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.::Droid Incredible Lounge::.

Sumimasen, arigato, kudasai and Nihongo wakarimassen were very useful. Translator dictionaires were vital. I got tired of stumbling around with the dictionaries trying to get anything done, I started to learn the language, even a little went a long way to facilitate my interactions with the locals. Sasebo is a small town and while everyone seemed to have studied English in school, few had actually used it since. With a lot of my friends there our conversations were in Japanese on my part and English on theirs. By learning even a litlle of the language, I got more out of my time there than 95% of the people who were stationed with me and it made my time there that much more enjoyable.

Im glad Im not the only one that loved Nippon! :) I met an Australian guy that was an English teacher there, along with someone from England, lol... loved thier accents, they are the ones I went to Karaoke with, and to some little bar in Nagano with money from different countries taped all over the walls... they had the most amazing Cherry Beer I ever had there. good times yes indeedy, lol
Where you been? LOL

Heard my last oscar mayer weiner comment is all (then i got banned for being like john mayer or something:mad:)
Decided it was time to stop using my real name

Ok Nick! I won't use your real name either, Nick.


Through intensive investigation I have found out that Nmayer's real name is Nick, I will now make sure it gets to the proper authorities! :o
I dont really like oscar Meyer Weiners... Koegels or BallPark all the way for me... I dont know who John Mayer is, is he some sucky celebrity? and I like that Nick name.... Nick... its called a final sound at the end or something. Nick Nick Nick Nickelodeon.. wait oh tv is on.
I dont really like oscar Meyer Weiners... Koegels or BallPark all the way for me... I dont know who John Mayer is, is he some sucky celebrity? and I like that Nick name.... Nick... its called a final sound at the end or something. Nick Nick Nick Nickelodeon.. wait oh tv is on.

Grand Rapids must suck.... ;)
lol Its better than Flint (well I used to live next to Flint) I dont technically live in Grand Rapids, I live in a tiny town outside of it... somewhere in the boonies, like you need 4 wheel drive to get to my house, lol We drink beer and shoot the cans for fun, and then we drive all over town in our pickup trucks screaming and yelling like a bunch of hicks, that just had a great batch of piglets hatch, then we tip over all the neighbors cows, catch raccoons and eat them for dinner. (just kidding about that last part, but I really do live in the back woods) and I like me a good meat log... just sayin'... plus Im kinda bored and I have to pee, and oh look perry the platypus!
lol Its better than Flint (well I used to live next to Flint) I dont technically live in Grand Rapids, I live in a tiny town outside of it... somewhere in the boonies, like you need 4 wheel drive to get to my house, lol We drink beer and shoot the cans for fun, and then we drive all over town in our pickup trucks screaming and yelling like a bunch of hicks, that just had a great batch of piglets hatch, then we tip over all the neighbors cows, catch raccoons and eat them for dinner. (just kidding about that last part, but I really do live in the back woods) and I like me a good meat log... just sayin'... plus Im kinda bored and I have to pee, and oh look perry the platypus!
You fit in just fine with the rest of us:D
lol Its better than Flint (well I used to live next to Flint) I dont technically live in Grand Rapids, I live in a tiny town outside of it... somewhere in the boonies, like you need 4 wheel drive to get to my house, lol We drink beer and shoot the cans for fun, and then we drive all over town in our pickup trucks screaming and yelling like a bunch of hicks, that just had a great batch of piglets hatch, then we tip over all the neighbors cows, catch raccoons and eat them for dinner. (just kidding about that last part, but I really do live in the back woods) and I like me a good meat log... just sayin'... plus Im kinda bored and I have to pee, and oh look perry the platypus!

My kids love Phineas and Ferb!!!!

Well, you've come to the right place Lady! Being Italian, we are known for our meat logs. :D

No offense, just my sick sense of humor wouldn't let me pass up a straight line like that! :)
My maternal grandparents were from Sicily so I'm half Italian (Sicilian).
mmmmm Italian Meat Logs, *homer drool* Hey oh yes I love Phineas and Ferb too, we are always screaming about squirrels in our pants, lol
Ok Nick! I won't use your real name either, Nick.

:rolleyes: i believe sir, you know what i meant:rolleyes::p
Through intensive investigation I have found out that Nmayer's real name is Nick, I will now make sure it gets to the proper authorities! :o
If i wasn't so damn tired from working last night(9pm to 730am, now its 5pm) i would have something devilishly clever and witty to say back to that:p
I dont really like oscar Meyer Weiners... Koegels or BallPark all the way for me... I dont know who John Mayer is, is he some sucky celebrity? and I like that Nick name.... Nick... its called a final sound at the end or something. Nick Nick Nick Nickelodeon.. wait oh tv is on.
its oscar MAYER weiners but its pronounced meyer which is the reason every person i have ever met prnounces my name wrong. It is pronounced MAyer like the mayor of a city:rolleyes:
Grand Rapids must suck.... ;)
And just WHAT does that mean:mad:
I have 0 italian in me and no I don't want any either ;)
You wan.... ahh shit!
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