

WebApps lets me share easier, and I can control individual 3rd party access.

I enjoy how wrong they are with the 'Chosen For You' (or whatever).
Often it is contact requests from politicians that I enjoy telling off, and even occasionally trolling when the contact requests continue.

Getting kicked off of Facebook is part of the fun.
Interestingly enough, I don't get any personalized ads from Facebook.

I have removed the app, as well as Messenger from my devices.

I access it via Frost or WebApps.
Frost is an ad free wrapper that allows me to adjust the theme and access Messenger.

WebApps lets me share easier, and I can control individual 3rd party access.

I enjoy how wrong they are with the 'Chosen For You' (or whatever).
Often it is contact requests from politicians that I enjoy telling off, and even occasionally trolling when the contact requests continue.

Getting kicked off of Facebook is part of the fun.
I have facebook purity, as Privacy Badger, Ublock Orgins, and ghostery, so yeah. :) Also I have me behind this pc, my tablet and phone :) Let us see those children play with me :)
Well, millions of folks aren't using it today. ;)
More users here than on Facebook today. :p
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