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I guess the back tire usually gets the grunt of the flat tires because most of the weigh is at the rear.
I guess the back tire usually gets the grunt of the flat tires because most of the weigh is at the rear.
It has to be something and the weight might well be the factor. I have the back tire protected with a Mr. Tuffy tire liner to add extra protection. I have a liner for the front tire if it ever goes flat. The added protection may have saved me a time or two, who knows? They certainly aren't puncture proof. The back tire is such a difficult task to repair. The front tire would be very easily repaired. I have always guessed Murphy was the factor causing the flats to always be in the back. :)
I got my flat repaired this morning. I had two new tubes and had decided I'd replace the flat tube that has been patched twice. I had to take the tire completely off of the wheel and remove the Mr. Tuffy liner to find the puncturing culprit. It was just a little metal splinter but it had worked it's way through the tire, tire liner, and tube. I put the liner in and half mounted the tire. I then opened a new tube only to find that it had a split right at the seam. The second tube at least held air so I mounted it and then went mowing.
After dinner I had a chance to ride. It was in the mid seventies, no wind, under a cloudy sky. I was on my way to the town South for the second time when it stated to sprinkle so I took a short cut and headed for home. It never rained and actually warmed up some after I put my bike up. I still managed an eighteen mile ride.
Thought of you yesterday while I was at Costco, check the attached bike rack they're selling there


  • Costco Bike Rack.jpg
    Costco Bike Rack.jpg
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That's an exceptional price if you could make it work for you. It's rated to carry a heavy E-Bike but the review I watched had a smaller bike that wouldn't physically rest on the platforms that lacked any adjustment. I couldn't find the exact specs but before buying a person would need to make certain their bike was short enough in length and height. If it would work, it would be a bargain.
It was perfect riding weather today. I took advantage after my work was done. I rode 51 miles and only quit because I was low on battery. I had a blast!

