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OK, this is getting depressing:(

@Haruka-san: どこに日本を訪問ですか? 私は4年佐世保に駐留していた。

Hehe, Google translate works pretty good. ;)
OK, this is getting depressing:(

@Haruka-san: どこに日本を訪問ですか? 私は4年佐世保に駐留していた。

Tell me you don't just know to type Japanese.... thats sick!!
Speaking of Karma. I had reached the point when I was prepared to have that one "serious" talk where we would either start trying to repair the relationship or end it. Which would have been a last resort to me, because I hate to give up on anything. Plus I still loved her but just didn't know what had changed in our relationship that had started out feeling so right.

In January of 2009 she was going to visit her daughter for a few days and I told her that when she got back, we were going to talk whether she liked it or not because I wasn't going to live like this any longer. She got about three blocks from our house when a college student on Oxycontin crossed the center turn lane and hit her head on. She died at the scene. She was three blocks from me for 2 1/2 hours and I didn't know it. I needed to go on a service call and came upon the scene of the accident with al the police, and rescue vehicles, etc. I recognized our car and next to it was a body covered in a sheet. I still get flashes of that scene at night.

So of course, this left strong feeling of guilt considering what our last conversation was about.

Wow, talk about "spilling you guts"! I never do this!

That is truely a sad experience indeed. No one really knows what the proper response to such a story is, so I will say I know how you feel... I have had some similar happenings myself. They are different.... but things were left unsaid, and now it is too late to say them. Sometimes I let myself grieve for those things left unsaid, I know it seems odd, but I will imagine the person in my mind, and tell them everything that needed to be said. It helps in a way. You never know when it will be your last day, and I do often wonder if I am wasting my life away, always saying to myself to give this more time, or that more time, and really you never know when that time has almost run out. Im sure if she could hear you now, she would understand, and that there is nothing to feel guilt about.... but I really wouldnt know for sure... none of us do.

and hey if no one talks about themselves, how is everyone supposed to get to know you? People need to express themselves, and talk about things that are important to them.... its like trying to take a bit of weight off. Its also a way to find like-minded people and you can make friends, and get some healing in the process, you know?
That is truely a sad experience indeed. No one really knows what the proper response to such a story is, so I will say I know how you feel... I have had some similar happenings myself. They are different.... but things were left unsaid, and now it is too late to say them. Sometimes I let myself grieve for those things left unsaid, I know it seems odd, but I will imagine the person in my mind, and tell them everything that needed to be said. It helps in a way. You never know when it will be your last day, and I do often wonder if I am wasting my life away, always saying to myself to give this more time, or that more time, and really you never know when that time has almost run out. Im sure if she could hear you now, she would understand, and that there is nothing to feel guilt about.... but I really wouldnt know for sure... none of us do.

and hey if no one talks about themselves, how is everyone supposed to get to know you? People need to express themselves, and talk about things that are important to them.... its like trying to take a bit of weight off. Its also a way to find like-minded people and you can make friends, and get some healing in the process, you know?

Well said harukansuawee.... (we need a nickname for you:mad:)
very well said though

See what happens when we let a woman in here guys, i feel like crying now.

Seriously,(and i'm sure i can speak for a few of us here) you should know musky that we are here for you, anytime. Bullshitting or whatever, i'll pm you my gtalk if your so inclined. Always nice to vent some stuff sometimes.
:( Wow Musky, that's terrible.

Dude... thats horrible... Truly sorry you had to go through that.... i know that doesn't mean shit when it comes to something that earth shatteringly devastating but i thought i needed to say that

Thanks guys, it's hard to believe it's been almost two years. I've since moved from the area it happened in as it was her home town and I didn't know many people and had no family there. I had moved us there is an attempt to make her happy, she always hated Southern California where I was from. I couldn't go anywhere in that small town without someone bringing up the accident, like I said, it was a small town. They even had a sign on the highway that counted the "days since the last serious accident" which rest to zero the day she was killed and kept counting every day. I had to drive my that sign to go anywhere. So I needed to get out or it would never be over.

