I know lol. Offensive as hell after you quit!
Nice - you have it down to the days! It's been about 8 months for me since I've had a cigarette but for some reason it feels like it has been 2 years... I wasn't always heavy smoker but I was smoking for about 7 years. I smoked the most freshman year at the dorms because everybody else was always going out for one.
I almost caved in a couple weeks ago but good thing I didn't. It was really weird because normally I could care less - my body doesn't crave the nicotine anymore. But every once in a while I get a strong craving.
To quitting!! AY AY!
Know what you mean, i smoked for just over 19 years and i have been fine but every once and a while in the past week the craving has kicking in hard core, doesn't help when someone is smoking in the car right next to you either.
Just had a half of one about 30mins ago and my stomach is quesy now and head is killing me. F*ck i didn't even really want one.....