I emailed KENDA, the company that made the faulty tube. I ordered both tubes from a seller on Amazon but there is no refund or return option. I don't anticipate getting any compensation from the manufacturer but I'd like them to know that they are selling a faulty product.
That's an exceptional price if you could make it work for you. It's rated to carry a heavy E-Bike but the review I watched had a smaller bike that wouldn't physically rest on the platforms that lacked any adjustment. I couldn't find the exact specs but before buying a person would need to make certain their bike was short enough in length and height. If it would work, it would be a bargain.
I know, I showed you this only bc I was there and the rack made me think of you, LOL I knew you didn't need one.
I don't.. but info could prove helpful to another. It looked like a good rack. Just a little on the small side. I only saw one review. It might be adjustable or something the reviewer was missing. Anyway... I appreciate the info.
It rained most of the day and then the sun came out forcing me to mow lawns. After a late dinner I went for a ride. I only rode the 21 mile loop because it was a little cool. I saw one jogger on my loop. However, while I was mowing, I saw quite a few cyclists out enjoying the clean fresh air and sunshine.
Once again the weather was perfect for riding today. I rode 48 miles before I put the bike up. I've lived in Kansas for over 70 years and I know how important it is to take advantage of stellar weather and lately it has been every bit of that. It won't last. I'm riding all I can while I can and will have no remorse when it's too windy or rainy.. it will be too hot for most in a couple of weeks. I'll get my kicks while I can.
I started my biking day by knocking the dust off of the bike and cleaning and lubing the chain. It's amazing how dirty the bike gets. My daughter and wife went looking at garage sales for a bicycle for my daughter. They found one that was free that was actually a pretty nice bike that has been in a shed for some time. I put the bike rack on and we went and picked it up. The tires were nearly flat so the tubes are a big question mark. I suspect they are good but some air might prove me wrong. The only thing I would replace is the brake pads. They might be okay but they looked like time and heat had taken a toll on the pads. Plenty cheap repairs if necessary considering the bike was free. It will make her a nice bike to ride with her daughters.
I rode twice today. I started out around noon and had planned four loops to the town South. It rapidly warmed up and I was over dressed so I came home and changed gear. I then went riding again and got in my four loops. I logged 43 miles of pure fun. I saw a lot of people out riding today. Lots of moms and dads with their little ones enjoying the day. Very cool!
There are a couple of tools I've been considering investing in for my bike. I clean my chain and lube it every couple of weeks. I ride the bike on roads and sidewalks but it still gets dirty. I now have over 3,500 miles on the chain and drive train without a heavy duty cleaning. They make a gizmo that fits over the chain that contains a series of brushes. You then fill it with degreaser and pedal the bike backwards. The chain runs through the brushes giving each link a good scrubbing. Repeat the process a couple of times then rinse, dry the chain, and lube. The tool costs less than fifty bucks and I'm overdue for a deep cleaning.
The other tool I've been considering is a bike stand. It's an adjustable stand to clamp the bike into with it off of the ground. It provides an improved maintenance perspective that can't be achieved otherwise. All of my life it's been a matter of turning the bike upside down to work on it and fix flats. That's has worked but a stand would make it so much easier. A bike stand rated to securely hold a heavy E-Bike run around a hundred bucks.
Neither tool is a major investment and as much as I ride seem like a sound investment.
I rode for a while this afternoon then came home and put dinner together. It was windy after dinner but I went riding again anyway. It was in the low 80s and full sunshine but a brutal South wind. I saw a kid on a skateboard and a woman walking her dog and that was it. It wasn't that bad with the E-bike. The second time I rode into the wind I upped the assist one level which eliminated the wind. I rode 42 miles and had a great time as per usual.
It rained this morning so I didn't get to mow until mid afternoon. I got my lawns mowed, ate dinner, and then went riding. I only rode 21 miles. It was a nice evening and would have enjoyed riding more but I was on the bottom half of a battery. I raised my bike seat an inch tonight. I'll have to look back but I think it was set an inch higher and over a period of time and bumps it has slid down a bit. The bike has a quick release clamp for holding the seat post in place. I have it very tight but not so tight I need a wrench to change heights.
It misted or sprinkled lightly a few times while I was mowing. I quicky got around and went riding when I was done and managed to get in a good ride. I was home when the weather finally broke that dropped over an inch of rain in a short period. This morning, I received the two new spare tubes I had ordered. I guess I'm ready for the next flat.

I was hoping to get 3,650 miles on my bike by July 20th (the anniversary date of the first ride) That would have me average 10 miles riding a day. When I put the bike up today the odometer read 3,648 miles. I guess I need to set a new goal. :)
My son was coming over for some beers tonight so I only got a quick ride in. It was actually hot this afternoon with no wind and upper 80's temp. I love the hot weather and I enjoy it greatly from a bicycle seat. I rode my 21 miles and put my bike up for the day.
I rode my bike the normal 21 miles yesterday and did the same tonight. There wasn't much for wind so the riding was excellent. I about ran over a teen laying on the sidewalk bridge as you enter the town to the South. I managed to miss him and went on my way. The guy was still laying there when I went around the second time so I all but stopped and kicked his foot. He looked up and I asked him if he was alright. He gave me the thumbs up so I rode off again. I have no idea what that was about but the kid definitely has a problem.
I rode my 21 miles this morning. It was a beautiful morning and I only quit riding because I was meeting friends at the cabin. When I got back home I grabbed a quick bite and went riding again. There was no wind and it was pretty humid. It was sill a nice evening to be out and I logged another 32 miles. I did see a few riding today but far fewer than I would have guessed considering the quality of the day.
I rode twice again today. It's becoming a habit. :) About the time the bike seat is carving a groove in my butt I call it a ride and then revisit the ride later. I did see some riders out today. I saw a group twice that caught my attention. There were four riders, all males, that I guess to be late teenage. They were all riding very similar if not the same bike model. They were small fat tire e-bikes. I never was close to them for a good look or a verbal exchange. It's fun to see some e-bikes besides mine. Forty two miles was enough fun for me today.
It was perfect riding weather today. I rode 61 miles before I called it a day. There were a number of people out enjoying the early evening. It was far too nice to be inside. Low 80s with zero wind is my kind of weather.