Now I'm back in my home area and have been able to move on somewhat :)
That is truely a sad experience indeed. No one really knows what the proper response to such a story is, so I will say I know how you feel... I have had some similar happenings myself. They are different.... but things were left unsaid, and now it is too late to say them. Sometimes I let myself grieve for those things left unsaid, I know it seems odd, but I will imagine the person in my mind, and tell them everything that needed to be said. It helps in a way. You never know when it will be your last day, and I do often wonder if I am wasting my life away, always saying to myself to give this more time, or that more time, and really you never know when that time has almost run out. Im sure if she could hear you now, she would understand, and that there is nothing to feel guilt about.... but I really wouldnt know for sure... none of us do.

and hey if no one talks about themselves, how is everyone supposed to get to know you? People need to express themselves, and talk about things that are important to them.... its like trying to take a bit of weight off. Its also a way to find like-minded people and you can make friends, and get some healing in the process, you know?

Thank you for the kind thoughts and I'm sure many of us have experienced things like this, they are part of life itself. I am trying to not feel guilty about being happy, and that's the hard part. I don't want to think my life changed for the better because of someone else's death! You can drive yourself crazy just thinking about it.
OK, this is getting depressing:(

@Haruka-san: どこに日本を訪問ですか? 私は4年佐世保に駐留していた。

I see hiragana and kanji in there, but since I havent studied them, I needed google translate. I do know a little romaji...

I spent two weeks in Tokyo. @ the Shiba Park Hotel, which has the Tokyo Tower behind it. I also took shinkensen to Nagano, and visited the Temples and admired the fake plastic foods in the windows. Of course being a geek I went to Akiba, and saw the Mac in... hmmmm Shinjuku, or was it Shibuya? I had Miso Ramen Shinjuku! Enjoyed a Bento in the basement of a department store in Ginza, across the street from where I bought my Yukata (I would post the pictute if I could remember how, lol.. its on my FB though), went to Ueno, tried Karaoke for the first time in my life, and the song was yellow by coldplay, oh my god it was the most wonderful two weeks of my entire life, it was like magic, and it makes me cry when I think of it. I have the soul of the Japanese I swear. I loved the people so much, that when I came back and saw how rude and nasty americans really are, I cried for weeks because I hated what Americans have become. Its silly I know. I wrote a journal of my entire trip, and kept every receipt, and piece of paper, and all the capsule toys I bought, lol. I have maps and books on Japanese language, and cookbooks too! Nippon=Happiness

I got around with my translation book, and said sumimasen, arigato gozaimashita, kudasai, and Nihongo Wakarimasen alot. Also ohayo, Konnichiwa, konbanwa, densha, baka, kawaii, neko, inu, nyan nyan, lol and some other things... I picked it up pretty well, but I am not allowed to practice Nihongo at home.... I have to keep all my books and such hidden except for the cookbooks... sumimasen. OKay see you got me talking about Nippon, and then I couldnt shut up, lol
Nah, no luck, you handed me my ass, but I'm ok with that because the Steelers are no. 1 in the division ;) and we will def. be seeing each other in the playoffs ;)
Bout time i got a win, lol
I got the 2nd (;):p) highest point total now and climbed out of the gutter, think i'm in 7th place now. I'm a first timer and i'm loving it.
I used to live in Japan.... when I was 3....

i ur... um..... went to jamaca once.....
Bout time i got a win, lol
I got the 2nd (;):p) highest point total now and climbed out of the gutter, think i'm in 7th place now. I'm a first timer and i'm loving it.

i ur... um..... went to jamaca once.....

Just my way of staying relevent to the other conversations here ;) And I wish I could go to Jamaica......
I see hiragana and kanji in there, but since I havent studied them, I needed google translate. I do know a little romaji...

I spent two weeks in Tokyo. @ the Shiba Park Hotel, which has the Tokyo Tower behind it. I also took shinkensen to Nagano, and visited the Temples and admired the fake plastic foods in the windows. Of course being a geek I went to Akiba, and saw the Mac in... hmmmm Shinjuku, or was it Shibuya? I had Miso Ramen Shinjuku! Enjoyed a Bento in the basement of a department store in Ginza, across the street from where I bought my Yukata (I would post the pictute if I could remember how, lol.. its on my FB though), went to Ueno, tried Karaoke for the first time in my life, and the song was yellow by coldplay, oh my god it was the most wonderful two weeks of my entire life, it was like magic, and it makes me cry when I think of it. I have the soul of the Japanese I swear. I loved the people so much, that when I came back and saw how rude and nasty americans really are, I cried for weeks because I hated what Americans have become. Its silly I know. I wrote a journal of my entire trip, and kept every receipt, and piece of paper, and all the capsule toys I bought, lol. I have maps and books on Japanese language, and cookbooks too! Nippon=Happiness

