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.::Droid Incredible Lounge::.

I understand, but every relationship has to be able to withstand these little "storms" or in the long run, they won't last. Remember that compromise has to be part of any lasting relationship.

Wow, I just noticed

Wait for it


Congrats man!
Muah? A Stalker? *points to self* nah couldnt be!

Anyhow, Im at the part in my marriage where we are quite comfortable ignoring each other. Sometimes I dont even notice when he is away on business. Well our relationship isnt normal per say.... there is a lot of underlying tension there as well, he is the "no feelings" type of guy, and I should have realized it before I married him..... so I fawn over my kids, friends, and pets instead... it can be a bit lonely at times, but I make do. :)

I'm sorry to hear that. I had a friend who died of cancer several years ago that was in a somewhat similar situation. She lived for her kids, because they were really all she had.
Wait a second here, Im laughing my butt off, and trying to figure out if I should tell you, because its funny as heck, and yet strange at the same time, lol okay giggles are gone.... a furry is someone that dresses up as an animal, and gets together with other like minded people, and they have ummmm relations or other activities all while dressed up in the costumes... I saw an episode about it on CSI once, I almost died laughing.

How did my wholesome advice to Red degenerate into this in such a short time? LOL :rolleyes:

Morning everyone, and thanks for the congrats! :)
Now that Musky's an official PH
Post Whore
in training, I will take him under my wing and show him the ropes.

Rule #1: Short "one-word" answers are preferred. For example, when someone in the Intro section pours out their tragic life story. It's okay to answer with one-word answers or an icon, such as: "sorry" or ":(". This saves both time and money. Time is money, you know.

Lesson #2: will be done in a later post. :)

Now that Musky's an official PH
Post Whore
in training, I will take him under my wing and show him the ropes.

Rule #1: Short "one-word" answers are preferred. For example, when someone in the Intro section pours out their tragic life story. It's okay to answer with one-word answers or an icon, such as: "sorry" or ":(". This saves both time and money. Time is money, you know.

Lesson #2: will be done in a later post. :)


Oh thank you my Master ;)
Now that Musky's an official PH
Post Whore
in training, I will take him under my wing and show him the ropes.

Rule #1: Short "one-word" answers are preferred. For example, when someone in the Intro section pours out their tragic life story. It's okay to answer with one-word answers or an icon, such as: "sorry" or ":(". This saves both time and money. Time is money, you know.

Lesson #2: will be done in a later post. :)


Oh thank you my Master ;)
Careful, Musky, he's gonna lead you down the path to the Dark Side. Don't let the Yoda avatar fool you!;):rolleyes::D
Careful, Musky, he's gonna lead you down the path to the Dark Side. Don't let the Yoda avatar fool you!;):rolleyes::D

It is ironic to be getting lessons from the number one post whore on AF! I have always given him a hard time about how "quality is better then quantity", and proved it by just reaching 1,000 last night although I joined AF less then a month after he did. :D
I noticed how everyone sort of skipped over the Furry conversation, lol Dont blame ya.

RawlingsSc: Im sorry to hear about your friend. It does suck how life turns out sometimes. Once I go back to college and finish up my education, and the kids grow up some, I may have to rethink the direction my life is going in. This isnt what I had planned.. most women hope for a loving relationship for many many years, but it doesnt always happen. I'm just mostly ignored or yelled at, and its preferable to some of my other relationships.... :)
Good Morning everyone!

Is it just me or has AF been having problems lately? Several times in the last few days, I have been getting database errors when trying to access the site. This morning it was at least 20 minutes before I could get a page to load:(

Edit- Top of the page Woot!:D
Been killing me with that past 2 days
that is true but i cant download it to my schools computers for my class... but actually i found it... it was in my ps3 HAHA
don't need to have it installed on other computer, as long as you can access dropbox.com you can upload/download anything you have saved :D

By the way, i'm having an identity crisis:D:eek:
I noticed how everyone sort of skipped over the Furry conversation, lol Dont blame ya.

RawlingsSc: Im sorry to hear about your friend. It does suck how life turns out sometimes. Once I go back to college and finish up my education, and the kids grow up some, I may have to rethink the direction my life is going in. This isnt what I had planned.. most women hope for a loving relationship for many many years, but it doesnt always happen. I'm just mostly ignored or yelled at, and its preferable to some of my other relationships.... :)

I really hate it when I see situations like this. I'm male, so my first impulse is to fix it. But there's really nothing I can do other than listen, and offer sympathy and prayers. Thankfully, in a lot of cases, that's exactly what's needed. :)
I noticed how everyone sort of skipped over the Furry conversation, lol Dont blame ya.