Watching baseball and thinking about the miles I've got on my bike.... I've got enough miles to ride from N. Y. to L. A. and half way back. I average around 20 MPH while riding. That's almost 200 hours riding the bike. It's no wonder my bum is sore. :)
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The temperature has been in the low 90s the last couple of days making for some excellent riding conditions. Today was a bit windy but not a show stopper. I saw a few riders both evenings. If the weather holds I expect to see more riders this weekend. There aren't that many retired people that ride bikes. They need an e-bike. :) I logged 96 combined miles the last two days.
It was a miserable day for riding and I was the lone guy on the bike. It was right at 100° with humidity in the mid fifty percent. The feel like temp was 107° and there was a stiff South wind blowing. I only rode 46 miles today but that took me over the 4K mile mark. It doesn't buy me anything but it is a landmark I was chasing.

I often receive email from the bike company where I bought my bikes. They have a new bike out and it is on sale. It's a foldable bike and is loaded with features. If I was in the market for a bike, I'd be giving the new JetCurrent Pro serious consideration. It is a lighter and more powerful bike than my RipCurrent S and I really love the turn signals it has. I'm sold on the brand name and their quality for the money. If this foldable is anything like their other bikes, it is a winner.
A weather front moved through late evening that cooled things down a bit. The humidity was still high this morning but it was in the mid seventies when I went for a ride. That made for a much more comfortable ride. I saw a couple of riders as well as a number of joggers this morning. I rode thirty miles and put the bike up. I might ride again this afternoon. It's already in the high eighties so I might be done for the day.
I got up early Saturday and finished my tree trimming and loaded it all on my mow trailer. The city has a free chip / mulch site for residents only. I far prefer doing my business there during the week but as it worked out I was with everyone else offloading branches. I was back home and on my bike in time to do some riding before meeting friends at the cabin. I rode 45 miles Saturday. Today was my day off and I treated myself to lots of bike time. It started out nice this morning but it got pretty windy as it got pretty hot. I managed 72 miles today.
One of my buddies I partied with yesterday is about ready to get an e-bike. He loves to ride his motorcycle but he knows he's in trouble if he lays the bike down. It's heavier than he can handle at our age. He has a bicycle but it's more work than he wants to do. So, like a wise man, he's been looking at the e-bikes and had lots of questions. I told him the best answers I had was for him to ride my spare bike. I don't care if he buys it but he will understand the perks of the different features and have some clue as to what he wants to spend his money on. He lives within a few blocks of one of the nicest bike trails around here. It is an old rail right of way that has been turned into a bike and hike trail. He lives just about the middle of the18+ mile trail. I hope he gets a bike. He has a great place to ride.
I got up early Saturday and finished my tree trimming and loaded it all on my mow trailer. The city has a free chip / mulch site for residents only. I far prefer doing my business there during the week but as it worked out I was with everyone else offloading branches. I was back home and on my bike in time to do some riding before meeting friends at the cabin. I rode 45 miles Saturday. Today was my day off and I treated myself to lots of bike time. It started out nice this morning but it got pretty windy as it got pretty hot. I managed 72 miles today.
One of my buddies I partied with yesterday is about ready to get an e-bike. He loves to ride his motorcycle but he knows he's in trouble if he lays the bike down. It's heavier than he can handle at our age. He has a bicycle but it's more work than he wants to do. So, like a wise man, he's been looking at the e-bikes and had lots of questions. I told him the best answers I had was for him to ride my spare bike. I don't care if he buys it but he will understand the perks of the different features and have some clue as to what he wants to spend his money on. He lives within a few blocks of one of the nicest bike trails around here. It is an old rail right of way that has been turned into a bike and hike trail. He lives just about the middle of the18+ mile trail. I hope he gets a bike. He has a great place to ride.
You can also suggest to him the Juiced folding bike as well, might be a better option for him, since he has a motorcycle. Just a thought
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