I see hiragana and kanji in there, but since I havent studied them, I needed google translate. I do know a little romaji...
I spent two weeks in Tokyo. @ the Shiba Park Hotel, which has the Tokyo Tower behind it. I also took shinkensen to Nagano, and visited the Temples and admired the fake plastic foods in the windows. Of course being a geek I went to Akiba, and saw the Mac in... hmmmm Shinjuku, or was it Shibuya? I had Miso Ramen Shinjuku! Enjoyed a Bento in the basement of a department store in Ginza, across the street from where I bought my Yukata (I would post the pictute if I could remember how, lol.. its on my FB though), went to Ueno, tried Karaoke for the first time in my life, and the song was yellow by coldplay, oh my god it was the most wonderful two weeks of my entire life, it was like magic, and it makes me cry when I think of it. I have the soul of the Japanese I swear. I loved the people so much, that when I came back and saw how rude and nasty americans really are, I cried for weeks because I hated what Americans have become. Its silly I know. I wrote a journal of my entire trip, and kept every receipt, and piece of paper, and all the capsule toys I bought, lol. I have maps and books on Japanese language, and cookbooks too! Nippon=Happiness
I got around with my translation book, and said sumimasen, arigato gozaimashita, kudasai, and Nihongo Wakarimasen alot. Also ohayo, Konnichiwa, konbanwa, densha, baka, kawaii, neko, inu, nyan nyan, lol and some other things... I picked it up pretty well, but I am not allowed to practice Nihongo at home.... I have to keep all my books and such hidden except for the cookbooks... sumimasen. OKay see you got me talking about Nippon, and then I couldnt shut up, lol