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It was cold and windy today. After I mowed I repaired my tube and remounted it. Putting the back wheel on the bike it a chore that I dislike. It's awkward on any geared bike and extra difficult with disk breaks and the added weight of the rear hub motor. I took it for a three mile test ride to make certain the derailleur was operating properly and the wheel was running true.
That is another cool bike. Bamboo... that's crazy but I love thinking out of the box. As for being sane.. not a chance. I am a bit crazy when it comes to riding a bike. I've been an avid rider most of my live. Just when I thought my riding was over, e-bikes entered my life. I keep taking about them because they are a rush to ride. I wish everyone had a chance to hop on an e-bike and ride around the block. That's all I did and came straight home and ordered one. It's a combination of the speed with a lack of great effort, the fun of being outside with the sun and fresh air, and the exercise that I'm in love with. I'm 71, three months post suffering a widow maker heart attack that only 6% survive, and I'm riding and loving it. If it makes for a bad read, please just ignore the thread. Just be certain to not pass up a chance to test ride an e-bike. Life changing...
I enjoy your talking's about e-bike's, I'm still waiting on the right one to get.
A lot depends on what sort of riding you anticipate doing. Naturally price has a great influence over every purchase. There are features to consider and quality of the bike build. I'm pretty satisfied whatever you decide on when the time is right to invest will be loads of fun. The best part about waiting is there are more manufacturers getting into the e-bike market which is causing a more competitive market producing better bikes for less money.
I can't blame you for that Bear. I have two bikes that are basically the same and made by the same company. The older bike cost me $900 more than the new bike that has a number of performance upgrades. I'm not a bit sorry for either purchase. The older bike and I had some great times that I would have missed out on if I had waited four years for the upgrade bike to be produced and the price to drop.

I managed to work in a ride this afternoon. It was my typical 21 mile loop. It was in the high sixties with a pretty stiff North wind. I did see some other riders. It was a good day to be riding.
We rode the bikes both Sunday and Monday. Our rental cabin was in the woods in the hills around Hochatown Ok. It is a big resort forested area with roads winding in and around the large hills there. Some gravel and some sort of paved roads taking advantage of the woods for cabins like ours to multi million dollar digs. We rode around looking at all of the rental and get-away properties. It was some challenging topography for bike riding and quite fun on the E-bikes. Saturday after riding for about and hour we rode down to the highway and had a beer at one of the local hangouts. It was a blast! If it wasn't so dang far down there, I love to do the same trip next summer. Here is a picture of the drive to our cabin.
Glad you enjoyed yourself, these are special time. ;)
Glad you enjoyed yourself, these are special time. ;)
The eclipse was a lot of fun. It was worth the drive to be in totality. The vacation with my kids and their spouses in such a beautiful area is the treasure that I came home with. I feel very fortunate that happened.
I rode today with the weather simply ideal for the bike time. I rode thirty two miles today which was three loops to the next town south and back. Seventy six degrees with 12mph South wind is pretty hard to beat. I checked the odometer before riding today and I logged eighteen miles riding the hills of Hochatown. We rode much slower being in the hills and loose riding surface. We weren't in any hurry and were taking in the sites. We had deer dash across the road in front of us a number of times. It was a special time on the bike. I didn't see any deer today on my local ride but I did see quite a few riders taking advantage of the warm weather and low wind.
I'm not a salesman for the bike manufacturer that I am a fan of but they have announced a new bike that is interesting. It is a foldable bike with insane power. I bet it is a riot to ride. It's called the JetCurrent Pro.
I had a wonderful day out riding. The weather was ideal and I rode before the sidewalk traffic became congested. The icing on the cake today was I was actually passed for the first time. The guy waited on me to drive by him then he pulled out behind me, caught up with me, and passed me. It took him three miles that I rode my normal speed of 25mph to go around me. He pulled off and I followed him and we had a great visit. He was riding an e-trike that he had customized. It was a nice bike and he was pretty proud of it. He was determined to pass me and I let him. I could have easily rode faster than his bike was capable of but why? Turns out that he is a long time bike rider that eventually went to a motorized trike for the comfort of ride and design that keeps his butt comfortable and his hands from going numb.
I'd guess the guy to be my age. We both had to cite the merits of e-bikes and note their growing popularity and our surprise that we don't see more of them with the recent prices dropping.
I logged 30 miles today and wasn't ready to put the bike up when I called it a ride.
Between eating entirely too much for dinner and the weather being ideal, I went riding again tonight. I logged 51 fun miles today. I was surprised that I only saw two other riders out tonight. You don't get many evenings this nice.
It was overcast and considerably cooler today. It was great mowing weather but was a bit cool on my ride following. I was the lone rider today. I did my normal 21 miles of enjoyment and put my bike up.
Today was too nice to leave the bike idle. I mowed five lawns and changed clothes and rode my normal 21 mile loop. I saw quite a few pedestrians and a couple of joggers along with a few cyclists. It was in the mid eighties with very little wind. I did see a farm house that had put up a sign advertising fresh eggs for five dollars a dozen. I haven't had a fresh egg or real milk since I left home in 1970. I may have to give the eggs a try.
It was cool most of the day but warmed up late evening. My son was over so I didn't get to ride. It was overcast and cooler all day today. It barely got into the fifties and with the cloud cover and wind, there was no riding again today. Sunday and Monday look to be crummy bike weather too. Bummer!
It warmed up some late afternoon so I took a quick ride. My hands got cold so I called it a day with just one round trip to the town South and back. Though I got chilled, it was good to get in a little ride. I was the only guy out.
It warmed into the low seventies today and with the warm came the wind.. I gave up on it calming and went riding. I rode my normal 21 mile loop and saw no other riders. The wind was gusting into the mid thirty miles per hour range so I understand the reluctance to ride by most. It is supposed to be warmer with less wind tomorrow. I'll be riding.

I'm sorry but i'm not paying almost 10k for a Ebike, i might as well go out and get another Motorcycle 🤔
I'd put my Ebike up against the most feature rich competition and I bought it for $1400. I waited until it was on sale and I had discount code to use. I paid $1200 more for the older version of the same bike which was a deal when I bought it. Timing and knowing what you want of a bike is important. Ten K is a crazy amount to spend on a bike. There are ample options at less than a third of that cost.
It was windy today but warm. With rain in the forecast every day the rest of the week I went riding. I did my 21 mile loop and then fixed dinner. The wind had calmed by the time we had eaten so I went riding again. It was perfect riding weather with low wind and mid seventy temps. A short ride turned into another 21 mile loop. I saw nobody riding tonight. Their bad.
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