RawlingsSc: Im sorry to hear about your friend. It does suck how life turns out sometimes. Once I go back to college and finish up my education, and the kids grow up some, I may have to rethink the direction my life is going in. This isnt what I had planned.. most women hope for a loving relationship for many many years, but it doesnt always happen. I'm just mostly ignored or yelled at, and its preferable to some of my other relationships.... :)

I was recently in a relationship of "indifference" and it was worse then fighting. Although she talked to everybody else, she didn't talk to me. I never knew what had changed or why. When I attempted to talk, it was a very one sided conversation. And communication and having someone to share your feeling with is the most important part of a relationship I think. I even attempted to start arguments sometimes just to get a response, but it never worked and I felt like an ass later for doing it.
Im the one that tries to talk, and he either says he is too busy, or he complains about something or rather, and if I so much as mention something that is bothering me, it gets turned around to be my fault.... sooo.... I find it best to ignore the problems or fix them myself... hence I have become a plumber, and all around handy person over the past few years. I know what changed it all... my trip to Japan, about 5 years ago... it was like a light came on in me, and I became more alive, (i lost like 75 pounds, looked the most amazing I had in ages, and was attracting attention, lol) and I figured out what I wanted to do with my life... it didnt fit with what he wanted me to do, (he didnt like that I was looking pretty good too) and so... well here we are. Some days are better than others, but I have to keep my dreams to myself to avoid any trouble. I have learned to cope, and during that time I joined Facebook and reconnected with old high school friends (I live 1.5 hours away from my home town), and I have made some new friends in person and on the net along the way.... it helps. Technically im a mess, but I dont usually spill my guts on it all at once, I like to ease folks into it. I must have done some serious bad karma inducing stuff in a past life, because daaaaaang! lol

Darth Helmet: lol I can talk about furries all day if you want! makes no difference to me *laughs insanely*
Speaking of Karma. I had reached the point when I was prepared to have that one "serious" talk where we would either start trying to repair the relationship or end it. Which would have been a last resort to me, because I hate to give up on anything. Plus I still loved her but just didn't know what had changed in our relationship that had started out feeling so right.

In January of 2009 she was going to visit her daughter for a few days and I told her that when she got back, we were going to talk whether she liked it or not because I wasn't going to live like this any longer. She got about three blocks from our house when a college student on Oxycontin crossed the center turn lane and hit her head on. She died at the scene. She was three blocks from me for 2 1/2 hours and I didn't know it. I needed to go on a service call and came upon the scene of the accident with al the police, and rescue vehicles, etc. I recognized our car and next to it was a body covered in a sheet. I still get flashes of that scene at night.

So of course, this left strong feeling of guilt considering what our last conversation was about.

Wow, talk about "spilling you guts"! I never do this!
Speaking of Karma. I had reached the point when I was prepared to have that one "serious" talk where we would either start trying to repair the relationship or end it. Which would have been a last resort to me, because I hate to give up on anything. Plus I still loved her but just didn't know what had changed in our relationship that had started out feeling so right.

In January of 2009 she was going to visit her daughter for a few days and I told her that when she got back, we were going to talk whether she liked it or not because I wasn't going to live like this any longer. She got about three blocks from our house when a college student on Oxycontin crossed the center turn lane and hit her head on. She died at the scene. She was three blocks from me for 2 1/2 hours and I didn't know it. I needed to go on a service call and came upon the scene of the accident with al the police, and rescue vehicles, etc. I recognized our car and next to it was a body covered in a sheet. I still get flashes of that scene at night.

So of course, this left strong feeling of guilt considering what our last conversation was about.

Wow, talk about "spilling you guts"! I never do this!
:( Wow Musky, that's terrible.
Speaking of Karma. I had reached the point when I was prepared to have that one "serious" talk where we would either start trying to repair the relationship or end it. Which would have been a last resort to me, because I hate to give up on anything. Plus I still loved her but just didn't know what had changed in our relationship that had started out feeling so right.

In January of 2009 she was going to visit her daughter for a few days and I told her that when she got back, we were going to talk whether she liked it or not because I wasn't going to live like this any longer. She got about three blocks from our house when a college student on Oxycontin crossed the center turn lane and hit her head on. She died at the scene. She was three blocks from me for 2 1/2 hours and I didn't know it. I needed to go on a service call and came upon the scene of the accident with al the police, and rescue vehicles, etc. I recognized our car and next to it was a body covered in a sheet. I still get flashes of that scene at night.

So of course, this left strong feeling of guilt considering what our last conversation was about.

Wow, talk about "spilling you guts"! I never do this!

Dude... thats horrible... Truly sorry you had to go through that.... i know that doesn't mean shit when it comes to something that earth shatteringly devastating but i thought i needed to say that
Speaking of Karma. I had reached the point when I was prepared to have that one "serious" talk where we would either start trying to repair the relationship or end it. Which would have been a last resort to me, because I hate to give up on anything. Plus I still loved her but just didn't know what had changed in our relationship that had started out feeling so right.

In January of 2009 she was going to visit her daughter for a few days and I told her that when she got back, we were going to talk whether she liked it or not because I wasn't going to live like this any longer. She got about three blocks from our house when a college student on Oxycontin crossed the center turn lane and hit her head on. She died at the scene. She was three blocks from me for 2 1/2 hours and I didn't know it. I needed to go on a service call and came upon the scene of the accident with al the police, and rescue vehicles, etc. I recognized our car and next to it was a body covered in a sheet. I still get flashes of that scene at night.

So of course, this left strong feeling of guilt considering what our last conversation was about.

Wow, talk about "spilling you guts"! I never do this!

Wow. That's quite a story. My wife and I are doing really well, but stories like these make me want to work that much harder at it.
OK, this is getting depressing:(

@Haruka-san: どこに日本を訪問ですか? 私は4年佐世保に駐留していた。
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