I got around with my translation book, and said sumimasen, arigato gozaimashita, kudasai, and Nihongo Wakarimasen alot. Also ohayo, Konnichiwa, konbanwa, densha, baka, kawaii, neko, inu, nyan nyan, lol and some other things... I picked it up pretty well, but I am not allowed to practice Nihongo at home.... I have to keep all my books and such hidden except for the cookbooks... sumimasen. OKay see you got me talking about Nippon, and then I couldnt shut up, lol

Did you go to Japan just to go? Or was it for work, etc? And did you go as part of a tour group? I'm asking because I've always wanted to travel and have finally reached a point where I can. So I am gathering information to plan a trip. I have always wanted to see Asia, and Japan in particular.
Did you go to Japan just to go? Or was it for work, etc? And did you go as part of a tour group? I'm asking because I've always wanted to travel and have finally reached a point where I can. So I am gathering information to plan a trip. I have always wanted to see Asia, and Japan in particular.

One day, I said Im going to go to Japan. I got online bought the tickets, booked the hotel room, and went, I got lost a few times, but I love a good adventure. No tour group, not for work (im a house slave), just went because I needed freedom. Let me tell you, if you ever want to go somewhere to get away from it all, go somewhere that you dont speak the language... it was truely an amazing experience. Japan is safe, the people have honour, they are polite, and very helpful. I was called Gaijin only once by an older couple, but it wasnt in a nasty tone... I think it was like being called a brunette or blonde or something. I miss it. :)
Just my way of staying relevent to the other conversations here ;) And I wish I could go to Jamaica......
went on a cruise!!! super cheap and absolutely LOVED it
Hey Ni...er NightAngel what's your take on the BB Playbook?

Goat:mad: can still call me by my name (nick, nmayer)
Anyway i want to get a look at a hands on video first, SO not a fan of anything BB has ever put together. from what i've heard it sounds kinda interesting, but not near as interesting as Galaxy tab (or any other future Android Tab)
I see hiragana and kanji in there, but since I havent studied them, I needed google translate. I do know a little romaji...

I spent two weeks in Tokyo. @ the Shiba Park Hotel, which has the Tokyo Tower behind it. I also took shinkensen to Nagano, and visited the Temples and admired the fake plastic foods in the windows. Of course being a geek I went to Akiba, and saw the Mac in... hmmmm Shinjuku, or was it Shibuya? I had Miso Ramen Shinjuku! Enjoyed a Bento in the basement of a department store in Ginza, across the street from where I bought my Yukata (I would post the pictute if I could remember how, lol.. its on my FB though), went to Ueno, tried Karaoke for the first time in my life, and the song was yellow by coldplay, oh my god it was the most wonderful two weeks of my entire life, it was like magic, and it makes me cry when I think of it. I have the soul of the Japanese I swear. I loved the people so much, that when I came back and saw how rude and nasty americans really are, I cried for weeks because I hated what Americans have become. Its silly I know. I wrote a journal of my entire trip, and kept every receipt, and piece of paper, and all the capsule toys I bought, lol. I have maps and books on Japanese language, and cookbooks too! Nippon=Happiness

I got around with my translation book, and said sumimasen, arigato gozaimashita, kudasai, and Nihongo Wakarimasen alot. Also ohayo, Konnichiwa, konbanwa, densha, baka, kawaii, neko, inu, nyan nyan, lol and some other things... I picked it up pretty well, but I am not allowed to practice Nihongo at home.... I have to keep all my books and such hidden except for the cookbooks... sumimasen. OKay see you got me talking about Nippon, and then I couldnt shut up, lol
Sumimasen, arigato, kudasai and Nihongo wakarimassen were very useful. Translator dictionaires were vital. I got tired of stumbling around with the dictionaries trying to get anything done, I started to learn the language, even a little went a long way to facilitate my interactions with the locals. Sasebo is a small town and while everyone seemed to have studied English in school, few had actually used it since. With a lot of my friends there our conversations were in Japanese on my part and English on theirs. By learning even a litlle of the language, I got more out of my time there than 95% of the people who were stationed with me and it made my time there that much more enjoyable.
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